Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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You've obviously never been "tricked" then. :plain:
I have no idea what you're talking about or trying to convey when you use that stupid Plain smilie. I even use it myself, but I still don't always know what it means when you use it, which, I do understand deserves another Plain smilie in retort, I know that, I know the grammar of the language you're using, but I don't know what you mean, and I wish sometimes that I did.
The point of the Tweet is to mock the monumental goofery of the initial. The answers are predicated on that remarkable miscue. You have to get into the spirit of it. One of my favorites was some guy who noted that his taking a great share of the candy-getting-profit for little apparent reason was a wonderful illustration of corporate capitalism. But all of it exists in the paper thin contextual premise of Orange Juniorous' original Tweet.
The guy said Halloween's socialism. Halloween's capitalism, and the freedom of religion, all rolled into one night, and I just can't suffer someone calling that socialism even in jest.

Plain? :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have no idea what you're talking about or trying to convey when you use that stupid Plain smilie. I even use it myself, but I still don't always know what it means when you use it, which, I do understand deserves another Plain smilie in retort, I know that, I know the grammar of the language you're using, but I don't know what you mean, and I wish sometimes that I did.
Mostly it's my way of punctuating something a bit dry or layered with the look that would accompany it if I were present. Sometimes it's the "I can't really believe I'm reading this/I can't believe I'm having to point this out," and sometimes all of it.

The guy said Halloween's socialism.
Sure. Trump Jr. took something that isn't really a good example of an economic system and tried to make an underthought point. People largely responded within that context. JK's comment was pretty funny, as lances go.

Halloween's capitalism, and the freedom of religion, all rolled into one night, and I just can't suffer someone calling that socialism even in jest.
Capitalism is integrally involved in that Halloween has been commercialized and money is made and commerce benefitted. Outside of that it's not really. It's more socialistic in spirit, but it's not really socialism either. And most of the people enjoying it aren't really exercising an aspect of their faith. It is what it is and it should be left as that weird hybrid excuse for indulging in sweets and letting children (and some adults) play dress up and pretend.

Junior made a mistake and invited the "trick" when he should have been quietly enjoying his many unearned "treats".

patrick jane

I like the way Trump talks.
I had gotten soooooooooooooooooo sick and tired of all the political correctness going on, and walking around on eggshells to scrutinize every word you spoke as to not offend anyone (which is impossible to begin with).
I like having a politician that doesn't rely on a speech writer to form his words before he speaks to Americans.
I like that Trump interacts with Americans on social media connections.
I like that Trump doesn't think he is above speaking to everyday Americans in the same manner in which they think and speak.
Being from the great state of TEXAS, I understand speaking with exaggeration and using stereotypical idioms without flipping out about it.
I have enough sense to know how to differentiate the actual message from the language used to express that message.

The liberals have grown so accustomed to cookie-cutter speeches that they cannot even understand everyday communication.
It's now all about using the accepted political correct words, and nothing else.
And the list of words you can't use is getting loooooooooonger and looooooooonger.
Everything has to fit a cookie-cutter standard or they are just lost and cannot understand the point being made at all.
They are too hung up on language use rather than the message, and therefore they never actually hear the message.
Atta girl !!!


Hall of Fame
Trump: Putin Denied Election Meddling, He's More Trustworthy Than U.S. Intelligence
CIA chief Mike Pompeo: Putin attacked 2016 election.
DNI Dan Coats: Putin attacked 2016 election.
FBI director Christopher Wray: Putin attacked 2016 election.
NSA head Mike Rogers: Putin attacked 2016 election.
Putin: I did not attack 2016 election.
Trump: I believe Putin.​

Well :duh: ... Admitting that Putin rigged the election would be admitting to the FACT ... that it's the only reason he *won*. He. Putin. I wonder how Putin will respond when he finally realizes his investment is not receiving the expected return.



Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Judge Roy Moore and General Michael Flynn are both guilty of committed acts of treason against "The People's Republic of Trump!"

"The Donald" could overlook "bad behaviour" such as molesting a minor or acting as a foreign agent while serving as the National Security Advisor - but he will never forgive them for monopolizing the media coverage and "overshadowing" his Asia trip during the current news cycle!

patrick jane


Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Judge Roy Moore and General Michael Flynn are both guilty of committed acts of treason against "The People's Republic of Trump!"

"The Donald" could overlook "bad behaviour" such as molesting a minor or acting as a foreign agent while serving as the National Security Advisor - but he will never forgive them for monopolizing the media coverage and "overshadowing" his Asia trip during the current news cycle!

Gary K

New member
Trump: Putin Denied Election Meddling, He's More Trustworthy Than U.S. Intelligence
CIA chief Mike Pompeo: Putin attacked 2016 election.
DNI Dan Coats: Putin attacked 2016 election.
FBI director Christopher Wray: Putin attacked 2016 election.
NSA head Mike Rogers: Putin attacked 2016 election.
Putin: I did not attack 2016 election.
Trump: I believe Putin.​

After the way the intelligence community and deep state has gone after Trump do you really think it odd that Trump would not trust them?


Hall of Fame
After the way the intelligence community and deep state has gone after Trump do you really think it odd that Trump would not trust them?

It's not about trust, but rather shifting the focus and projection. Russia interfered with our election and Trump's ego and/or guilt will not allow him to admit it. IF he truly wanted to get in front of this investigation and has nothing to hide, he wouldn't keep trying to undermine it.


like marbles on glass
After the way the intelligence community and deep state has gone after Trump do you really think it odd that Trump would not trust them?

He called our own intelligence officers "political hacks." He takes the word of a KGB agent over our own agencies. What's odd is that so many Americans see nothing wrong with that.


New member
After the way the intelligence community and deep state has gone after Trump do you really think it odd that Trump would not trust them?

The "deep state" is how it's supposed to be. A shallow state is a dictatorship, and that's why Trump strains against it. He wants absolute power, and one political party is ready to give it to him, for the most part.


Hall of Fame
The "deep state" is how it's supposed to be. A shallow state is a dictatorship, and that's why Trump strains against it. He wants absolute power, and one political party is ready to give it to him, for the most part.

Yep, he believes he should have control over the FBI and AG so that he can dictate what and who they investigate. Don't look here ... look over there!
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