Since you go ga ga over Libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul, I assume that you vote for them.
Are you an anarchist who doesn't believe in the God ordained institution of government and what He expects of from it?
Are you an ad for perverts?
Since you go ga ga over Libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul, I assume that you vote for them.
Are you an anarchist who doesn't believe in the God ordained institution of government and what He expects of from it?
[/indent]'Point is, you're a Christian. The Bible, the New Testament, and our Apostle Paul, says that homosexual relations are not sins against our neighbors, and are sins only against ourselves.
Therefore, the Bible, the New Testament, and Paul, all say, You can't call this criminal, it's immoral, and immoral to treat it like a crime.
I mentioned seatbelt and helmet laws because even though homosexual relations and lusts are only harmful to the perpetrators themselves, perhaps it would be loving to provide a gentle nudge in the right direction -- I didn't know if that was ever attempted.
Also, why don't you just move this on over to religion where it belongs. All political motives can come from what we believe. Come sharpen those of us in religion, and we will sharpen you back.
Oh, yeah, he's "against" incest, just like he's "against" homosexuality.
National Education Association, leave those kids alone! | |
In the meantime, how about I send out a little 'musical message' to you and your fellow leftwing teachers of the NEA?
Title | |
Sorry, not a member.
You also have no problem with homosexuality and all kinds of sexual perversions being legal.
God says He will take care of it....You don't believe Him. And it because the government is involved in all this we are such dire straights. So thanks for your involvement.
You prefer more than that.
I would separate abortion from the rest of the things on the list. While I certainly agree that government promotes the evil practice, it isn't a victimless crime like homosex or drug use.
Hey, aCW, guess which Christian Nationalist is posting this in the wake of Je Suis Charlie? :think: :wave2: :chuckle:
And when is Part 4 coming already? :think:
And I don't appreciate your remarks about CL :AMR1:
I said before, it would be hard to criminalize them,
but we could have them shut up and let alone, along with leaving them alone.
You see, when you fight with anyone, they fight back and there is the problem..
It has nothing to do with my mind, my kin, my loved ones, but it gets on my TV, and tonight I had not changed the channel; it is Golden Globe awards and it is all homos, and those things GFR7 calls trans, or transgender, what a big mess that must be? I do not think most of them are homos, rather they are men who want to be their love object, and that has to be lonely, very alone. Who wants to celebrate that, God haters, maybe? However, i think it is also humans who hate being human.
Many liberals live on constant guilt and shame for being who they are, now that has its own prison, a prison of the mind.
Welcome to the politics forum of TOL Jed (i.e government: one of 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man)...
...As a "Christian", how can you obey Jesus' two greatest commandments (Matthew 22: 36-40) and sit by while sexually confused people (children included) destroy their lives, the lives of others, and through a extremely well organized and powerful agenda, destroy a once Christian nation and it's invaluable institutions?
...Do you feel that way about all sexual sins, i.e. incest, adultery, bestiality, necrophilia, abortion (which 99% of the time comes from immoral sexual relationships) and pornography, or just homosexuality?...
...Who in your life do you think that you're trying to protect, a loved one or a friend?...
...As seen throughout this 3 part thread, the decriminalization of homosexuality (and the other sexual sins that have been decriminalized) only does harm to the individuals that Jesus tells us to love.
...and I know 1 thing, and that's that the Gospel is the only long term solution to this culture problem.
Jimmie Rodgers, Kisses Sweeter Than Wine | |
And here I thought that 2,000 years of righteous civil government laws (based on God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture) did a pretty fine job of restraining immoral sexual behaviors...
...Thanks for stopping by Jed. I won't keep you any longer from your "No, MY church is better than your church!" threads.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying, let's figure this out "in house" first, and the Gospel needs to be a part of this. The Gospel wasn't involved in the laws against this type of fornication. No "good news" in "don't do this, or else." Paul says fornication is not a crime against others, and is a sin against oneself (this is true for all types of fornication).
So you're aware of our problem. You've got the skills to help. Your efforts will go a much longer way in Religion. When the Body understands cohesively the Gospel's role in battling these forces of darkness we can mount and wage focused, effective campaigns.
[ Paul says fornication is not a crime against others, and is a sin against oneself (this is true for all types of fornication).