What it will take to win

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Not very clever are you?.......
That's the best you've got? Go eat a book, poindexter.
And remember, its wannabe intellectuals like you that are the first to get slashed in radical regimes like the Islamic State. If you love your Muslims so much go live with them. ISIS can find a job for you.


like marbles on glass
So you condemn the United States as bloodthirsty extremists for fire-bombings and nukes against the sheer evil of the Nazis? ...as you accuse me of bloodthirsty extremists for wanting to eradicate the same evil in Islamo-Fascism?
You're making even less sense than usual.

Well, I read the Catechism where it says gay marriage and abortion are evil and unacceptable... ..you know, the stuff you support by supporting Hillary.

So you have no idea what Catholic teaching would say about firebombing a civilian population?


like marbles on glass
That's the best you've got? Go eat a book, poindexter.
And remember, its wannabe intellectuals like you that are the first to get slashed in radical regimes like the Islamic State. If you love your Muslims so much go live with them. ISIS can find a job for you.

Translation: you can't answer Selaphiel.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You're making even less sense than usual......
Nope, I am just exposing your hypocrisy.

TO ANYONE ELSE HERE BESIDES THESE TWO PINHEADS: Were the Nazis any more ruthless than ISIS? Oh, they were more efficient to be sure, and had better resources, but we see every sort of unthinkable crime against humanity in the Islamic State. Is it not fair to say then that the same all-out full war that it took to defeat The Third Reich & Imperial Japan is acceptable to defeat the sheer unthinkable evil of the Islamic State?


like marbles on glass
Nope, I am just exposing your hypocrisy.

TO ANYONE ELSE HERE BESIDES THESE TWO PINHEADS: Were the Nazis any more ruthless than ISIS? Oh, they were more efficient to be sure, and had better resources, but we see every sort of unthinkable crime against humanity in the Islamic State. Is it not fair to say then that the same all-out full war that it took to defeat The Third Reich & Imperial Japan is acceptable to defeat the sheer unthinkable evil of the Islamic State?

So you're a Catholic - until - you come up against Catholic teaching regarding war and civilian populations.


Well-known member
That's the best you've got? Go eat a book, poindexter.
And remember, its wannabe intellectuals like you that are the first to get slashed in radical regimes like the Islamic State. If you love your Muslims so much go live with them. ISIS can find a job for you.

Well, it would help if you didn't edit out the actual point from the quote...But I guess you have to save face, since it showed the glaring error in your argument. Now answer the rest of that other post.

Find a single quote where I defend radical regimes like the Islamic state. You are a pathological liar, constantly bearing false witness.

I've defended mainstream Islam from braindead generalizations from people like you who group them together with radical groups like ISIS. I know plenty of Muslims. They have one thing in common, they are far better human beings than you are. Your heart is clearly boiling over with hatred. You are one of those people whose only interest in religion comes from defining yourself over against others, so that you have somebody to hate and to scapegoat, making yourself appear holy while demonizing others..


New member
More support ISIS than you realize.


Al Jazeera poll, 81% of respondents approved of ISIS "In a recent survey conducted by AlJazeera.net, the website for the Al Jazeera Arabic television channel, respondents overwhelmingly support the Islamic State terrorist group, with 81% voting “YES” on whether they approved of ISIS’s conquests in the region. The poll, which asked in Arabic, “Do you support the organizing victories of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)?” has generated over 38,000 responses thus far, with only 19% of respondents voting “NO” to supporting ISIS."(https://muslimstatistics.wordpress....support-islamic-state-al-jazeera-arabic-poll/ )
Pew poll: 63 mil to 287 mil ISIS supporters in just 11 countries. A new poll by the Pew Research Center reveals significant levels of support for ISIS within the Muslim world. In 11 representative nation-states, up to 14 percent of the population has a favorable opinion of ISIS, and upwards of 62 percent “don’t know” whether or not they have a favorable opinion of the Islamist group."(https://muslimstatistics.wordpress....million-isis-supporters-in-just-11-countries/)
81% of Al Jazerra Poll support ISIS, "al-Jazeera Poll (2015): 81% of respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS)."
Saudi Arabia, 92% of Saudis say ISIS conforms to Islamic Law, "Informal poll of Saudis in August 2014 shows 92% agree that Islamic State (ISIS) “conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law.” (https://muslimstatistics.wordpress....o-the-values-of-islam-and-islamic-law-survey/)
America, 38% of American Muslims says ISIS beliefs are correct, "The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. (43% disagree)." (http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy....nline-Survey-of-Muslims-Topline-Poll-Data.pdf)
Britain, about 1/2 of Muslims support ISIS, ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015: 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half the total population." (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/muslim-leader-isis-supporting-brits-disenfranchised-6018357)


New member
Advocating such heinous violence makes you every bit as bad as the psychopaths that support groups like ISIS. You do know that ~80% of the victims of fundamentalist Islam are Muslims right? The vast majority of the people who consider those places holy do not support those insane groups. Of course, you caving to fear and advocating braindead indiscriminate violence does nothing else than further their recruitment.

As if you have any real knowledge about that. My guess is that you know about as much about the Quran and Islamic theology as you ignorant fundamentalists know about the rest of reality, which is frighteningly little.

"The fact". I wouldnt blame them for declaring the west to be evil, whether they join ISIS or not, if the west nuked their holy sites. You expect them to bow down and say thank you? And you lot talk about western values? Considering the regular psychopaths on this site that for example advocate the death penalty for homosexuals? Not to mention that you want whackjob religious views taught in place of science in schools. Real western values you got going there. Stones in a glass house is all I will say. What a joke.

And Christ has nothing to do with your modern nutjob sects. The modern sects of Christianity that you are talking about have no resemblance or connection with any form of historical Christianity at all, it is a lunatic fringe sect at best. All I see from your lot is a perverse mix of American imperialism hiding behind some imaginary Christianity, having ignorance and hatred as your prime virtues.

Calling us evil and joining USIS in response are two different things

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
More support ISIS than you realize.


Al Jazeera poll, 81% of respondents approved of ISIS......

Now, what was somebody saying about firebombing the innocent population? What innocent population.

That poll ties in with a recent pew research poll I heard being discussed on Armstrong & Getty.


There are currently 2.08 billion Muslims in the world and by 2030, 1 in 3 persons will be Muslim.

Providing a few "extremists" with an excuse to legitimize their campaign against the West is exactly what they want and sad to say there are conservative "fanatics" in this forum that would willingly "light the fuse!"

There is nothing in the life of Christ that would justify violence directed towards Muslims or their holy sites.


Well-known member
I tell you there are evil forces at work. There is no rational explanation whatsoever as to why Liberals defend Muslims attack those who challenge Islamic Terrorism so much. Its all around us, even a blinf man can see, the Liberals want to pretend that its not really Islam at fault. Its sheer madness I tell you.

The only explanation is that they are tools of evil in the immortal spiritual battle between good and evil, which manifests itself in many ways in the material realm.

Or to put it bluntly, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.

See what I mean musterion? She can't handle facts. She would rather report us for showing the truth about Islam than accept the fact that they are evil. AS I said, annabenedetti is Satan's dupe.

I have lil' Annie on Perm-Ignore. All I have to say at her is...



Well-known member
I stand corrected. To let this continue without serious physical efforts to stop it is much worse than destroying all the holy sites of a religion.

Yep, just like weighing the cost of two cities vs the cost of a massive amphibious invasion with the entire civilian population mobilized in defense of a huge island.