Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Yawn, back to the "aCW is a closeted fag" ploy).

Why else would a completely straight guy spend most of his time sifting through anything gay he can find? Something nevertheless seems a wee bit strange here?

(Art Brain's evil twin speaks). Yet I've noticed that you nor any of your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist allies ever ask that question of GFR7 (it goes back to Randy Engel's "The Rite of Sodomy": Speaking out against fellow homosexuals is an absolute no no).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No Al, showering with teammates after basketball practice or games never did anything sexually for me, hence I've never had homosexual desires nor ever felt the need to defend those who engage in them.

I'm not sure that this required specific instances of you not being turned on when a simple "no, never" would have done, still...

I can only imagine that the vision of teenage boys showering together is only one of the many fantasies that has gone through that sick and twisted mind of yours Al.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.

This is again where your reputation for dishonesty is rather letting you down aCW, no one believes you.
As you have been told many times paedophilia is already criminalised, which sadly still happens but is perpetrated by straight and gay alike. Attempting to make it into a homosexual only issue is an example of how dishonest you are prepared to be, never mind the wearing of "jack-boots".

Maybe if in the changing rooms after a game guys putting on jack boots would that get you going? I'm not a fan myself btw.

One more time evil Al: Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread (which your evil twin Art Brain confirmed as being true)

about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.


Before I move on and post more of the table of contents (which tells no lies) and share some very informative articles with those who are following this 3 part thread with an open mind, I wanted to give homosexualist GFR7 another opportunity (he went berserk when I asked him a similar question before) to tell us what "rights" those who engage in a filthy disease ridden changeable behavior which often times brings early death should be afforded.

You are as bad as aCW in your mistrust of me. OMGGGGGGGGGGG :cry: why me?

There are many, many straight aspects of culture which to me are worse than pushing gay culture. I don't believe in Valentine's Day, period.

On my soul and honor: I AM NOT EXPRESSING HATRED FOR YOU OR GAYS WITH THESE WORDS. I can believe in rights without supporting a false cultural agenda.

stop being mean to me traci :cry:

The floor is yours muffin (that one was for zoo22).

And try to hold back your tears when answering the question.


New member
(Art Brain's evil twin speaks). Yet I've noticed that you nor any of your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist allies ever ask that question of GFR7 (it goes back to Randy Engel's "The Rite of Sodomy": Speaking out against fellow homosexuals is an absolute no no).
You are probably just feeling persecuted aCW, but if GF says something is so then I would be rather more inclined to believe him than if you do. :plain:

I can only imagine that the vision of teenage boys showering together is only one of the many fantasies that has gone through that sick and twisted mind of yours Al.
Nope not me, as I already explained male bodies of any age have never stirred my nether regions at least, although it worries me that I sometimes might be inadvertently helping to stir yours. :(

Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.
Why do you defend heterosexual child-molesting jack-booted thug culture aCW?
You are perhaps as far away from a fair-minded and balanced person as it is possible to be. Your arguments are expected to be a distortion of the truth as people get to know you, even if (very!) occasionally that isn't quite true.

One more time evil Al: Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread (which your evil twin Art Brain confirmed as being true)

about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.
I am content to know that if I am getting the aCW seal of disapproval then I am probably doing something right. :loser:


New member
Before I move on and post more of the table of contents (which tells no lies) and share some very informative articles with those who are following this 3 part thread with an open mind, I wanted to give homosexualist GFR7 another opportunity (he went berserk when I asked him a similar question before) to tell us what "rights" those who engage in a filthy disease ridden changeable behavior which often times brings early death should be afforded.


The floor is yours muffin (that one was for zoo22).

And try to hold back your tears when answering the question.
Sorry I got hysterical, but as an empath, I cannot stand to be told I am motivated by hate. It makes me feel as you would if someone called you a sodomite. :AMR1:

What I meant was this:

On the one hand:
I am against same sex marriage.
I am against the promotion and celebration of things gay in schools and media.

On the other: I do not hate people like Tracer.

I believe in rights to privacy, dignity, employment, housing. I do not like to choose for people, or to humiliate people.

Why is this so hard to grasp? :think:

ETA: Even Justice Scalia (dissenting, Lawrence v TX) just made the statement, "Don't call me anti-gay". I can admire LaBarbera or have been interested months ago in your re-criminalization thread, but for Traci to think I hate him makes me ill.
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If you're arguing that being gay isn't natural:
"No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.[25]"

So yeah

Welcome to the WHMBR! thread Denny. You'll find information refuting what you've just posted in either the last table of contents or the one before that (Refer to page 1 of this thread for a direct link to that post).

Oh and Denny, always remember: the table of contents tells no lies.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One more time evil Al: Tell us why after gaining all of this knowledge that I've presented throughout this 3 part thread (which your evil twin Art Brain confirmed as being true)

about homosexual behavior and the child molesting-jack booted thug agenda, why you still choose to defend it.

I am content to know that if I am getting the aCW seal of disapproval then I am probably doing something right.

Defending perversion is very very wrong Al. (Thanks for indirectly giving a clear answer to my question).


New member
When are you getting to my post? :think:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Before I move on and post more of the table of contents (which tells no lies) and share some very informative articles with those who are following this 3 part thread with an open mind, I wanted to give homosexualist GFR7 another opportunity (he went berserk when I asked him a similar question before) to tell us what "rights" those who engage in a filthy disease ridden changeable behavior which often times brings early death should be afforded...

Sorry I got hysterical, but as an empath, I cannot stand to be told I am motivated by hate. It makes me feel as you would if someone called you a sodomite. :AMR1:

What I meant was this:

On the one hand:
I am against same sex marriage.
I am against the promotion and celebration of things gay in schools and media.

On the other: I do not hate people like Tracer.

Hate is a subjective term. You, Traci and anyone that believes that engaging in homosex is a "right" are guilty of hating people who engage in an unnatural disease ridden changeable behavior by giving them special rights which not only allows them but encourages them to continue their behavior.

I believe in rights to privacy, dignity, employment, housing. I do not like to choose for people, or to humiliate people.

Enslaving people to their sinful behavior is hate. Those who engage in homosex have no more "right" to partake in it then those who engage in incest, bestiality or any other sexual perversion.

Why is this so hard to grasp? :think:

It isn't, as I've known your stance on homosexuality all along and this just makes it crystal clear to anyone that doubts your motives.

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Gosh that is a nice invitation. I just pop in here from time to time to see if anything different is happening.

I believe that is called "trolling". Thanks for stopping by though Judy, your profound posts are always ever so mentally stimulating.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Before I move on and post more of the table of contents (which tells no lies) and share some very informative articles with those who are following this 3 part thread with an open mind, I wanted to give homosexualist GFR7 another opportunity (he went berserk when I asked him a similar question before) to tell us what "rights" those who engage in a filthy disease ridden changeable behavior which often times brings early death should be afforded...

Hate is a subjective term. You, Traci and anyone that believes that engaging in homosex is a "right" are guilty of hating people who engage in an unnatural disease ridden changeable behavior by giving them special rights whichs allow them to continue their behavior.

Enslaving people to their sinful behavior is hate. Those who engage in homosex have no more "right" to partake in it then those who engage in incest, bestiality or any other sexual perversion.

It isn't, as I've known your stance on homosexuality all along and this just makes it crystal clear to anyone that doubts your motives.

No, it ain't. Minding my own business does not = approval. As usual, you are wrong. And tell me how many people's behavior you've changed, you first class idjut.



New member
And people enslave themselves. If someone wants to say, eat themselves up to 500 lbs.
it is their responsibility - I won't stop them.



Speaking of the table of contents:


When Part 4 comes around, while you will see a similar format as before (I have to give TOL's homosexualists credit for their defense of perversion), you will see a something different which will be totally separate from the regular table of contents.

All posts in all 3 threads that have shown how intolerant, hateful and violent homosexuals have been towards anyone that speaks out against homosexuality and/or the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda will be listed under "Homosexual intolerance, hate and violence" with direct links to those posts.

Disease, early death and the homosexual "culture" will be another category with direct links to those posts.

The indoctrination and physical molestation of children (which includes encouraging youth to change their gender identity) will be another category.

The Gay Agenda will be another category, etc. etc.

While this will take some time and effort on my part, it will be extremely helpful to the open minded readers to show in detail:

"Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!
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New member
The recriminalization ship sailed.
It went by in the night, singing songs.
Lawrence v TX 2003 was your swan song.

You cannot turn back time.




No, it ain't. Minding my own business does not = approval. As usual, you are wrong. And tell me how many people's behavior you've changed, you first class idjut.

Then all I ask is that you're consistent and "mind your own business" and not promote the criminalization of incest, bestialty or necrophilia. And while you're at it don't promote the recriminalization of abortion, adultery and pornography, as that wouldn't be "minding your own business" now would it pumpkin? (zoo22, that was for you).

And people enslave themselves. If someone wants to say, eat themselves up to 500 lbs.
it is their responsibility - I won't stop them.

Ah yes, comparing ones weight issues with a sexual perversion (it never fails, give them an inch of rope and they'll hang themselves with it every time).

One word: Intervention.

Families intervene all of the time with issues that civil laws have never been involved with and never should be:

Food consumption/weight issues, hoarding, etc.



New member
And families are free to persuade here too - at least informally.

You are also part of the culture which saw all these changes beginning decades ago.


New member
Defending perversion is very very wrong Al. (Thanks for indirectly giving a clear answer to my question).
Am I supposed to feel ashamed of myself aCW, because of what you choose to conclude is perversion?
I can't honestly say that I do, perhaps if you were somewhat more specific I might want to rethink my position, ....if I agree with your conclusions of course. :rolleyes:
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