Everyone... God who made it possible for Adam to APPEAR ... also knew how to make Himself APPEAR.
How was this all done?
God created an image or visible bodily form for Adam ... and blew the unique invisible spirit of Adam and life into that form - saying ... Adam became a soul.
Well, did you know that God speaks about His own soul as well - Leviticus 26:11 And I will set my tabernacle among you: and MY SOUL shall not abhor you.
So, God knew how to create a visible bodily form which would be associated with HIS OWN invisible living nature!
Is it any wonder that God was able to truthfully say that he would create mankind after HIS (or our) image and likeness? After all the Father and the Son were to share that same image and likeness!
This bodily form was a super-natural presence and 74 men saw IT at one time - Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 where (in the KJV) IT was called "a body of heaven in HIS clearness."
When God was referencing the SAVIOR and his mission within the world, God said this in Isaiah 42:1-9
1 Behold my servant (speaking of the Lord Jesus), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him..
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I AM the LORD: that is MY NAME:
a.) and my glory will I not give to another,
Do you see the truth connections?
a.) God again mentions HIS SOUL ...
b.) and goes on to say that - besides with our Lord Jesus - He will not share his glory (a visible presence) with anyone else.
c.) Nor will He allow praise to be given to some man made visible graven lifeless form.
As Jesus read publicly from Isaiah about the mission of the promised "elect savior," he announced that with his arrival the scripture was fulfilled ...
Is it any wonder that Jesus said these things:
When anyone HAS SEEN Me ... they HAVE SEEN the Father.
For God himself told us in Isaiah that he would share his name and glory and praise with his "elect" one.
Our Lord Jesus was the express image (visible bodily form) of the Father (except that the level glory of his bodily mortal fleshly form did not match the glory of the super-natural bodily form - at least it didn't before the resurrection and ascension.)
Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creatures ... which I'm sure you realize means that God had created his own visible bodily IMAGE before he created Adam's body after ITS image and likeness.
How was this all done?
God created an image or visible bodily form for Adam ... and blew the unique invisible spirit of Adam and life into that form - saying ... Adam became a soul.
Well, did you know that God speaks about His own soul as well - Leviticus 26:11 And I will set my tabernacle among you: and MY SOUL shall not abhor you.
So, God knew how to create a visible bodily form which would be associated with HIS OWN invisible living nature!
Is it any wonder that God was able to truthfully say that he would create mankind after HIS (or our) image and likeness? After all the Father and the Son were to share that same image and likeness!
This bodily form was a super-natural presence and 74 men saw IT at one time - Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 where (in the KJV) IT was called "a body of heaven in HIS clearness."
When God was referencing the SAVIOR and his mission within the world, God said this in Isaiah 42:1-9
1 Behold my servant (speaking of the Lord Jesus), whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL delighteth: I have put my spirit upon him..
7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
8 I AM the LORD: that is MY NAME:
a.) and my glory will I not give to another,
Do you see the truth connections?
a.) God again mentions HIS SOUL ...
b.) and goes on to say that - besides with our Lord Jesus - He will not share his glory (a visible presence) with anyone else.
c.) Nor will He allow praise to be given to some man made visible graven lifeless form.
As Jesus read publicly from Isaiah about the mission of the promised "elect savior," he announced that with his arrival the scripture was fulfilled ...
Is it any wonder that Jesus said these things:
When anyone HAS SEEN Me ... they HAVE SEEN the Father.
For God himself told us in Isaiah that he would share his name and glory and praise with his "elect" one.
Our Lord Jesus was the express image (visible bodily form) of the Father (except that the level glory of his bodily mortal fleshly form did not match the glory of the super-natural bodily form - at least it didn't before the resurrection and ascension.)
Colossians 1:15 tells us that the IMAGE was the first born of all creatures ... which I'm sure you realize means that God had created his own visible bodily IMAGE before he created Adam's body after ITS image and likeness.
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