wholearmor's POTD for 04/21/05

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Chileice said:
Thanks for sharing your pilgrimage. When I was a teen I was pro-abotion too because I thought the world was over-populated and that there wasn't enough food for us all. 30 years+ later I can see what a bunch of humanistic hog-hooey that was. I KNOW God makes us accountable... even if you don't believe in God.

Before you think I lost some screws... even if you don't think God exists, the IDEA that he exists has led millions if not billions of people to be responsible to their neighbour because they were taught to do unto others as you would have them do unto you or some other religion's equivalent. Without some sense of order that religion gives there would be no way to know what anyone was saying, thinking or doing. At least now or maybe in the not too distant past one could at least understand the bases for even the irrational acts of some religious zealots. But f there is no accountability beyond what I want to give my neighbour, then why can't I drive my 4x4 on his lawn. Big hairy deal. Who cares? If he doesn't like it, let him come out and shoot me. It really doesn't matter anyway. One act is of no greater moral value than the other.

In theory it is great to say we are responsible to one another, but without the idea, at least, of God or some universal moral power, there is NO way to responsibly enforce any moral behaviour. The world spins toward complete anarchy and a true survival-of-the-fittest mentality.

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