You follow another Jesus, so what do you know?Jesus gave perfect example how to follow Him.
He also said not to let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher.
Why are you guys arguing over who is to follow?
Jesus is the One His servants ought to be following.
No, you don't. You don't even receive the one He sent you!from NT.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
You do no such thing! This is the kingdom you claim so put up or shut up!Lordship belong to Jesus, meaning He is the Master and I will strive to take heed of what He says and observe what He teaches and commands.
I'll assume you mean the 12 as you reject Paul. They were under command Matthew 10:5-6 KJV. They had nothing to do with us (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV).Danoe,
Do you know Jesus gave His apostles commission?
With all due respect, this shows your lack of understanding and eagerness to prove what you understand to be right.
Lol - never mind, DP, continue where you are. Fairness in learning curve theory demands I leave one where they believe they still need to be until they themselves come to a point where they no longer see its need, if not its lack in wisdom.
Mine was to point it out; not to now turn having done so into one more means of biting and devouring one another.
Animosity is a useless use of one's spiritual energy; I'll not be a part of how you'd rob us both of that.
This division is BETWEEN Israel and the Body of Christ
dan p
What does that have to do with what YOUR apostle said? Is Paul talking about division between Israel and BOC in 1 Cor. 1?
Just more evidence that you’re not seeking to understand truth but to prove how you see things. It appears you use emotion instead of logic and reason to understand scripture.