Update from the proto-caliphate called Europe

Update from the proto-caliphate called Europe

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It's getting to a point where, just like wearing a Klan hood for blacks, it's hate to where a pig hat for Muslims.

In some places, it's illegal to to such to do as that guy is doing- in fact the Netherlands may even have something like that.

I've heard of it somewhere, I just can't remember-

It's a road to the Orwellian type social extremes we mostly joke about at the moment but it's scary when it rears it's head for real.
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Well-known member
Where you at, leftists? You down with banning pig hats to avoid "offending" Muslims in a (for now) non-Muslim nation? Or do I even need to ask?

Now that I think of it, I recall a story a few years back, in the U.K. maybe, where a woman got in trouble over a stuffed toy pig.

Good times, eh, Lefties?