toldailytopic: Does it matter what day of the week you go to church?

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It does if you want to be there the same day as everybody else.

Who wants to be like everybody else?
If they jump off a cliff will you join them?
I would rather try not to sin, because sin is transgression of the law.


New member
We are not discussing when Jesus was risen, we are discussing what the early church did. No scripture says that services were held on the first day of the week, they held God's sabbath law holy.

We are not discussing the day Christ arose, the Apostles kept the Sabbath.
It was the RCC that changed services to the first day of the week.
God says to REMEMBER his Sabbath not the first day of the week.

Who do you follow? The creator or the church?

I follow the creator, and I remind you that it was the Lord of the Sabbath who said regarding Sabbath observance:

Matthew 12:7-8
But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.​

I need say nothing further than what Paul said in his epistle to the Romans:

Romans 14:5-6
One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it.​
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New member

John 20:19
Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

Notice the words "in the evening" that means the start of the first day and the Sabbath just ending.

With all due respect to you, Sir, this is actually a mistaken point. John was not referring to Saturday night when he referred to "the evening of the first day of the week" in John 20:19. He was, in fact, referring to Sunday night, and this can be proven from the context of John 20:19. For example, chapter 20 of John's gospel begins with Mary Magdalene traveling to Jesus' tomb "while it was still dark" (John 20:1). We know that this time corresponds to our Sunday morning just before sunrise, and not Saturday night, because Mark 16:2 tells us that by the time she reached Jesus' tomb, the sun had already begun to rise, and dawn had broken forth. The events described in John 20:19 took place on "the same day at evening", which means it happened on Sunday evening.


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just wondering

Why do you have a Catholic symbol for your avatar... yet you seem very anti catholic

I'm not anti Catholic if you mean by that anti Catholic people, just anti Catholic doctrine. Some of my best friends are Catholic.

I consider the avatar to be early Christian but not specifically the property of the See of Rome but even if it were I love the symbolism in it so would still use it. I think it actually came from the Eastern church, not Rome.


The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 15th, 2011 10:21 AM

toldailytopic: Does it matter what day of the week you go to church?

I go to church on Sunday, the first day of the week, and observe the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week, which ends part of an evening before Sunday.

I believe a person can go to church on any day of the week. "Sunday worship" with a day of rest is not a requirement to be a Christian.


Well-known member
I follow the creator, and I remind you that it was the Lord of the Sabbath who said regarding Sabbath observance:

Matthew 12:7-8
But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.​

I need say nothing further than what Paul said in his epistle to the Romans:

Romans 14:5-6
One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it.​

If you follow the creator then I assume you keep his law. Specially the one that starts with the word "Remember" and is the only law that says that its from the creator. I have studied this topic for over 55 years, I know why the RCC tried to change the Sabbath. The prophet Daniel told me in his books.

I guess the real question is "What day does God's say is holy?"
I will tell you it is not the day of the "Sun". But you can find that out for yourself. I did.



New member
If you follow the creator then I assume you keep his law.

No, I don't keep his law (and neither do you--Galatians 6:13). Circumcision was also required by the law, but we all know that circumcision is not required for Christians:

Galatians 5:2
Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.​

Saturday sabbath observance is no more a requirement for believers than is circumcision.

I guess the real question is "What day does God say is holy?"

Romans 14:5-6
One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it.​
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New member
Jesus is our rest now.

I know all of the reasons behind Sunday becoming the sabbath and some of them I don't like (coinciding with other beliefs) but what I stated above is my answer and I don't think what day it is matters.


New member
The Roman Catholic Church says its a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday without a valid reason (like someone's very [physical] life is endangered)

In the OT ppl were stoned to death for violating the Sabbath..

shows how God feels about the subject... despite (Sardonic Comment Alert) the changes we modern, more "enlightened" folks have made...


Legalism like the those Pharisees and Sadducees Jesus rebuked.


Legalism always puts unreachable demands on a person and then condemns the person when he/she doesn't reach the demands. Jesus said the Pharisees placed burdens on the people and did not lift a finger to help the people that they placed the burdens on.

Legalism sets rituals and rules that people are not to break--even if a person must go without food. Jesus' disciples picked corn and rolled the corn in their hands while eating on the sabbath and Jesus was confronted about the disciples breaking sabbath rules.

Legalism says rules don't change---people must change to fit the rules. The priority is on the rules not the people. Jesus said the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.

Legalism stops a person from recognizing and receiving God's love. Jesus, Who is love, said I would have gathered you as a hen does her chicks, but you would not. Neither did the Pharisees recognize love. Even when Jesus stood in their midst, they rejected Him.

Legalism blinds a person's eyes to the truth-- yet, they will be convinced that they are right in their beliefs. Jesus said -- you say that you see, therefore your sin remains.

Legalism will cause a person to punish himself or others--rather than receive or show mercy. Jesus confronting the woman caught in adultery and her accusers showed mercy.

Legalism has no liberty-- only captives. Jesus said whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Legalism emphasizes works--can't receive grace which is the unmerited favor of God. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Legalism brings hopelessness and condemnation. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

Legalism makes you judgmental of others. Jesus was asked why don't your disciples fast? Jesus said it wasn't time. Jesus also said, judge not lest ye be judged.

Legalism will make a person put rules and forms on every encounter with God. Pharisees tried to fit Jesus into their limitations and ideas of a messiah--the New Testament calls it having a form of Godliness yet denying the power thereof.

Legalism takes away God's power by substituting the commandments of men for the commandments of God. Jesus said don't add to or take away from what God says.

Legalism will make a person try to do God's job--it is called presumptous sin. Jesus said don't judge another man's servant--Jesus told the disciples if they are not against me they are for me--Jesus alone is the righteous judge and all judgment is given into His hand.

Legalism will try to separate a person from God--it will stop a person from receiving God's blessings --it will cause a person to work for God instead of letting God work through the individual. Jesus said apart from Me you can do nothing.

Legalism wants recognition and man's praise. Jesus talked about the Pharisees that painted their faces and stood on street corners loudly praying so others could see how "holy" they were -- Jesus said they only get the praise of men and nothing more.

Legalism debates, harshly confronts, and condemns others that disagree--it always demands the forefront and the recognition of being right. Jesus said to the Pharisees-- for which of these things that I have done do you condemn Me? Jesus specifically told the disciples not to get in debates with the Pharisees and to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Legalism produces bondage to perform --not peace and rest. Jesus said, "My peace I give you, not as the world gives, give I unto you ."

Legalism produces death--it causes a person to speak wrongly about God, themselves, and others --and then the words result in actions. Jesus who is the life was crucified.
I'm not anti Catholic if you mean by that anti Catholic people, just anti Catholic doctrine. Some of my best friends are Catholic.

I consider the avatar to be early Christian but not specifically the property of the See of Rome but even if it were I love the symbolism in it so would still use it. I think it actually came from the Eastern church, not Rome.

not true, according to my info..

and there are no doctrines of the Catholic Church that are against, say, the Bible.. or common sense

you only disagree with what you THINK Catholics believe...

i have found that only Catholics (practicing ones) really know the true teachings of the Church. i didn't know them myself until about 15 yrs ago... when i delved into such things on my own... and began to also attend RCIA classes, which i feel ALL nonCatholics (and Catholics) should attend.. so as to dispel all these horrendous myths about Catholicism...

you dont know what you are missing by not being Catholic...

The Real Presence..

All of Heaven participating @ the Holy Mass...


(tho you dont have to be Catholic 2 spend time in the Real Presence...just need to find an open Church [9-5])

Legalism like the those Pharisees and Sadducees Jesus rebuked.


Legalism always puts unreachable demands on a person and then condemns the person when he/she doesn't reach the demands. Jesus said the Pharisees placed burdens on the people and did not lift a finger to help the people that they placed the burdens on.

Legalism sets rituals and rules that people are not to break--even if a person must go without food. Jesus' disciples picked corn and rolled the corn in their hands while eating on the sabbath and Jesus was confronted about the disciples breaking sabbath rules.

Legalism says rules don't change---people must change to fit the rules. The priority is on the rules not the people. Jesus said the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.

Legalism stops a person from recognizing and receiving God's love. Jesus, Who is love, said I would have gathered you as a hen does her chicks, but you would not. Neither did the Pharisees recognize love. Even when Jesus stood in their midst, they rejected Him.

Legalism blinds a person's eyes to the truth-- yet, they will be convinced that they are right in their beliefs. Jesus said -- you say that you see, therefore your sin remains.

Legalism will cause a person to punish himself or others--rather than receive or show mercy. Jesus confronting the woman caught in adultery and her accusers showed mercy.

Legalism has no liberty-- only captives. Jesus said whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Legalism emphasizes works--can't receive grace which is the unmerited favor of God. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Legalism brings hopelessness and condemnation. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

Legalism makes you judgmental of others. Jesus was asked why don't your disciples fast? Jesus said it wasn't time. Jesus also said, judge not lest ye be judged.

Legalism will make a person put rules and forms on every encounter with God. Pharisees tried to fit Jesus into their limitations and ideas of a messiah--the New Testament calls it having a form of Godliness yet denying the power thereof.

Legalism takes away God's power by substituting the commandments of men for the commandments of God. Jesus said don't add to or take away from what God says.

Legalism will make a person try to do God's job--it is called presumptous sin. Jesus said don't judge another man's servant--Jesus told the disciples if they are not against me they are for me--Jesus alone is the righteous judge and all judgment is given into His hand.

Legalism will try to separate a person from God--it will stop a person from receiving God's blessings --it will cause a person to work for God instead of letting God work through the individual. Jesus said apart from Me you can do nothing.

Legalism wants recognition and man's praise. Jesus talked about the Pharisees that painted their faces and stood on street corners loudly praying so others could see how "holy" they were -- Jesus said they only get the praise of men and nothing more.

Legalism debates, harshly confronts, and condemns others that disagree--it always demands the forefront and the recognition of being right. Jesus said to the Pharisees-- for which of these things that I have done do you condemn Me? Jesus specifically told the disciples not to get in debates with the Pharisees and to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Legalism produces bondage to perform --not peace and rest. Jesus said, "My peace I give you, not as the world gives, give I unto you ."

Legalism produces death--it causes a person to speak wrongly about God, themselves, and others --and then the words result in actions. Jesus who is the life was crucified.

We humans need "legalism"

we need structure

it always amazes me to see the normal american... gets up in the morning at the same time every morning.. to go to work.. Drinks his coffee at about the same time every morning... gets to work at the same time so the boss wont get irate... takes lunch at the same time... breaks at the same time... leaves work, same time every day...

Then when it comes to ritual @ Church..


i can't do all that ritual stuff!

That's legalistic..!!!!



Well-known member
We humans need "legalism"

we need structure

it always amazes me to see the normal american... gets up in the morning at the same time every morning.. to go to work.. Drinks his coffee at about the same time every morning... gets to work at the same time so the boss wont get irate... takes lunch at the same time... breaks at the same time... leaves work, same time every day...

Then when it comes to ritual @ Church..


i can't do all that ritual stuff!

That's legalistic..!!!!


Equating the boss with the Lord of Glory. That is a big fat :nono:
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