ECT What if there had been no tree of the law


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Eden is lost to men.

By what the church teaches, I agree.

On the other hand there are some already alive today who will pass by the flaming sword and "return to Eden"

This is the meaning behind Christ being both the "Alpha and Omega" that is to say beginning of man and the end of man (finished result).

Meanwhile, and in between the start and the finish evil took on sin that got it condemned to death creating a "place prepared" that will allow Father and son to be together in a place where evil can never show up simply because God created a plan that caused evil to destroy itself.


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Do you think being unclothed / nude / naked is sinful?

Peace, Ted
Before they ate of the tree, they had no shame or fear of being naked.
After they ate of the tree, they did.

If there was nothing at all wrong with them being naked, why the change in shame & fear about it?


Well-known member
If you did not hear someone creep up to you and hit you on the back of the head with a ball bat, would you still have a lump on the back of your head?


Well-known member
Before they ate of the tree, they had no shame or fear of being naked.
After they ate of the tree, they did.

If there was nothing at all wrong with them being naked, why the change in shame & fear about it?

Yes, that was the thinking of the Puritans too..

But if their nudity was sinful and to be ashamed of, how can we believe GOD created them that way ? and if their nudity was evil and shameful, how could it be said that they were very good? defines holy as dedicated or devoted to the service of God, at

GOD is holy so HE is perfectly and unwaveringly dedicated to HIS own attributes, especially love! In other words, HE will never go against HIMself in the least.

Holy can also refer to being set apart - set apart from what? From sin and evil of course For what? For dedication to GOD's holiness of course.

So how can GOD create evil by creating Adam and Eve as evil in their nudity or people as sinners by putting them into or under Adam's sin?

No, all sin must come from a free will decision to rebel against GOD's holiness, that is, against that which GOD is dedicated to, or no one is guilty and any interpretation that convinces GOD made us sinners without any free will choice is from the anti-Christ for it leads to the worship of an un-holy god.

Therefore, since Adam and Eve were characterized as sinful, crafty (as per the serpent) or naked as a symbol for their self chosen sin by their free will, they must have had an experience before the garden, that is, their coming to the garden could not have been their creation but only a movement of their sinful spirits from sheol to their earthly human bodies.

Peace, Ted


Well-known member
before they ate they were completely innocence

Your proof? I can point to their being as evil as the serpent from the scripture itself in plain language....

"lake" and "like" only one letter off
but very different

Without vowel pointing, the words are spelled lk and lk and the Hebrew with no vowels for evil and naked is `rm and `rm.

Either theology tells us that GOD can't create them evil so they must be innocent even though it then refutes itself by claiming after Adam all are created as evil in Adam...or they were indeed (as I claim) created innocent, sinned by a free will choice and then were placed into the garden as sinners, that is, as both subtle and naked as a proper symbol for being sinful, Rev 3:17 spoken to the reborn Church.

nakedness was not a sin with no knowledge of good & evil

But no matter how a sinner denies that their actions broke no law or reject their sinfulness, their nakedness, they are still guilty.

sin is not enlightening

Having your eyes opened to your sin is very enlightening unless you are reprobate.

everyone came from Adam after he sinned

No sir, no one came from Adam - the sinful good seed came from the Son of Man and the evil tares, doomed to be gathered and burnt, were sown into the world by the devil. Since the devil cannot create, sown must have its ordinary meaning of "to take from a place of storage to a place of growth," that is, from sheol to our human bodies in the world. Matt 13

Peace, Ted

way 2 go

Well-known member
Your proof? I can point to their being as evil as the serpent from the scripture itself in plain language....

Without vowel pointing, the words are spelled lk and lk and the Hebrew with no vowels for evil and naked is `rm and `rm.
Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife; and they were not ashamed

Either theology tells us that GOD can't create them evil so they must be innocent even though it then refutes itself by claiming after Adam all are created as evil in Adam...

after they sinned we inherited a sin nature

or they were indeed (as I claim) created innocent, sinned by a free will choice and then were placed into the garden as sinners, that is, as both subtle and naked as a proper symbol for being sinful, Rev 3:17 spoken to the reborn Church.


But no matter how a sinner denies that their actions broke no law or reject their sinfulness, their nakedness, they are still guilty.


Having your eyes opened to your sin is very enlightening unless you are reprobate.
sin is not enlightening
Mat_6:23 But if your eye is evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

Originally Posted by way 2 go View Post
everyone came from Adam after he sinned

No sir, no one came from Adam - the sinful good seed came from the Son of Man and the evil tares, doomed to be gathered and burnt, were sown into the world by the devil. Since the devil cannot create, sown must have its ordinary meaning of "to take from a place of storage to a place of growth," that is, from sheol to our human bodies in the world. Matt 13

Peace, Ted
