Wacko Leftists


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There's only 700 of them in the whole country. Talk about minorities.

Hmm now where have we seen it before where everybody and their brother murders the high and mighty. Oh yeah France. French Revolution. Guillotines galore. The Left has always been a descendant of the French immoral Revolution, as opposed to the righteous American Revolution. And Marx lived after the French Revolution, so he was influenced by it and by Hegel the German thinker, like how Aquinas was influenced by Aristotle.

But not like the Renaissance was influenced by the Church. The Renaissance actually dishonestly targeted and canceled the Church when it accused us of being the reason why there was oppression in society. It's the other way around. There is oppression in society because the Church hasn't fully developed our influence on it yet.

And ofc Marxism and now Leftism is based on the foundational, blind belief that there is always immoral oppression going on in any society, unless it is purely communist or socialist. That's just flatly wrong, and anytime communism or socialism captured any cult of personality in any nation, it always led to destruction at worst, and at best, an also-ran society when compared with the American culture.

That's the esprit de corps of the Left, same as during the French Revolution, same as with Marx, and same as with the Renaissance, blaming the Church for oppression, when the Church was actually the cure and not the disease.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The government should protect minorities from majority rule, not impose it upon them.

Exactly my point. There are vanishingly few billionaires, such that if an angry mob ever decides to target them, they've got no chance to survive. They'll be hunted down and extincted. All their assets will be seized or frozen. We've seen what we can do to Russian billionaires, imagine what we can do to our own?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Speaking of retards - this is Sunny hostin from The View. A retard among retards.


Just speaking for myself here but I'm fine with Democrats fighting and dying. 😁

Right Divider

Body part
Speaking of retards - this is Sunny hostin from The View. A retard among retards.

View attachment 13787

Just speaking for myself here but I'm fine with Democrats fighting and dying. 😁
She is the dumbest member of that group and that's saying a lot.