Pointing out that one's word choice can have a negative effect upon the intended audience is not "scoffing".
So you mean to state your elitist attitude outright instead?
That would simplify things.
So what is your testimony? Speak it. Let it be judged as you have judged mine.
My testimony is not the subject of this thread.
And you can interpret legitimate criticism as "judging" all you want, but it just makes you seem defensive and unable or unwilling to answer your critics.
Ah, Yes! "To us", you say? Who are you?
I am myself.
I know there are others who share my conviction that using churchspeak does nothing but alienate people, so I speak as part of a group, even though I do not identify with any particular group except those who follow Christ.
And it is your job to know who are the sheep of His pasture.
Last I checked, my only "job" was to love God and love my neighbor.
And the latter requires that I do not alienate him/her with my word choice.
Do you even believe you are one or care to find out? You really don't have me wondering about that.
I do not live in fear because I live to love God and love my neighbor.
He commands us to do so.
He does not command us to huddle in a church building like preppers in a bunker while the rest of the world goes about its day.
He does not command us to hijack words which have multiple meanings and use them to try to separate those we have decided are sheep from those we have decided are goats.
And for whose sake??!! The Kingdom of God; a "Real life" relationship in Jesus Christ you are supposed to offer and don't or your church organisation with its revivals that don't work, bake sales, games and social "chicken dinner" gatherings? You know what I am speaking of and can't deny it. Programs and more programs. Involvements, serving on the board and being an usher, etal. So-called Bible studies that no one learns anything. I have been there to experience the deadness of it all __ the absence of a life giving Spirit. Why not admit you know nothing of that sort of thing.
I honestly have no clue what you're trying to accomplish with this wall -o'-rant.
I try my best to daily love God and share His love with people around me, and I am satisfied with that.
I do not require a church building or church programs to do so, because He has equipped me over time to build relationships.
I grew up in and then outgrew the traditional church.
All of that notwithstanding, you will no doubt continue to make your religious organisation your object of worship, as most are doing these days.
You presume incorrectly that I have a "religious organization".
I do not.
I am not a member of a church congregation, and I do not identify with any particular denomination.
I am myself, doing my best to follow the two greatest commandments through Christ's example, in the strength and ability He has given me.
Not in the cliches and platitudes and biblespeak of the traditional church.