What is your answer to "The Race Problem"?


Well-known member
If we compare the US to other industrialized nations in the world, we can see our numbers of incarcerated are way out of proportion compared to the rest of the world.
But your chart doesn't show that, it shows we are way out of proportion compared to OECD nations. Take it easy, I'm not disagreeing with your point here, just being accurate.


Well-known member
I've always thought the "celebrate diversity" mentality we've adopted was stupid. We* ought to celebrate similarity. We ought to be teaching children they are Americans regardless of skin color and drop the hyphens.

*We, as in we the people, as in Americans. Murica!

patrick jane

I've always thought the "celebrate diversity" mentality we've adopted was stupid. We* ought to celebrate similarity. We ought to be teaching children they are Americans regardless of skin color and drop the hyphens.

*We, as in we the people, as in Americans. Murica!

Good post, good thoughts.


New member
Hall of Fame
How are you not tying it to skin colour when you refer to a lack of morality within the black community?


Because its an american problem in their community and ive already stated what. A culture that embraces and celebrates failure and violence and looks up to thugs and criminals and even emulates them. If i were a black woman who said this, i would be called a "house negro" or "uncle tom" by other blacks as blacks often are by other blacks when they try to talk about this issue.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because its an american problem in their community and ive already stated what. A culture that embraces failure and violence and looks up to thugs and criminals and even emulates them.

There's problems in any community be it Caucasian, black, Hispanic or whatever. Stipulating that blacks have an overall lack of morality is a bizarre thing to say at best.


New member
Hall of Fame
There's problems in any community be it Caucasian, black, Hispanic or whatever. Stipulating that blacks have an overall lack of morality is a bizarre thing to say at best.

Then call me racist and be done with it. Call all the other blacks who try to combat it, racists too. Celebrating death, violence, and failure, routinely referring to your women as b's and hoes and honoring murdering thugs, while ripping down those who try to do something about it and treating those within ones own community as doing something wrong or "acting white" when they try to achieve something or make things better, is a failure of morality that is being taught and handed down as a culture in itself.

Im honest, i dont care what anyone calls me.


New member
There is only one answer.
Matt. 22:36 Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Rom. 13:10 Love does not commit evil against its neighbor, because love is the fulfillment of The Written Law.


Well-known member
Not really... Anyone interested in this issue should read this article.


I know that is a conservative publication but I've lived most of my life in the white ghetto and everything reported here is true. It's hard to think about, but I've seen many people (all white) that I grew up with and attended school with end up dead or in jail from being involved with drugs or property crimes.... and I'm only 33. 33, think about that.
And it's interesting, they state in your article the exact thing I have said, that our best public policy solution is dilution. That's what Canada does.

When government policy isn't working that means we should reform the policy, not decide "government doesn't work" and get rid of any government intervention. It's unfortunate places like the ones in the article keep voting for republicans that have no solutions for them or anyone else in poverty.

It's easy to believe this is a race problem, but it's really a poverty issue and poverty is one thing that is truly colorblind. It really isn't fair to place these issues on any race in particular.
Poverty is a huge issue. But it disproportionately affects people of one race.

Granted I see a lot of impoverished white people that have similar outcomes and behavior patterns and I think it's becoming a bigger problem in isolated rural areas. They too have poor schools and poor outcomes. I see both in my classroom.

I wish I could say there is a fix for the problem, but there isn't. Once you've looked into enough coffins you begin to realize that poverty and suffering are the defacto human experience. There just aren't enough resources to accommodate all people comfortably.
I disagree. Not every country has the kind of poverty problem the USA has. Now how one defines "comfortably" is a big factor in that. What my great uncle defined as "comfortable" was having a large house filled with sculptures worth several thousand dollars each with lots of land and dozens of cars in his garage. Versus myself, being reasonably comfortable on a small plot of land which I use intensively for a variety of purposes.

Someone might think that there is, especially people who have plenty or have never truly been without. You always hear people say things like "well, if they just got right with the lord" , " if they weren't lazy they wouldn't need assistance" or "we just need to educate everyone" but that is all lies. Mana doesn't fall out of the sky, you can't cut down trees and transport them without a saw and truck and no matter how smart you are.... if you can't afford to leave your current area but everyone else has... then you're in trouble.
Mana doesn't fall from heaven, but we can support people appropriately and encourage them to move to places that are more conducive to them becoming some kind of contributors to society. We simply need to change policy to do that. But when you have the party that says no to any government intervention, that's not going to happen.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then call me racist and be done with it. Call all the other blacks who try to combat it, racists too. Celebrating death, violence, and failure, routinely referring to your women as b's and hoes and honoring murdering thugs, while ripping down those who try to do something about it and treating those within ones own community as doing something wrong or "acting white" when they try to achieve something or make things better, is a failure of morality that is being taught and handed down as a culture in itself.

Im honest, i dont care what anyone calls me.

You can apply the above to any community and some of it will hold true. There's violence, crime and a lack of respect among white's so singling out one community as if there's less morality in it than others is hardly beneficial to anything.


New member
Hall of Fame
You can apply the above to any community and some of it will hold true. There's violence, crime and a lack of respect among white's so singling out one community as if there's less morality in it than others is hardly beneficial to anything.

yeah its much better to ignore the elephant in the room while bemoaning what to do about the problem.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
yeah its much better to ignore the elephant in the room while bemoaning what to do about the problem.

Is anyone denying that what you've suggested doesn't exist within the black community? Nope. It just happens to be in all communities - more so (IMO) where it's run down areas with little in the way of prospects. That could be ghettos or council estates.


New member
Hall of Fame
Is anyone denying that what you've suggested doesn't exist within the black community? Nope. It just happens to be in all communities - more so (IMO) where it's run down areas with little in the way of prospects. That could be ghettos or council estates.

If that were truly the case, small towns across america would be havens of crime. They arent.

Weird how most of the violent crime in america happens in only 5 percent of us addresses.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If that were truly the case, small towns across america would be havens of crime. They arent.

The size of a place isn't what determines a problem. I live in a small town and the crime rate isn't big although it certainly goes on. Go North a bit further and there's one of the most run down council estates where it's rampant. Do the math.


New member
Hall of Fame
The size of a place isn't what determines a problem. I live in a small town and the crime rate isn't big although it certainly goes on. Go North a bit further and there's one of the most run down council estates where it's rampant. Do the math.

You live in the UK, nothing there is comparable at ALL to here.


I don't think most drug crimes deserve incarceration, they should be treated as a social/medical problem.

You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is utterly irrelevent to the law and to law enforcement.

If we compare the US to other industrialized nations in the world, we can see our numbers of incarcerated are way out of proportion compared to the rest of the world.

Again, what is your point?

This claim is utterly irrelevent unless you want to tell me that there's a whole bunch of innocent people in prison. Are you making this claim?

Why not? If one group gets longer sentences than the other, that alone may explain a lot of the disparity, rather than number of convictions.

Do their "longer sentences" fall within relevent sentencing guidelines? Do they deserve those sentences?


The OP was about 'the black problem' which related surely to the fact that a much higher proportion of blacks than whites is in prison.

And I'm saying that I don't see a "black problem." So what if there are a disproportionate number of black people in jail? Should they be in jail for their crimes? If the law says "yes," then there's no problem.

So, unless you believe that blacks are inherently less moral, then you must either believe that the justice system is biased, or that there are external factors that are emcouraging more blacks to crime. Which is it?

It's probably a mixture of poverty, bad upbringing, and a wicked culture. Ultimately, however, these things are irrelevent to the law and to the determination of guilt.

The police officer made a stop for a valid moving traffic violation?
The perp agreed to let the officer look in his car?
The officer found large quantities of crack, a scale, a loaded firearm and a bunch of money?

The reasons that the perp is a drug dealer are irrelevent. All that matters is that he's in possession of drugs with the intent to sell...and probably an additional firearm charge, if we're lucky.

Were it up to me, the perp would get a bullet between the eyes right there. But hey, due process and all. Fact is, he shouldn't be on the streets. He should be in prison for a long, long time.

Save the sob story for someone who'll care.