When Do Biblical Nights Begin?


Today is a good day to give it a rest then yes?

I cant forget about midnight though because that is when the actually passing over occurred...

Midnight of the the 14th day...same day the lambs were killed during the day light portion and eaten beginnning at evening...15th was the Sabbath that followed...

Here you go again, proving that you are an unstable and Biblically uneducated person who attempts to twist the Holy Scriptures to your own destruction.

Numbers 28: 16; On the fifteenth day a religious festival begins which lasts seven days, during which, only unleavened bread is to be eaten. On the first day of the seven day festival of unleavened bread, (The 15th day of Abib) you are to gather for worship and no work is to be done………………. On the last day (The 21st of Abib) you must meet for worship and do no work.

Numbers 28: 16; The Passover Festival in honour of the Lord, is to be held on the 14th day of the first month.

Concerning the day of Passover, the Lord says in Exodus 12: 14; “You must celebrate ‘THIS DAY’*as a religious festival to remind you of what I, the Lord have done, Celebrate it (One day)*for all time to come.

The Jews were to later abandon the one Festival of Unleavened Bread and incorporated the Passover meal into the first day of their seven day Festival of Unleavened Bread, But Jesus remained true to the command of the Lord, and held the Passover meal with his disciples on the evening and beginning of the 14th day of Abib.

Good News Bible, Catholic Study Edition; Numbers 28: 16-17; "The Passover Festival in honour of the Lord is to be held on the 14th day of the first month. on the 15th day a religious festival 'BEGINS' which lasts seven days, during which, only bread prepared without yeast is to be eaten.

Numbers 33: 3; the people of Israel left Egypt on the 15th day of the first month of the year, 'THE DAY AFTER' the first Passover.

Deuteronomy 16: 6; You must only sacrifice the Passover animal at the place where Yahweh your God chooses to have his name dwell. Do it in the evening as the sun sets. At the time of the day you departed Egypt.

At what time of the day did the Israelites leave Egypt? "SUNSET"

Numbers 33: 3; the people of Israel left Egypt (At Sunset) at the BEGINNING of the 15th day of the first month of the year, ‘THE DAY AFTER’ the first Passover. Under the Lord’s protection they left the city of Rameses in full view of the Egyptians, who were burying the first born sons that the Lord had killed. (At Mid night on the 14th day of Abib.)