You know it is true and you just said so. When you suggest the west stole it, this means you do realise that the Arabs envy them, or you would not have to explain the way the west has what the Middle East does not have, but so very envies. If the west were smart they would make the people of those nations as wealthy, and in time, the violence would stop. I doubt the oil seeking nations will care to take the long view.
Yes, in addition, the war making has much to do with it. It is not the main issue and if all western intervention stopped tomorrow, the Middle East would still be attacking the west
Er anger at stealing isn't envy at wealth. I don't envy a thief. Envy is something that someone has through their own efforts of hard work, and i wish i had that thing.
It is not, you rob and take my wallet and then i envy you as you spend it. Perhaps your guilt is showing here.
Theft is an immoral crime. All rational civilisations have laws against it and oppose it. They don't oppose it because they secretly wish they had been thieves too. They oppose it and pass laws against it because its wrong and immoral
The fact you don't know the differences between envy and theft highlights your own guilt complex and attempt to justify the theft as yours.
Imagine standing in a court room saying " the man i robbed is envious of me for the wallet i took off him"..
What a pitiful argument you put forward. Research my dear, it helps. Opinions based on hot air and feelings are just opinions.
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