What is your answer to "The Race Problem"?


The best way to fight racism is to do a fearless and searching moral inventory of oneself by following Jesus.
Let Jesus speak for himself:

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”

--Matthew 7:5

As a Christian, I am not so arrogant to beleive I am without some ugly sins. I am unafraid to be honest and accountable for my own racism, hypocrisy, power trips and my power tripping.

But I am pledged to help establish Jesus’ Kingdom of God here on EARTH.

Without God, I cannot.
Without me, God will not.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
well, except for the blacks in Canada, i suppose

and yes, there are blacks in Canada

there's even a book about them :banana:

Lawrence%2BHill%2Bon%2BThe%2BBook%2Bof%2BNegroes.j  pg

true story - Lawrence hill is the brother of dan hill:



Well-known member
Racism exists in every culture in many forms, but is often denied and needs to be rooted out, just like any other sin. It's harmful to those who have it in their hearts, mostly, though it causes trouble or hurts those whom it's applied against; God looks upon the thoughts and intents of our hearts and if we harbor racism, it's simply because we don't realize that every race, creed, nationality, family and any other 'difference' we're noticing in others is merely a Facet of God's Personality, Character or Person. He is described in Scripture as having a rainbow emanating from His Throne and I believe that many people will be very surprised to see the things they have hatred in their hearts for in others visible in our God, when they stand in His Presence. Even professing Christians have hatred for other Christians but don't realize that when they attack other Christians that they're backbiting God or stabbing God in the back. He's hurt by our hatred and we need to look for Him in others, not look for faults or perceived 'differences' that we can use to puff ourselves up over others. Scripture says we are to prefer others above ourselves, in honor. We dishonor God when we despise our fellow man.