This is the Make Me Laugh Thread


New member
when discussing the new portrait painted by (some artist) of Clinton, 1 of the guests (closed captions so don't know which one)

oh wait... I think someone asked Why did the painter do (such and such)

and someone said (something like)

Why did he paint him with his pants zipped up?



I am dealing with a White Russian right now.



New member
i'm white, so i must be


I think what's going on w/ Blacks and racism is that... not so much they ASSUME we are all racist... they just don't want to start a friendship or business deal or what have you and find out LATER we are racist.. kinda makes sense...


New member
your arm is very hairy - I mean even to your wrist.
Even the top of your hand is hairy.
I am glad your fingers are not hairy. Good Grief.

I'd be difficult too if I was that hairy.


New member
oh heck - i'm hairier than that

just not on the top of my head :eek:

Ah, Res, I hope you didn't say that trying to dispel a correlation between being difficult and being hairy, worlds may not have found what you said surprising,,, :eek:


New member
You are a tad (a lot) bit creepy.

Lol, Nick!

So says you who posted a pic so large that the hair follicles on your hand and wrist were begging to be counted (but I did refrain!)

But I confess maybe I'm a touch strange (but only a touch).

BTW, To be creepy would be to copy your huge pic and pin it up in a secret room somewhere and put candles and little gifts and stuff around it.
Which trust me, Bud, this prolly ain't happenin to your photo, by even the weirdest of the weird. No offense, I only said this to show I do know what creepy is :p.

(One person may be using it as a dart board, however :eek: )

J. Geils Band - Freeze Frame