unconditional love means letting someone self-destruct if he wants


New member
unconditional love means letting someone self-destruct if he wants

this is what Kasich (Ohio gov/pres. candidate) believes

he says that God has unconditional love for him, so he has to love others unconditionally.

That part is totally true.. But he fails in the 2nd part of that.. says he went to a gay friend's wedding... which is condoning the wedding... b/c he has to love people unconditionally..

sure, you do have to love people unconditionally...

which means you want what is BEST for them, not what THEY might think is best, especially when what thye think is best is EVIL, destructive and leads them straight to Hell

that is NOT loving... unconditionally or otherwise..



New member
Christ would have gone to a gay wedding.... afterall, he associated with the worse of the worse and the down trodden and lost.

That does not mean he condoned their actions, he was there to minister to them... and he wasn't all judgmental and preachy to them.

Its a lesson Christians need to learn.

patrick jane

unconditional love means letting someone self-destruct if he wants

this is what Kasich (Ohio gov/pres. candidate) believes

he says that God has unconditional love for him, so he has to love others unconditionally.

That part is totally true.. But he fails in the 2nd part of that.. says he went to a gay friend's wedding... which is condoning the wedding... b/c he has to love people unconditionally..

sure, you do have to love people unconditionally...

which means you want what is BEST for them, not what THEY might think is best, especially when what thye think is best is EVIL, destructive and leads them straight to Hell

that is NOT loving... unconditionally or otherwise..


how about something much deeper and disconcerting than a friendship, a pastor and a gay wedding. let's talk about FAMILY allowing and watching a close relative continue to behave and think self-destructive. what if a family and clergy and medical professionals know the truth and do not treat or ignore conditions and facts ?

what if the truth of family history and the truth of a person's life has been withheld and secrets are kept ? information affecting all areas i.e physical, mental, spiritual and heredity. known but never shared. all the while, attending several gay funerals and weddings - what's up with that ?


unconditional love means letting someone self-destruct if he wants

this is what Kasich (Ohio gov/pres. candidate) believes

he says that God has unconditional love for him, so he has to love others unconditionally.

That part is totally true.. But he fails in the 2nd part of that.. says he went to a gay friend's wedding... which is condoning the wedding... b/c he has to love people unconditionally..

sure, you do have to love people unconditionally...

which means you want what is BEST for them, not what THEY might think is best, especially when what thye think is best is EVIL, destructive and leads them straight to Hell

that is NOT loving... unconditionally or otherwise..


That's the best 'argument from evil' I've heard in a while...no less from a self-proclaimed christian! :banana:


Hall of Fame
sure, you do have to love people unconditionally...

which means you want what is BEST for them, not what THEY might think is best, especially when what thye think is best is EVIL, destructive and leads them straight to Hell

that is NOT loving... unconditionally or otherwise..

Unconditional love ... is just that. Unconditional. It has no conditions, limits or compromise.

What *you* want for someone else does not equate to "love".

patrick jane

there are many many facets of love, many different levels and kinds of love.

John 12:25 KJV - John 12:36 KJV - John 12:44 KJV -

The Barbarian

Christ would have gone to a gay wedding.... afterall, he associated with the worse of the worse and the down trodden and lost.

That does not mean he condoned their actions, he was there to minister to them... and he wasn't all judgmental and preachy to them.

Its a lesson Christians need to learn.

Luke 7:34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking: and you say: Behold a man that is a glutton and a drinker of wine, a friend of publicans and sinners.


New member
Republicgirl obviously does not know her Cathartic Bible.





New member
how about something much deeper and disconcerting than a friendship, a pastor and a gay wedding. let's talk about FAMILY allowing and watching a close relative continue to behave and think self-destructive. what if a family and clergy and medical professionals know the truth and do not treat or ignore conditions and facts ?

what if the truth of family history and the truth of a person's life has been withheld and secrets are kept ? information affecting all areas i.e physical, mental, spiritual and heredity. known but never shared. all the while, attending several gay funerals and weddings - what's up with that ?

What ARE you talking about?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
RC is right about something. As Mel Allen would say How about that! Kasich is a turd. And those need to be flushed down the toilet.


New member
how about something much deeper and disconcerting than a friendship, a pastor and a gay wedding. let's talk about FAMILY allowing and watching a close relative continue to behave and think self-destructive. what if a family and clergy and medical professionals know the truth and do not treat or ignore conditions and facts ?

what if the truth of family history and the truth of a person's life has been withheld and secrets are kept ? information affecting all areas i.e physical, mental, spiritual and heredity. known but never shared. all the while, attending several gay funerals and weddings - what's up with that ?

not enough info

post needs editing 4 clarification



New member
Republicgirl obviously does not know her Cathartic Bible.




u obviously don't get OP

maybe you should read it 5 times?

let your slower brain cells catch up or something?

straw men, I am surrounded by straw men!


straw men made in order to Accuse the Brethren... accuse the brethren... accuse, accuse and accuse again...

There are very few Christians here


New member
there are many many facets of love, many different levels and kinds of love.

John 12:25 KJV - John 12:36 KJV - John 12:44 KJV -

human beings don't know one thing about real love

Evn those who claim to have Jesus don't seem to "get it" vis a vis real love

But Jesus... He is love incarnate




Christ would have gone to a gay wedding.... afterall, he associated with the worse of the worse and the down trodden and lost.

That does not mean he condoned their actions, he was there to minister to them... and he wasn't all judgmental and preachy to them.

If He ministered to the morally lost, of course He was being judgmental.

Its a lesson Christians need to learn.

John Kasich didn't go to the faux wedding to minister to the morally lost, he went to celebrate perversity.


New member
Christ would have gone to a gay wedding.... rn.

Where is that in the Bible?

oh, that's right, you don't like the Bible... not the real one anyway

Actually, u know... I think Jesus (vis a vis perversity aka homosexual acts) may have (not sure but may have) accepted what His Father did @ Sodom and (spelling?) Gomorah