ECT What "Law" is this that Paul refers to?

Cross Reference

New member

That is the 'ticket', isn't it? Being properly understood would have it apply to living successfully in the here and now. Many in the reformed sect would relegate it to being works salvation and by doing so would only be expressing their "religious unbelief".

Cross Reference

New member
"But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, [of the law of the flesh] wrought in me all manner of concupiscence-uncleaness. For without the law [of God revealed to me] sin was dead. [/I]Romans 7:8 (KJV)

"In my innocence . . . sin, taking occasion by the commandment by the law of the flesh, wrought in me all manner of wanton lust. For without the commandment of the law of God, sin was dead to me. Therefore, I alive without it when very young: leaving me with a lack of guilt for sin but, when the understanding of His commandment came, sin revived, [sin became sin] and I died." Romans 7:9 (KJV)


New member
I really think of fellow TOL posters as sincere Christians trying to understand the Bible. I do NOT think of the majority here as "unlearned and unstable" who are wresting scriptures to their own destruction -- I feel majority here are Bereans

sometimes there is iron against iron

sometimes some sparks fly

perhaps this is as it should be