what's with O'Reilly lately?


Well-known member
He wrote a book denying the reliability of the Bible. The payoff below is at 1:20.


The Bible is not true, but his book has "the truth." And he's happy to sell you the truth.

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Nothing more needs said about the man.


New member
He wrote a book denying the reliability of the Bible.

Nothing more needs said about the man.


quote him saying that, IN Context

He said that his book was based on things not found directly in the Bible. A lot of truth (believe it or not) can be found outside the Bible. YOUR truth, for example: the things you have learned in life (etc) that are unique to YOU alone.



New member
He is certainly to the left of me. To his credit, he recognized in the 90's that Bill Clinton committed crimes to be impeached. In 2001 he recognized that Bush was right to fight islam. So there are things he was good with.

there IS such a thing as being too right

thinking all welfare mothers are lazy, good for nothings who want to have as many kids as possible so they can get more $$ is one example

thinking that all who get food stamps are lazy, don't want to wrk ..

all poor people are stupid (lazy, etc)

and I know some right wingers who seem to think this way (Wait, i know OF them. I don't associate with loons like that)



New member
Of course not, that is why they invented truths of their own...speaking on God's behalf of course.

like protestants?

let's see what they invented:

you can get into Heaven without doing any good works (Luther)

God created some people for Hell (Calvin)

yeh, those protestants never invent weird stuff, do they?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
like protestants?

let's see what they invented:

you can get into Heaven without doing any good works (Luther)

God created some people for Hell (Calvin)

yeh, those protestants never invent weird stuff, do they?

she does that just to get a positive rep


New member
O'Reilley said Christ's referring to Adam and Eve and Jonah as literal events never actually happened.

Do you agree with him that "it never happened"?

I will not take YOUR word over seeing what O'Reilly has written

but assuming he said exactly that, the Church t eaches that certain events portrayed in the bible (Old T) are based on some reality or another, but are not necessarily to be taken LITERALLY.

there are 4 different kinds of writings in the Bible: literal, allegory,

sorry, i can't recall the others.

But no one with half a brain is going to believe that just eating an apple caused the fall of the whole human race (or even just an ignorant act of disobedience..?).

no one is going to believe a snake spoke to a human. True, God can make a snake do t hat, but is it likely?

or is this story not to taken entirely literally?



New member
Just one of Chrys' weak attempts at a quip, directed at me...I guess if that is the best she's got. :chuckle:


but what does all that have to d o with O'Reilly?

dont get why he is focused on race a lot these days. There are other issues. I'm tired of the liberal-over-used issue.

There are people who have REAL problems in th US, not made up ones, ones that were valid 60 years ago but today, not so much



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
i don't have my earphones handy

But again, Catholics do not believe all that can be known about Jesus can be found in a small book aka the bible

Than you cannot claim Musterion's remark that O'Reilly believes the Bible to be allegory (O'Reilly's words not mine) to be false being you either refuse or make excuse for not listening to O'Reilly's own words to that effect.


Well-known member
i don't have my earphones handy

But again, Catholics do not believe all that can be known about Jesus can be found in a small book aka the bible

O'Reilly did not say all truth isn't contained in the Bible. He said some of the Words of Christ recorded in the Gospels are FALSE.