toldailytopic: What opinion do you hold that would surprise others?

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The Graphite

New member
The term murder applies when we are talking about a person.

Not part of the mother's body

The only difference between that embryo and you is 1) time and 2) nutrition. It is a unique, living human being, a person, just at a different stage of biological development.

Chalmer Wren

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 12th, 2010 10:43 AM

toldailytopic: What opinion do you hold that would surprise others?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

I think drunk driving should be considered attempted assault with a deadly weapon, attempted manslaughter, and endangerment of minors.


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Hall of Fame
I have found people who dress outrageously and have multiple piercings and/or tattoos tend to be exceedingly friendly and kind. So I like them right off.

Keep in mind, I've never met a violent person... So I'm probably horribly naive :eek:



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Hall of Fame
Actually my atheism is an opinion I hold which would (and has) surprised others. It's not that I keep it secret it's just that I tend not to volunteer such opinions unless asked and my conversations with friends rarely stray into individual religious views. So often people just assume I'm Christian until it happens to come up in a very rare conversation or they finally ask.

It can be quite amusing actually when those who assumed what I am find out what I really am, I like to think it shocks a few stereotypes out of their system.

Why do people assume Christianity? Do you live in a highly Christian area?


Well-known member
Not at all. There's nothing impossible for God. The Holy Spirit, Who lives in believers, is God; and He doesn't have any problem being able to speak, directly, to each and every single one of us, all at the same time, if the need arises.

If you read Gen. 18-19 with my conclusion in mind then you will see that God manifested his presence as THREE identical LORDs (three manifestations of the ONE visible presence belonging to God personally) to the eyes of Abraham.

By doing so God was able to both stay with Abraham and personally tell him of HIS plans ... while the other two LORDly presences were able to go into Sodom and G on their mission.

These two chapters are also a great demonstration of how God can come with a specific mission to accomplish ... but use free will to make personal choices at the same time.

The three had come to personally look around all night in the streets of S & G and to judge just how bad things had become in that city and to then react accordingly.

Yet, as the three, ONE of them was able to stay behind and speak with Abraham ... and the other TWO were able to choose to go home with Lot instead of spending the night in the streets ... for they knew that the ONE, who had stayed with Abraham would come along a stay out in the streets that night. In fact HE was the ONE, who go the men of the town all riled up by acting like their JUDGE.

The men of the town plainly tell us this:
Gen. 19: 9 ... (They said to Lot:) " Stand back - This ONE FELLOW came in to sojourn, and HE will needs be a judge: now we will deal worse with you (Lot) than with them.

IOW, There was ONE in the streets that night acting like he was their judge ... and they pressed sore upon THE MAN, even (upon) Lot, and almost broke the door.

The question ask is why did they go to Lot's house when this ONE FELLOW angered them by being their judge that night?
The TWO that the people had seen go home with Lot that evening looked just like the ONE in the street with them - IOW, like triplets. The people knew they had to be related and together. They wanted to deal harshly with all three of them and perhaps run them out of town.

Why did the TWO LORDS in Lot's house pull Lot inside?
Because Lot was the only mortal man present at the door that could be hurt by the men. The other THREE MEN were the ONE image belonging to God manifested as THREE LORDS.

Another place that more than ONE LORD appeared is a little more difficult to see... but it is found in Genesis 32:1-2

The key to understanding the event has to do with the interpretation of the word 'Mahanaim.' Jacob named the place where he saw God's host Mahanaim ... meaning that he saw TWO Angels of God (IOW, TWO super-natural presence of God)


Well-known member
I can't say that, since I've observed so many who have no brains, yet live long lives. :p

Too often I hear people like this expressing their opinions on talk radio ... One must have called in to the Savage talk show, for I received an email with a link to her comments. She had some thoughtless comments about how she felt our country could deal with illegal immigration.

One idea was that the United States do away with national borders so that all people and creatures could come and go freely.


Well-known member
Well, when there is no more sin, and while The Lord sits upon His Throne in Jerusalem, that will be the way; but if we had that today, our country would be a haven for criminals and terrorists (even more than it already is).


New member
I don't think abortion should be completely illegal. That may not surprise anyone here but it would likely shock those who know me IRL.


Well-known member
The new Arizona law is actually MORE stringent upon law enforcement officials than the current Federal law. Arizona requires that officers have reasonable cause to ask whether someone has permission to be in this country; while currently, under Federal law, officers don't need ANY cause. Go figure.
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