When I look at Ediacara biota, I see experimentation with multicellular organisms. These fossils are the very first multicellular organisms formed 530 million BCE. Wikipedia agrees with me saying "... their strange forms might be seen as a "failed experiment" in multicellular life, with later multicellular life evolving independently from unrelated single-celled organisms.[9]"
Where Wiki and I differ is that they see the Ediacara biota as a failed evolutionary experiment. Since I believe Jhn 1:3 which says "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" I see these as God experimenting with multicellular life. And God saw no future for these type of species to continue into the Cambrian. They had demonstrated some point to God.
Along a similar vein, I put myself in God's shoes contemplating making a female version of Himself, viz. Eve. This is no mean feat. This may require a bit of experimentation since nothing like a female human has ever existed before in the 530 million year history of multicellular life, nor was there one in heaven to pattern her on.
First, God has to make her attractive to Adam.
Second, God has to get a huge head to pass through her hips. No head this big has ever had to pass through a pelvic canal that small. This is new in the history of the world.
Third, humans have to remain married and stay together for up to 20 years to raise this baby born with a huge empty head, which grows to three times the size after birth.
Fourth, staying together as a couple requires them forsaking animal urges to procreate with all and sundry. Most animals have seasons they come into heat, and this brings them together. Adult humans would be permanently able to go on heat on demand.
Fifth, there is not much sexual dimorphism in humans. Females are only slightly smaller than males. Where males have to physically fight with other males for mates, the male-female size gap is generally great.
Sixth, females, like males are made in the image of God, after His likeness. Thus the female cannot differ too significantly from the male, or from how God is.
Seventh, humans have to be able to work together, cooperate, not only in marriages, but in society. Humans are pathetically weak compared to wild animal strength and teeth and claws. Cooperation will be needed for the human species to survive.
Women will need to nurture babies and men will need to be more violent to protect these females and young. Thus women will like to talk, and men will like to confront the problem rather than talk about it. A talking species will be a first in itself, and a unique challenge.
And never far from contemplating these problems is God's preeminent desire to create a material life-form which will understand Him, and worship Him, and want to draw close to Him without ever in its lifetime seeing Him. Thus both sexes must be unbelievably naive and gullible and trusting and optimistic and willing to believe just about anything. God would use this faith, trust and goodwill and turn it towards Himself so as to save them and give those who turn to Him, immortality.
Bear in mind that there was no pattern for bipedalism, marriage, speech, faith, nor was there any pattern for human sex or human marriage either in the fossil record or in heaven.
Thus God has to think up how human society must function in a non-disfuntional way. At the same time, God must give them free will, and teach them responsibility. They must rule creation, but first rule themselves.
These are just some of the issues God faced when creating Adam and Eve. We look back with hindsight and see that God gives males 15% body fat and more muscle, to enable them to hunt. God gives women 25% body fat to make them soft and cuddly. Then God messes with both male and female minds to make them mutually attracted to each other.
And humans have to think abstractly and handle technology, and smelt iron, and send satellite into space and do all sorts of things undreamed of by animals. And they must have the heart to dress and keep the garden. Most humans have altruism and care for birds that fall out of nests or lost dogs etc. We will go out of our way to help others who will never repay us. We like to teach. There are all kinds of forums where folks give up their time to help others for nothing. Animals don't do this.
God had to program all of the above into Homo sapiens. I have no problem with the idea that God was trying out His ideas on the Neanderthals, and on Homo erectus and Homo habilis and standing back and watching how close these hominids came to His ideals. As expressed before, I have no time for the "God knows everything" Christian who is dismissive of the difficulty of creating a man and a woman who could potentially live forever.
And think of how clever God is. For 18 years we raise our children to be decent humans. Every time we love or teach or discipline them, we are doing God a favour. They are His children too. Those are millions of interventions on God's behalf, by millions of parents every day.