Sorry, but everything I heard from Ehrlich and the Club of Rome back then was about cooling.
Nope. You should be looking in scientific journals, not listening to economists and writers of popular literature.
As you see, even a half-century ago, scientists were becoming concerned about warming. Edward Teller's warning was only the first of many.
The report I posted, didn't include newspaper reporters, economists, and the like. Because there was a short cold spell in the 70s, a lot of uneducated people concluded that it was going to get a lot colder. But climate scientists, even then, knew better.
Here's one denier site, with a list of the "journals" predicting global cooling. Running down the list, I found that there wasn't one scientific journal article therein.
I have no doubt that someday, future deniers will cite FOX, faked magazine covers, and Donald Trump as "proof" that scientists in the early 2000s doubted global warming.