There is no Hell


Well-known member
There is weeping and gnashing of teeth in the final judgment. Christ is speaking a parable, and the word "fire" means judgment. That is what happens just before their lives are taken from them.
No, fire means fire, just as torment means torment and for ever means forever.


Well-known member
Not all bibles use the word Hell. In some bibles the words "grave," "pit," and "Gehenna" have been given the interpretation "Hell," that is to support the Pagan belief in Hell. Originally the Catholics used the Pagan belief in Hell to sell indulgences. It was a money maker. There are many who are Pagans who profess to be Christians.
Jesus didn't describe a dead rich man. He described a rich man in torment of flames. You need to re-think your stance. :duh:


Well-known member
King James was the head of the Masons who have Pagan beliefs. Originally the King James Bible was written for the Masonic Order, and it was called the Masonic Bible. The Masonic Bible and the King James Version are one and the same bible.
King James Bible being dis-credited? Tsk tsk tsk... :duh:


Well-known member
Those who choose to digress from orthodoxy always have to re-define words and bring Bible translations into question to do so.


New member
Whatever, liar.

Have you a vermin on your person?

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Why haven't you shown the chapter and verse where Jesus said eternal torment like you claimed he said?
You just can't admit that you were caught in a deliberate lie.


New member
If it is true that there will be people ALIVE in Hell, Then God lied, and the Serpent told the truth. The word "Hell" was added to scripture replacing the words grave, pit, and Gehenna. God is not a liar.

Genesis 2:17
...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Genesis 3:3
...but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "

Genesis 3:4
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.

Now who is telling the truth, God or the Serpent? According to scripture the Serpent is telling the truth. By adding the word Hell to scriptures it looks as if the Serpent is telling the truth. Hell is a place for God to torture LIVING BEINGS for all eternity.

The Hebrew word Sheol literally means grave, not Hell. Is there LIFE in Hell? God says that man will surely die, and the Serpent says that man will not surely die.

The Pagans teach that there is life in Hell. God says there is death. And Yahshua also said that God can destroy both body and spirit.

Promoting Hell as a biblical truth makes God look like a liar.


Well-known member
He said, "Punishment," which cannot be death, since men only die once, as Scripture explicitly states. The punishment He spoke of is torment in flames, just as He said.


New member
He said, "Punishment," which cannot be death, since men only die once, as Scripture explicitly states. The punishment He spoke of is torment in flames, just as He said.

Yes, He said Punishment, not eternal torment. You are in error.

He said "Unless you repent, you will likewise perish". He did not say "Unless you repent, you will be tormented in flames".


Well-known member
You're ignoring the Truths of Scripture, regarding eternal conscious torment, as you always do. :duh:


New member
You're ignoring the Truths of Scripture, regarding eternal conscious torment, as you always do. :duh:

No, I am not ignoring the truths of scripture. You are. Scripture says that the wages of sin is DEATH. How can you believe that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being consciously tormented without ignoring the scripture that says "the wages of sin is death"?


New member
You're ignoring the Truths of Scripture, regarding eternal conscious torment, as you always do. :duh:

What part of "dead" do you not understand? Dead does not mean eternal life in Hell. The belief in a Hell promotes the Serpent doctrine and contradicts God. God said you will surly die, and the Serpent said, you will not surly die. Whose side are you on?


Well-known member
No, I am not ignoring the truths of scripture. You are. Scripture says that the wages of sin is DEATH. How can you believe that the wages of sin is eternal life in hell being consciously tormented without ignoring the scripture that says "the wages of sin is death"?
Because the fact remains that AFTER death comes judgment. The judgment is, quite obviously, from what Scriptures say: eternal conscious torment in the Lake of Fire. Apparently you've cut several passages out of your Bible. I haven't.


Well-known member
What part of "dead" do you not understand? Dead does not mean eternal life in Hell. The belief in a Hell promotes the Serpent doctrine and contradicts God. God said you will surly die, and the Serpent said, you will not surly die. Whose side are you on?
The Bible side.

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.