What are the main challenges facing Mankind today?


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Hall of Fame
What do you think are the biggest 2 or 3 problems/challenges facing Mankind today?

Hard to limit it to just 2 or 3.

- Climate change
- I'm not sure how much of a global problem this is but...the influence of money in politics and democracy
- Islamic terrorism

Honorable mention: our monetary policy/banking system


New member
Hall of Fame
There have been two types of answers: ones dealing with specific problems, and those dealing with more philosophical issues. I was thinking more along the specific, practical lines, but find the philosophical ones interesting.

A few that are more along the philosophical/moral vein...

- a long the lines of what others have mentioned....mankind's love of self/tribe/nation over the 'other'.

- the polarization of religion, politics, etc. It's hard to have a a calm, rational, moderate conversation these days. And the media that plays into it (more of a practical part of it)

- greed


New member
No...why do you ask?

We have loyalty to our families our schools our churches our neighborhoods our teams our heroes our clans our countries. This is normal. Even the recipes we use are familial and comfortable.
There is comfort in that which is familiar.


Well-known member
1. Lack of love for fellow human beings. If we loved out neighbors as ourselves, we would figure out how to deal with our other problems.

2. Climate Change

3. Political intransigence/instability keeping us from dealing with #2 (among other things)

4. Willful ignorance of scientific information - when interacting with the others, it stops people from doing what is best for other people and their living conditions.

All four together put us on the path to totalitarianism because people will only put up with the kind of situations they are enduring for so long.


New member
We have loyalty to our families our schools our churches our neighborhoods our teams our heroes our clans our countries. This is normal. Even the recipes we use are familial and comfortable.
There is comfort in that which is familiar.

Sure, but why did my list prompt you to think I had a problem with loyalty?


Well-known member
We have loyalty to our families our schools our churches our neighborhoods our teams our heroes our clans our countries. This is normal. Even the recipes we use are familial and comfortable.
There is comfort in that which is familiar.
Hmmm, … I don't see familiarity as being much related to loyalty. I see loyalty being more related to obedience. A sense of responsibility. Group affiliation. And even these I wouldn't see as a problem, or see as a solution, until I knew what they were being applied to.


Well-known member
allocation of world resources
Yep, that's a biggie. Not just in terms of the gross inequity of our current behavior, but in terms of the advancement of the human species. The more the materials and opportunities get passed around, instead of being hoarded and controlled by an uber-class, the more likely they are to fall into the hands of people who will use them to achieve great things.

patrick jane

this country and the world need to learn, re-learn HONOR -

Honor - is a language and a lifestyle. we can't love without honor. honor your spouse, honor your children and teach them to honor.

HONOR GOD - it's called reverence also -

sorely missing in the youth around the world, and in your town or city -


Well-known member
this country and the world need to learn, re-learn HONOR -

Honor - is a language and a lifestyle. we can't love without honor. honor your spouse, honor your children and teach them to honor.

HONOR GOD - it's called reverence also -

sorely missing in the youth around the world, and in your town or city -
I was thinking about this earlier, but honor is somewhat hard to describe. I, too, was thinking of it as a kind of reverence and respect for others.

But I'll be honest, I don't think honor is something that we humans exhibit, generally. I think America's 'greatest generation' understood and exhibited honor because they lived through the great depression and WW2. They learned through sacrifice and hardship the importance of looking out for each other, as citizens and as human beings. I think that's actually a rarity, though. I think most generations of humans throughout time have been like ours: shallow and selfish and only looking out for #1.


New member
Pure x, watch the immortalits on net flix, they are working on your second problem as we speak and I am getting cryogenic insurance ...

The main problem I see is no responsibility, we could end world hunger and provide clean water to all humans but we choose not too....

A study I saw said a weeks worth of Dod budget could do this..

Second problem is falsification of history or neglect of observing and applying it to religion/mythology.

Time to put childish things away.

patrick jane

Pure x, watch the immortalits on net flix, they are working on your second problem as we speak and I am getting cryogenic insurance ...

The main problem I see is no responsibility, we could end world hunger and provide clean water to all humans but we choose not too....

A study I saw said a weeks worth of Dod budget could do this..

Second problem is falsification of history or neglect of observing and applying it to religion/mythology.

Time to put childish things away.

HELLO friend/brother,

it's good to see you posting, you always bring a smile. mostly


Well-known member
I see what is happening in the Middle East and Africa, including the migration into Europe, as part of a huge problem. Perhaps a symptom of underlying problems.

Causes are complicated, but corrupt government, religious fanaticism, and climate change appear to be the main culprits.

By the way- it makes no difference whether the climate change is man-induced. The effects are here.