What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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intro2faith said:
Does this mean all who aren't Catholic will go to Hell?

Not neccesarilly but possible, to the Orthodox and Catholic Church, there is little distinction between sexual deviance and apostasy and heresy, in fact God equates apostasy with a form of sexual deviance. There are some in the Church who would say that apostasy is worse because apostates willfully turn away from the truth, whereas some sexual deviancy is a functional disorder brought about my certain conditions that are physical, psychological and social in nature.

So, the fags, the lesbians and nymphomaniac school teachers have a better chance of entering the Kingdom than the apostates and hypocrites.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
And here I had Hasan_ibn_Sabah pegged as one of those non-judgmental types.


New member
Actually from my understanding of Catholic Dogma (Limited at best) Protestants are just in for a very long stay in purgatory since they did a crappy job of pennace in their lifetime. But Protestant Clergy and Teachers are going straight to the lake of fire because they taught heretical doctrines. Course that's before Vatican II when Holy Mother Church got all soft and user-friendly ;)

(Totally joking around in this post since irony and sarcasm don't work well in text)


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Not neccesarilly but possible, to the Orthodox and Catholic Church, there is little distinction between sexual deviance and apostasy and heresy, in fact God equates apostasy with a form of sexual deviance. There are some in the Church who would say that apostasy is worse because apostates willfully turn away from the truth, whereas some sexual deviancy is a functional disorder brought about my certain conditions that are physical, psychological and social in nature.

So, the fags, the lesbians and nymphomaniac school teachers have a better chance of entering the Kingdom than the apostates and hypocrites.
OR to make it a lot easier...how 'bout anyone who truly believes and accepts the fact that Jesus is Lord and died for us and is willing to dedicate their life to Him goes to Heaven. And the rest...they don't! There ya go, much easier. :thumb:


New member
intro2faith said:
OR to make it a lot easier...how 'bout anyone who truly believes and accepts the fact that Jesus is Lord and died for us and is willing to dedicate their life to Him goes to Heaven. And the rest...they don't! There ya go, much easier. :thumb:

Well...that sort of "Jack Chick: say the prayer on the back of the track and you will be saved" theology just doesn't cut it with most Catholic/Orthodox theologians, to some the whole concept of personal salvation is heresy being that salvation is thought of a cosmic event(The Bride as a whole, the Body of Christ is saved) and not a personal one(you cannot be saved outside the Church, the Bride of Christ), its not hard to see that many protestants are driven by egotism (which is to Catholic/Orthodox is heresy) and excessive self-interest and some beleive that theology is derivative of it. I personally don't beleive in individual salvation due to the teachings of the Church.

Army of One

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missedmarks said:
Anyway, Army of One, sorry I took so long getting back to you...

I am mostly in agreement with your statements. There are places in the bible where God allows for harsh and even violent action, and encourages this. I agree there is a time and a place for this sort of thing. I would tread very carefully in this territory however for the following reasons.

1. There are plenty of things in the bible that God seemingly condones or even smiles upon but are in no way intended as examples for us to follow. Tamar impersonating a prostitute in order to trick Judah into impregnating her imedieately springs to mind.
You're absolutely right, which is why I do try to tread carefully. And I fully agree that when reading any of the narratives in the Bible, we can not interpret silence as an endorsement of the action.

2. It is one thing to take a stand against evildooers, but often I have a hard time telling Christians taking a stand from the unbelievers doing the same thing. Christians should always be a visible demonstration of Christ, and I have a hard time picturing Christ saying some of the things I've heared said on this forum. When we start becoming indistinguishable from the heathen I think we have crossed a line.
Again, I'm in agreement. I think sometimes when Christians realize that judging is not forbidden, they take it to the opposite extreme and ignore the fact that we are to "judge with righteous judgment".

3. While I trust that you are motivated out of Christian concern for your fellow man I have definitely seen plenty of Christians that picked up the politics first and then went to the bible looking for scriptural ammo to back up their rhetoric. This is one of those things that just really burns me up and I tend to pounce when I think I smell it.

Like I said, it's tricky territory. I think the best guidline is the one Christ gave us in his explanation of the Law. Love God with everything in your being and Love your neighbor as you love yourself. The law all hangs from those two points, and you cannot err if you keep those in mind.
Amen, brother.


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Well...that sort of "Jack Chick: say the prayer on the back of the track and you will be saved" theology just doesn't cut it with most Catholic/Orthodox theologians, to some the whole concept of personal salvation is heresy being that salvation is thought of a cosmic event(The Bride as a whole, the Body of Christ is saved) and not a personal one(you cannot be saved outside the Church, the Bride of Christ), its not hard to see that many protestants are driven by egotism (which is to Catholic/Orthodox is heresy) and excessive self-interest and some beleive that theology is derivative of it. I personally don't beleive in individual salvation due to the teachings of the Church.
Really. Sooo...because I do not go to a Catholic church I'm not saved?


New member
There's nothing in the texts of other religions to support your claims, yet you expect everyone who's not a christian to believe that what you're saying is the truth. What you need to understand is that just because it's told to you by your pastor or in the bible, doesn't mean that you can use that to convince anyone else that what you're saying is true. To people outside of the christian faith, the Bible is not the be all end all of books, it is not the whole truth. Good book, yes, but that's what it is...it's a book. Not the word of god, not necessarily the way it's going to be. You say "Repent! Repent! Or you'll burn in hell!!!!" That's like telling a kid that doesn't believe in the boogeyman that the boogeyman is gonna come get him if he doesn't get to bed on time....is it gonna work? No. Why? Because the kid doesn't believe that the boogeyman exists.

You really don't like that other side of the fence, do you?

On Fire

New member
Pepper said:
There's nothing in the texts of other religions to support your claims, yet you expect everyone who's not a christian to believe that what you're saying is the truth. What you need to understand is that just because it's told to you by your pastor or in the bible, doesn't mean that you can use that to convince anyone else that what you're saying is true. To people outside of the christian faith, the Bible is not the be all end all of books, it is not the whole truth.
I copied this from a blog:

Christianity's truth claims, our exclusive "ownership" of the one Way to Heaven, isn't a shortcoming -- it's our strength. As Paul says, without the ressurection of Christ, our preaching and our hope is in vain. Without the Truth that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Light (not just A way, A truth, or A light), we are nothing more than a bunch of clanging cymbals. When we give up our Truth, when we back down, we lose. And when we stop proclaiming that Truth, unashamedly, everyone loses. Without the Truth of the Gospel, we are just another philosophy that is full of "sound and fury, signifying nothing" (one of my favorite Shakespearian quotes).


New member
Agape4Robin said:
I'm still waiting for your answer............. :rolleyes:

I'm don't know.
I suppose you could google it as much as I could, but the "degree" thing is kind of like saying:

If I repent, and ask Jesus into my heart, and he forgives my sin, do I go to heaven?
And if so, what if I fall and sin again? He forgives me and I still go to heaven?
No matter how much I sin, I am forgiven, and go to heaven?
So, I can repent, and then go back to my sinful life, because it's all forgiven, and go to heaven?

Christians admit that they daily disobey God through thought, word and deed of what they have done and what they have left undone. But often, people will do what they will on Saturday and ask for forgiveness on Sunday.

My point of all of this is - you are not Muslim, don't cover your head, eat pork, don't observe Ramadon, don't pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, etc. Some Muslims may believe this to be "rebellion" against Allah. And I'm sure there is part of you that says, "Darn right!"

If you have a different religion, all the jumping up and down in the world that a Muslim does is going to change how you feel, right?

Well, I'm Buddhist.

From my POV, I keep watching Christian after Christian, with a vein in their temple about to burst, telling me to convert, telling me about the dangers of hell, etc., and screaming vulgarities about how happy their are in the *$&%%($# Lord, $(%*$_$_ it!"

No, thanks.

As I said before, I have no intention to convert to your religion.


New member
missedmarks said:
Yeah, I missed something there, when did Beanieboy become a muslin?

There have been many people telling me about Jesus, then saying, Are you going to give your life to Jesus?

Because "I'm Buddhist" isn't enough, I simply took a different approach, and asked when they were going to come to Allah. When they say they don't want to, I ask why they would dare reject Allah! When they say it is because the worship Jesus, I say that they will be burning in hell with their false God.

Now, you are thinking, "yeah, whatever. I believe in the TRUE God."
That's how I feel about Buddhism - that Christianity is off target.
I seek God, and ask himself to reveal himself daily. If Christianity is the one true religion, that's where I will end up. If not, I won't.


New member
missedmarks said:
Yeah, I missed something there, when did Beanieboy become a muslin?

Anyway, Army of One, sorry I took so long getting back to you...

I am mostly in agreement with your statements. There are places in the bible where God allows for harsh and even violent action, and encourages this. I agree there is a time and a place for this sort of thing. I would tread very carefully in this territory however for the following reasons.

1. There are plenty of things in the bible that God seemingly condones or even smiles upon but are in no way intended as examples for us to follow. Tamar impersonating a prostitute in order to trick Judah into impregnating her imedieately springs to mind.

2. It is one thing to take a stand against evildooers, but often I have a hard time telling Christians taking a stand from the unbelievers doing the same thing. Christians should always be a visible demonstration of Christ, and I have a hard time picturing Christ saying some of the things I've heared said on this forum. When we start becoming indistinguishable from the heathen I think we have crossed a line.

3. While I trust that you are motivated out of Christian concern for your fellow man I have definitely seen plenty of Christians that picked up the politics first and then went to the bible looking for scriptural ammo to back up their rhetoric. This is one of those things that just really burns me up and I tend to pounce when I think I smell it.

Like I said, it's tricky territory. I think the best guidline is the one Christ gave us in his explanation of the Law. Love God with everything in your being and Love your neighbor as you love yourself. The law all hangs from those two points, and you cannot err if you keep those in mind.


I'm not a Christian, but as a Buddhist, loving one's neighbor as yourself is a common goal.
A wonderfully stated post!

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
If I repent, and ask Jesus into my heart, and he forgives my sin, do I go to heaven?
And if so, what if I fall and sin again? He forgives me and I still go to heaven?
No matter how much I sin, I am forgiven, and go to heaven?
So, I can repent, and then go back to my sinful life, because it's all forgiven, and go to heaven?
Planning your backslide before you even repent - kind of shows where your heart is in the first place. :flamer:
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