toldailytopic: If you were granted 3 wishes, what would you wish for?


New member
I'd wish for

the money to pay off my family's bills (including my own)
the world's most awesome Game Room
and then I'd save that last wish


New member
1. I wish Jesus would come right Now an fix up the mess.

2. I wish Mars would be turn into a plant that could support Life.

3. finally I wish EVERY THING I wish for hence forth would come happen.


Christ's Word

New member
1. For Christ to return and rule.

2. To have complete scientific understanding of God's workings and universe.

3. To have complete forgiveness and sanctification of God's moral beings.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
  1. To have the power to make minor changes to reality; so as to free up time in many instances.
  2. To have the powers of the superhero I created in high school; flight and super speed at the very least.
  3. To remember all the lyrics and poems I've ever written. Even the poor ones, because I could rewrite them.