Time to hit the books!


New member
WOW! I was looking at all the regulations before you posted them and boy oh boy that's a lot!
Oh well, I'm sure it's more than worth it though!


Proverbs 31:10
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Originally posted by erinmarie

WOW! I was looking at all the regulations before you posted them and boy oh boy that's a lot!
Oh well, I'm sure it's more than worth it though!

Well, attendance (for 180 days, anyway) is easy. Just keep a calendar next to wherever you do your school work and mark off each day. :D

The curriculum shouldn't be that hard. Just use common sense. That should tell you whether you're doing what you should.

The portfolio's what I would have a hard time doing. But, then again, I keep meticulous records when it comes to school now. I have to for the next four years since :jessilu:'s now in high school. If she wants to go to college, we need to prove that she's able to continue. :)


New member
Originally posted by Christine

Hi Erin :wave:

Elaine and I told Dad about this post of yours and he read it. He suggested we tell you about Ten Things to Do Before Age Ten Hope the article helps!

That's just what I was reading this afternoon when I mentioned to you that I was browsing the Trivium Pursuit site!!
I read it and printed it out for my husband to read.:D


New member
Originally posted by ebenz47037
The portfolio's what I would have a hard time doing. But, then again, I keep meticulous records when it comes to school now. I have to for the next four years since :jessilu:'s now in high school. If she wants to go to college, we need to prove that she's able to continue. :)
:nori: I thought I'd mention that, knowing homeschoolers who have to keep Pennsylvania's strict laws, the portfolio's aren't a big deal. They say, that the superintendent's office doesn't even look at the portfolio's so, they don't worry.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Poly

Well, fortunately, this year my mom was gracious enough to take on Algebra 2 and it's been a tremendous help. So far, studying for their Chemistry takes a lot of time. We'll be starting their lab pretty soon which might get a little rough but the rest of their subjects have been fairly smooth. I have a couple of moms in our homeschool group who have already been through Chemistry with their kids and used the same curriculum I'm using (A beka) so if I get to a rough spot they can help me out.

I'm sorry to hear that. Knight had mentioned that you guys were going to use that. I was going to wait a while and then ask you how it was going because I had thought about doing something like that myself. Guess I'll know better. That's really a shame that it couldn't work out better for you.

That is so neat that she was willing to do that for you. It's great to have family or support groups, willing to help out. I'm very grateful for the support group we have and to my mom for helping me out. This will be the only year that I have all 5 of my kids in school at once. I was a little nervous last summer, wondering how it would all work out but so far it has. My mom is also very good at signing. We found out that Sign Language is recognized as a foreign language in Oklahoma so she is teaching them this as well.

Our group offers a few co-op classes for younger students but nothing (yet) for older students. It's mostly a support group but we have hopes of getting a more advanced co-op going within the next 5 years. There are other groups in our area that offer classes that my older boys could take and most are fairly reasonable as far as cost but I wanted to try and do this on my own and save money if at all possible. I may look into them sometime later if I feel I really need them.

Have you're kids ever taken classes in a group with other homeschoolers?

BTW, Congratulations on your newest addition. :)
Sorry I haven't responded until now, but we had a lightening storm last week and lightening struck very close to our house and blew out my computer.

Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who has done Chemistry or Algebra 2, and I am not involved in a group, guess I need to search around for one that has parents with high school aged kids.

Eric's sister (is her name Prisca on TOL?) and her daughters are also very good at signing and have been teaching the kids. I'll have to see if sign language is recognized as a foreign language here. That is interesting, I never would have thought of that.

The boys have never taken any classes in a group of home schoolers, the girls are this year for the first time. The only home school classes offered for high school that I know of don't seem to be offering what we need. Algebra 1, which he already did, American History for 7-10 grade, which he is doing now in 11th, and a writing class, which he is already doing. So, I need to keep looking.
