

New member
You are once again misrepresenting Jacob. You need to stop that.

He would have said so...instead he didnt...

I merely affirmed him others here also wished not to over look the good things of life...

Sorry it triggers the foot the shoe fits...might be the pricking of the Holy Spirit...


New member
Christianity is--and has always been--a developing tradition.
oh yeah? Well yes it has but should it have? Already during Stephen’s time the claim was that he taught Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered them...Luke was clear that was false witness...which means Stephen taught no such thing...Paul two multiple times affirms he neither taugh nor wrote anything against the Tempe its law or the customs of the fathers...but worshiped Yah in accordance to their customs...even took a vow to prove to the myraids of jews concerned of the false witness they had heard that he did NOT teach or walk in “the Way” but he assured them he was still zealous for the why sabbaths still found him preaching teaching converting

"There is neither jew nor gentile....”
yup Peter taught Yah made no distinction...if Christianity was developing into new and different works and rites that would be a distinction you agree? Well goyim came into the faith with NO DISTINCTIONS...

This is a stsatement from Paul, who wrote in the 50s and 60s.
about the time of the Jerusalem council...recall what happened here? 4 things were decided required of goyim crowding the synagogues to hear Moses preached and read in every city and on every Sabbath...those 4 things actually were ALREADY REQUIRED in the OT when the church was in the wilderness...when it was ONE LAW for native and goyim ALIKE

those things included 3 dietary restrictions proving even that remained...and goyim were to keep kosher...or are you going to try and argue that NOT offering swine meat to idols makes it clean to eat...or killing it probperly NOT strangled...or making sure all the blood is drained magically makes swine clean to eat? LOL

As already mentioned surely these 4 things did NOT OVER RULE the other 10 laws...or do you also argue the goyim were allowed worship a false god or create idols or blaspheme His name or kill or steal or covet or long as they kept those 4 things...

And did James conclud that council? EXPECTING Moses to preached and read in every city and on EVERY well there ya go...not much new was developing AT THAT TIME...the changes developed later...despie warnings of false teachers and wolves in sheep clothing and dogs returning to their vomit...

In the gospels, Jesus made clear his mission was to “the House of Israel” only.
He referred to the Gentiles as “dogs” and mocked their praying style.
pets you pets...and already He testified of greater faith not found in Israel but with the goyim...WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH was what it ALWAYS WAS...even in the OT when in Israel was to be HOUSE FOR ALL NATIONS to worship and praise and be blessed...but of course some wished to keep it for themselves...and killed their husband for it...for reminding them that was ALWAYS THEIR PURPOSE AND MISSION...a blessing to all nations...oh well...

Later scribes added that Jesus’ mission was actually to preach to the whole world.
Later scribes? You mean Peter? Paul?

ONE LAW for HIS PEOPLE...both native and goyim even more so as natives killed their last Hope and abolishing their “I DO” to Him...resurrected He is free to remarry...


He would have said so...instead he didnt...

I merely affirmed him others here also wished not to over look the good things of life...

Sorry it triggers the foot the shoe fits...might be the pricking of the Holy Spirit...

Certainly you were not representing me.