Trump For Sale


By the way, I will profit from some of the laws he will help pass - towards enriching himself - I doubt most of you will...
You may have noticed during the campaign that the Donald never apologized for being a capitalist. That's what capitalists do--they make money--and lots of it. :greedy: What's wrong with that? Ge 13:2 You wanted to be Venezuela? :Nineveh: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


New member
He wants Trump to turn back time and lose. That's the only thing that would satisfy him.

Boy are you ever stuck in your own reading into a thing.

That is your idiotic read into my intent.

I've already noted a positive about him twice - which you then self-servingly denounced.

And I will continue to note the positives where their "witness is true."

I'm not the bigot you are.


New member
I did, so what do you want Trump to do about it in 7 weeks?

Geez are you guys stuck in stupid - I'm just looking at what's going on and posting it.

For all we know; the Electors will turn the tide and then we'll be stuck with Slick Hillary.

In which case, when I report both in favor of and against her - as I am now doing as to Trump - you hypocrites will complain about the one and be happy with the other.

Though I strongly doubt the Electors will go with Slick Hillary.

In which case, I'll profit from Trump, while you worker ants his policies will not be for, will not.

And we will both have you worker ants to thank for.

I would suggest you each get to doing some entrepreneuring.

His policies will be in favor of that.

At great expense to so many who trusted he would look out for them.

THAT bothers me. It is not what you guys wanted when you blindly put your trust in a man with so long a history of self-serving number one at the expense of others.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No; YOU lost.

Where we differ is in the fact that you need and propogate your delusion; the other side needs and propogates theirs.

And then there is simply being objective.

Which none of you have shown you were/are.

As a result, you take offense when warned of the above.

Thus far, I've only found one thing to post about Trump that was positive - that Trump at His Best post - which some you fools ignored, while others of you misinterpreted.

You Trumpers are that self-deluded.

Not a one of you looked into his past and you know it.
Boy are you ever stuck in your own reading into a thing.

That is your idiotic read into his intent.


New member
Clinton :sibbie: made fun of Trump :greedy: for not being a "real billionaire" like Bloomberg at the Al Smith dinner. She's not a snob?

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~ Lord Acton

How do you know he is a Billionaire - good chance he's leveraged out.

He's pulled that same stunt in the past - only to be exposed by Fortune Magazine each time.

But they always had access to his taxes - because how all that is played in the Corporate world where it is much more out in the open, in contrast to how it is played in Government; where it's easier to hide.

If you own 3.5 Billion in property but owe 3.25 Billion, you are actually only worth $250 Million - before major expenses.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You bought into The Apprentice hype, lol.

the mickey mouse thing? :freak:



Well-known member
How do you know he is a Billionaire - good chance he's leveraged out.

He's pulled that same stunt in the past - only to be exposed by Fortune Magazine each time.

But they always had access to his taxes - because how all that is played in the Corporate world where it is much more out in the open, in contrast to how it is played in Government; where it's easier to hide.

If you own 3.5 Billion in property but owe 3.25 Billion, you are actually only worth $250 Million - before major expenses.

How much have you read up on the shady Clinton Foundation? There's a lot there. I don't recall you ever posting on it.


New member
:yawn: Never seen the show. He's :greedy: a successful businessman. :dizzy:

He is nowhere near as successful as he claims.

He's been like this all the way back to when he scored a base hit in baseball in school and went around claiming it was a triple.

You guys voted for the boy who cried wolf :chuckle: