This is what emboldened white supremacists look like

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'll let somebody else waste their time trying to get the bananahead to understand the difference between using weapons to protect your rights and using weapons to attack others

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Real news

(Correcting and contradicting his previous fake and untrue news release: )


His original fake news release, which was a lie:


"It's unfortunate that this aggressive behavior" (physical violence and lying about it) from a conservative politician didn't stand in the way of his election by conservative voters.
I'm just happy he didn't shoot the guy so we'd have another few months of "stand your ground" hoo-ha to sift through. :plain:


like marbles on glass
What a unanimous Southern Baptist condemnation of the alt-right says about evangelicals in America
81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Now one of their biggest blocs has just condemned the alt-right.
. . . .

Moore himself took a strong position, with his public stance indicating that he may well have been one of those “big names” in question. He tweeted last night, “Racial unity and justice is a hill on which to die. If you're at #SBC17, get in the convention hall and stay till last gavel” and calling racial injustice “satanism.” (Earlier today, he condemned the alt-right even more directly, tweeting: “The so-called Alt-Right white supremacist ideologies are anti-Christ and satanic to the core. We should say so..”)

After hours of debate and discussion, as well as varied floor votes on the issue, Dr. Steve Gaines, the SBC president, took the stage with strong words. The resolutions committee had unanimously decided to revisit the matter and hold a vote, subject to a floor affirmation by the messengers, which passed.

Yet no less significant than the vote itself was the language Gaines used to frame it. He referred to the alt-right using even stronger language than the original resolution had used, terming them the “anti-gospel alt-right white supremacists.”

That language, however, was mild compared to the blistering tone of Tuesday afternoon. Barrett Duke, chair of the 2017 resolutions committee, apologized unreservedly on behalf of the committee — both to the SBC messengers and “the watching world” for throwing out the original motion, referring to racism as “abhorrent” and to the alt-right in particular as “particularly vicious.”

A proposed amendment from the floor — from Georgia messenger David Mills — motioning for a report on the alt-left in addition to the alt-right for the 2018 meeting was met with stony silence, and immediately rejected on procedural grounds. Meanwhile, Russell Moore, speaking not from the stage but from the floor like other messengers, excoriated the alt-right in his strongest rhetoric yet: the resolution’s formal number in the docket was #10, he said, “but white supremacy also has a number on it: 666”: the number associated in Christian tradition with the devil.

According to Missouri pastor James K. Forbis, who attended the meeting, the vote, taken by a show of ballots, was unanimous. "I am once again proud to be a Southern Baptist because we have put one more nail now in the coffin of racism,” Forbis told Vox. “We have condemned the satanic cult of the alt-right and have told the world how Christians do act, not just Southern Baptist, but all true Christians denounce all forms of racism, white supremacy, and every kind of form of ethnic hatred. This is a historic moment and I am proud to have voted on this resolution."
. . . .​


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. By the same logic, I assume that if some Tea Partier carries a sign portraying the lynching of Barack Obama, it's just as bad as actually lynching him?
No, but if that TEA partier has been co-hosting CNNs New Years Eve coverage for the last ten years then he should be fired.
Fair enough?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Eh, I wouldn't have posted what she did, but IMO, the outrage over this incident is selective.

She's been the CNN host for News Years Eve for ten years.
Don't try to say that's equivalent to some nutter burning Obama in effigy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The one difference that even one of the GOP finally admitted to over the last couple of days is the FACT that much of the rhetoric started with Trump and he needs to own his part in it.

When did Trump say he was going to lynch Kathy Griffin?


like marbles on glass
Were' the faux lynchers CNN co-hosts with Anderson Cooper for CNN's Rockin New Years Eve Party?

She was fired. She was rightly condemned.

What else would you like before you'll consider hopping off the 'see no evil about Trump, speak no evil about Trump, hear no evil about Trump' merry-go-round?