What is your definition of racism?


New member
Well, blind prejudicial racism might be doing that to an extent but then considering we both know how idiotic and brain dead it is to entertain such idiocy I'm kinda failing to see what the point of this thread is? If someone is prejudiced against another based simply on skin pigmentation or culture etc then they're a moron right?

The point of this thread is to get people to talk about it because we are talking past each other on it and using it as a weapon to silence opinion we don't want to hear .


New member
There is a difference between 'racist' and 'prejudice'. Prejudice has basically become synonymous to racism due to the constant spamming of the word every time a liberal spews their self righteous, overblown nonsense.

The typical- racist, bigot, sexist, bigot xenophobe, bigot, homophobe..
did I mention bigot :think:

Anyway, racism is believing there are classes of race, usually inferring their own race as the best or, at least, certain others are worse.
However, 'prejudice' is having a tendency to not like another of another race, usually due to a certain culture within said race that they exhibit.

Yes. It's usually one of the cultures within a race that is repugnant to other races and it's easy to fall into the trap of designating everyone of that race to that culture.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The point of this thread is to get people to talk about it because we are talking past each other on it and using it as a weapon to silence opinion we don't want to hear .

I'm not trying to silence anybody on anything. I just think that racism is pretty self explanatory. What is it other than blind prejudice and ignorance?


New member
Just as violence begets more violence, racism begets more racism.

Yes, there are black racists. Many of them. But they are racist as a result of their abuse at the hands of white racists. It's a self-perpetuating and escalating cycle. And the only way to stop the cycle is to stop practicing racism regardless of our color or our perceived justifications.

I agreed mostly but the racism usually is not due to anything done to them by white racists . Because of slavery, their society lags behind white society and they are indignant that their neighborhoods are a dangerous mess. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions, and so it's easier to blame whitey and magnify any real or imagined slight. IMO, all the talk about slavery and the real abuse they faced in society all the way up to housing discrimination feeds their anger and makes them racist. So, you are right in a sense, but the injustice that feeds their racism happened to their parents and distant relatives of the past, not any behavior in the here and now.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I'm not trying to silence anybody on anything. I just think that racism is pretty self explanatory. What is it other than blind prejudice and ignorance?

In America racism is whatever the left wants it to mean at the moment, it is a versatile hyperbole that can be attached to any, speech, behavior, or worldview whether it is accurate or not. I wish that it was as cut and dry as you presume but, that is just not the case, in fact I would say the more the word "Racism" is being used wrongly the more it becomes blasé & trite, it loses it's power as it's meaning is perverted to be a one size fits all term.


New member
In America racism is whatever the left wants it to mean at the moment, it is a versatile hyperbole that can be attached to any, speech, behavior, or worldview whether it is accurate or not. I wish that it was as cut and dry as you presume but, that is just not the case, in fact I would say the more the word "Racism" is being used wrongly the more it becomes blasé & trite, it loses it's power as it's meaning is perverted to be a one size fits all term.

This is exactly the kind of post I was looking for when I created the thread. It's what I was hinting at.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In America racism is whatever the left wants it to mean at the moment, it is a versatile hyperbole that can be attached to any, speech, behavior, or worldview whether it is accurate or not. I wish that it was as cut and dry as you presume but, that is just not the case, in fact I would say the more the word "Racism" is being used wrongly the more it becomes blasé & trite, it loses it's power as it's meaning is perverted to be a one size fits all term.

Ok, from a political perspective the term can come to be loaded, twisted and warped out of all recognition, from both the left and the right, but that's not what I thought was under discussion here.

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I agreed mostly but the racism usually is not due to anything done to them by white racists. Because of slavery, their society lags behind white society and they are indignant that their neighborhoods are a dangerous mess.
Sorry, but that's hogwash.

The impediments that dark-skinned men and women have to overcome economically and socially to gain any sort of power in this culture are far greater than those of light-skinned people. And this mantra of "personal responsibility" is just society's way of blaming the victims. We build a wall so high that only a very few people of color can manage to scale it and then we use the fact that a few do manage to scale it as an excuse for ignoring the wall we've created to keep most of them pushed to the furthest margins of society. And then we use that marginalization as an excuse to blame them for not wanting to "fit into" mainstream society.

Then we blame them when they get angry about all of this. Or when they become hopeless. Because nothing is ever "whitey's" fault. Nothing is ever "whitey's" responsibility. Even though "whitey" controls all the levers of power, and of wealth, and of cultural expression in this society.


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Temp Banned
They are racist out of envy- white people prosper and black people hold each other down. They have suffered very little abuse of white racists, because there are very little white racists. Most white people have simply become frustrated with being called racist for BEING WHITE.
You are clearly a racist. White people hold all the levers of power, of wealth, and of cultural expression. So of coarse they prosper. They also make it extremely difficult for a person of color to gain access to those levers of power, wealth, and culture. Then the white elite deny and ignore that they are doing this because a few very extraordinary people of color do manage to scale the massive political, cultural, and economic wall keeping them out. They use these exceptions to blame the rest because they are racial bigots who want to believe that all those other people of color are weak, or stupid, or lacking in character. It's what they want to believe so they don't have to recognize their own selfishness and practiced exclusion.

Being a racist bigot, you will of course deny all of this. Because you want to believe that people of color are weak and stupid and lacking in character. But that you are not. You want to puff yourself up at their expense, and do it based on the color of their skin. And that's what racism is: it's bigotry based on race. And that's what bigotry is: presuming yourself to be superior by falsely denigrating others, simply for the sake of feeling superior, yourself.


You are clearly a racist.

No, you're clearly a victim of white guilt.

White people hold all the levers of power, of wealth, and of cultural expression. So of coarse they prosper. They also make it extremely difficult for a person of color to gain access to those levers of power, wealth, and culture.

Where's the magical rule stating that people of prosperity and wealth must adopt others into it by existing beside them? It's not even a race thing, both well off blacks and whites leave the poor to their own devices.

I don't care about the prosperity of either whites or blacks in this country, only the actual down trodden who are both black and white. For whites it's even worse because those as yourself leave the white man out in saying that they have more opportunity (which they don't).
And you'll justify it by implying that whites deserve it because of the past- who's really the racist here :rolleyes:

Everything else in your post I don't even need to quote, because it's just the typical liberal rant with no more point.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What is your definition of racism?

Ok, from a political perspective the term can come to be loaded, twisted and warped out of all recognition, from both the left and the right, but that's not what I thought was under discussion here.

From political prospective?? No, it is a societal prospective, and soon to be a complete worldview, where all things are seen through the eye of race. It has become nonsensical and no it was not the right that started or has propagated the political correctness, racial, cultural redefinitions that lands squarely in the lap of liberals... The originators of all social hyperbole as it relates to speech, thought, or worldview. The lefts assertion is that we all act, think, and speak as they do or you are obviously a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc., it is nothing more than Marxist socialism at work. There are entire books devoted to this failed philosophy, it has never worked.... And never will outside of force. So much for Liberty eh?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Lot of words being thrown around --- racist, bigot, prejudice, etc.

Which one was GOD when He commanded Israelites not to mix?
Whichever word you want to apply, it was the right thing to do at that time.
Being racist, bigoted, prejudice, etc. are not always negative.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 KJV
(1) To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
(2) A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
(3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
(4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
(5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
(6) A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
(7) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
(8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.


Lot of words being thrown around --- racist, bigot, prejudice, etc.

Which one was GOD when He commanded Israelites not to mix?
Whichever word you want to apply, it was the right thing to do at that time.
Being racist, bigoted, prejudice, etc. are not always negative.

We live in an age of cognitive dissonance- it's far more typical than otherwise for people to simultaneously hold two opposed notions. In this case, they hold to a god who exhibits the same things they denounce others for.

On their insanity, they'll start to build up for themselves fictions to remain dissonant- that's what CD is all about :rolleyes:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
We live in an age of cognitive dissonance- it's far more typical than otherwise for people to simultaneously hold two opposed notions. In this case, they hold to a god who exhibits the same things they denounce others for.
This is one of those 'in a way, but not exactly' .
Or at least for some.

It would only be cognitive dissonance if one believes that all killing is always wrong.

One that believes that killing is not always wrong, but sometimes is wrong, wouldn't really fall under the category of cognitive dissonance.

But I get your drift.
It's like some you hear say you don't have to be sinless (as in quit all sin) before GOD will save you.
And then turn right around and tell homos that they can't be saved unless they quit the homo sin first.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond