toldailytopic: Do you believe mankind is causing global warming?

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red cardinal

New member
:up: Thanks for the factual details on global warming. I hope people here could tell I was being facetious in my previous posts.

Global temperature is also influenced by the sunspot cycle. In the post 70 years the sun has seen a lot of this activity.

Is there any evidence that "global warming" is a natural cycle? What if there were more of them in times past - when these things were not documented?

The Horn

I'm not sure about global warming, but one thing is certain ; industry,chemicals and waste of all kinds have definitely messed up the world environment in a major way.
The problem with those who reject Global Warming out of hand is that this has lulled them into a false sense of security. Any one who thinks that there is no risk of environmental catastrophe sometime in the future is an idiot.
We need to adopt a common sense attitude and reject both environmental wacko extremist hysteria and the equally stupid attitude that everything is jhunky dory with the environment and that we can just go on drilling etc to our heart's content.
Consider this fact ; in the middle of the Pacific there is a giant floating mass of plastic refuse and other waste material which is THE SIZE OF TEXAS . That's scary.
No problem with overpopulation? You think that the entire world population could fit within a tiny area,such as one major city? Consider this fact. There is only a limited amount of inhabitable space on earth. There are vast areas of the world such as deserts and the arctic etc ,which are totally uninhabitable or which are incapable of supporting more than a very small population.
The earth has unlimited amounts of food, energy,fuels and water? Are you nuts?
Do you really think that the Sahara desert, the Gobi, Greenland and other inhospitable areas will ever be able to support 300 million people each? Are you nuts?
Already in America, expanding populations are encroaching on ares which were formerly inhabited only by wildlife, and this is causing serious problems between wild animals and humans, who just can't get along together.
Let's not get hysterical about environmental problems, but let's not delude ourselves into thinking that future catastrophe is impossible.It certainly isn't.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
The Horn will melt the arctic ice with his drek. Then we will have some more habitable land mass.


Well-known member
I have heard that cows farting is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gasses and cows are there for people so there ya go. They just need to figure out a way to plug it, bag it, transfer it, burn it and then use the energy to heat Al Gore's mansion and our planet will be saved.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Maybe global cooling? Naw! Humans have more affect on human :kookoo: thinking, then effect, on what they imagine.


Well-known member
The data are pretty obvious and I go with what the data says.



Record high temps have outpaced record lows by 11 to 1 in the past year, which has been a La Nina year which normally causes colder temperatures . . . .

more details

Lev Lafayette

New member
Natural carbon emissions amount to 750 gigatons per year. Man made emissions are 29 gigatons per year. This according to my fifth grade math education means that of the total carbon emissions (779 gigatons) humans account for 3%.

Yes, but...

See, the question is whether mankind is causing global warming. Even though the total percentage is small, it is beyond the capacity of nature to deal with all of those additional emissions.

It's like losing 3% of your assets every year (well, not quite - nature can absorb some of the extra emissions, but not all of them)

Is there any evidence that "global warming" is a natural cycle? What if there were more of them in times past - when these things were not documented?

There is a cycle in temperature and a very strong correlation between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperature. The following graphic from NASA indicates the cycle in the latter for the past 650,000 years. I draw your attention to the most recent changes.

(I have nothing to say about things that aren't documented.)

Yes, to a degree...

ahahaha, I kill me.

Apropos this you may wish to read, Mark Lynas' "degree by degree" analysis of what temperature change would mean.

The world is getting colder, not warmer.

Sorry, that is just plain wrong. At least do some minimal research before making such claims. The last decade was the hottest on record.

I have personally given two addresses at the local Unitarian Church on this subject which others might find worthwhile.

Land Rights and Responsibilities: The Carbon Tax Debate
Sunday May 22, 2011

The Future of Planet Earth
Sunday, January 14, 2007


Well-known member
Nick M said:

You linked the exact same nonsense in the global warming thread we had in the Politics forum a while back. The movie I link you now was linked to you back then, a movie that explains why the so called "Hide the decline" is a bunch of nonsense, why am I not surprised that you never watched it? Your clip is just another example of anti scientific thinking which has built its arguments on quote mining and lack of will to understand the terminology used in the science they are criticizing, hoping that the viewers never actually check the claims they make against actual scientific data.

It is not a question of belief. It is a question of accepting the scientific data. The scientific data is rather conclusive, global warming is real and humans contribute to it. There is a 97% consensus among the relevant scientists (as in people with actual PhD degrees in the relevant sciences).
Climate skeptics are just another sad version of modern folk denial of science.

And please stop with the claims about solar activity...That claim has been debunked so many times that is not even funny anymore.

(The user who made the video I linked also has a ton of other videos debunking another claims made by the climate skeptics)

Hwyangel said:
The world is getting colder, not warmer. Global warming is a multi million dollar lie.

So where is the data that shows this?
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