Well, it's about time!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Video of...

"Young Girls Separated from Their Parents Being Moved In The Dead Of Night In New York..."

Wed, Jun 20th, 2018 by Sarah Jones


and tortured, right?

because I heard that's what the Cayuga Centers does - they take kids and torture them

they didn't used to, but now that trump's president he's been ordering them to torture the kids

that what I saw on twitter, so it must be true

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Did you see the video of her being escorted out of the Mexican restaurant she was dining at last night to chants of "shame"?


umm, no

she exited the restaurant with her secret service guys, no one was chanting

The Barbarian

Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike on Sunday called for Congress to pass a law ending the Trump administration’s practice of separating and detaining families trying to cross the border into the United States, but the two sides remain sharply divided on what that bill should look like.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You prepared to put snipers and machine gun nests every 50 yards along the border?

nah - electronic monitoring, backed up by rapid response teams of armed border patrol agents

:think: or drones with missiles :)

Even then, people got through.

not as many as if there had been no wall
How did it work out for the East German regime?

who cares? we're talking about the effectiveness of a wall

Why would you want to emulate that?

why would you think I would?

The Barbarian

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, tried Thursday to blame Democrats for the family-separation policy that the Trump administration started — because Democrats have refused to accept the broader changes in immigration policy demanded by the president.

"You don't want the kids abused? Give us the money, or the kids get it."

It's a hostage situation.

The Barbarian

Trump, GOP to huddle as outrage builds over border policy
Trump’s meeting late Tuesday afternoon with House Republicans comes as lawmakers in both parties are up in arms over the administration’s “zero tolerance” approach to illegal border crossings.

Under the policy, all unlawful crossings are referred for prosecution — a process that moves adults to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service and sends many children to facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services. Under the previous administration, such families were usually referred for civil deportation proceedings, not requiring separation.

Nearly 2,000 children were separated from their families over a six-week period in April and May.

The fight is erupting as the House is already embroiled in an election-year struggle over immigration legislation that threatens to hurt Republicans in November.

Democrats have seized on the family separation issue, swarming detention centers in Texas to highlight the policy. They are demanding that the administration act to keep migrant families together. Republicans are increasingly joining Democrats in that call.

Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton called for an immediate end to the “ugly and inhumane practice,” adding, “It’s never acceptable to use kids as bargaining chips in political process.” Kansas GOP Sen. Pat Roberts said he is “against using parental separation as a deterrent to illegal immigration.”

“The time is now for the White House to end the cruel, tragic separations of families,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said in a statement.

The Trump administration insists the family separations are required under the law. But after signaling Monday that it would oppose any fix aimed solely at addressing the plight of children separated from their parents under the crackdown, the White House said Tuesday that it is reviewing emergency legislation


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said he would be signing an executive order later Wednesday that would end the process of separating children from families after they are detained crossing the U.S. border illegally.
"We want to keep families together. It's very important," Trump told reporters during a White House meeting with members of Congress. "I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that."



New member
still, he must be disappointed that he can't keep torturing those children

I wouldn't put it past his kind.

In my book, anyone who has that kind of power over the well-being of any child, but chooses instead to head for the golf course, until forced to do otherwise, is trash.

Most of his remaining supporters would agree - if they weren't such hypocrites.

Plain and simple.


New member
:think: i'm starting to notice a pattern with you

One you read into...


In all areas of life, it is often the case that both where one looks at, is looking at, or has looked at a thing from, as well as where one has failed to, will greatly influence both what one sees, and what one has failed to.

One means of achieving a closer alignment between the two is to repeatedly ask oneself the question "what might be possible holes in my conclusion; what might I have failed to much more fully consider?"

Until that question exhausts all possible considerations.

Be it as to one's own, or another's conclusion.

The Barbarian

The pressure worked. Trump realized the damage was getting worse and worse, and gave up. In spite of his previous claim that he was forced to take children from parents, he now says he'll end the abuse.

Let him have his excuses and evasions; the kids are going to be O.K. now.