ECT The worm


Well-known member
Someone said salvation is by grace through faith. Do you disagree?

Hi and where is the Greek word Dispensation mentioned to Abel ??

The word DISPENSATION is not mention , until Paul was given it in Actys 20:24 !!

dan p



Well-known member
jamie is goofy sometimes

Hi and when I heard about dispensationalism , I believed it because the Greek word OIKOSNOMIA is in the bible many times BUT I was ready form it and have learned it better than most !!

I know one dispensationlist that belieeves that the OT apostles knew Eph 3:5 , IMPOSSIBLE or Eph 1:4 and 2 Tim 1:9 is wrong !!

That is why I say the Dispensationalist are OVER the place concerning Dispensational truth !!

I do BATTLE once a year with my church Board , every year , but they NEVER defeat my and I stand against them in every congregational meeting !!

dan p


New member
What does it mean by holding to the Lord's Supper ?

The Mads who hold to it (which is most Mads) believe it is for the Body to partake in. They will take some time within their assemblies and do just that.

And these are Mads who's Pastor-Teachers are often very well grounded in how to study things out in Scripture from a consistently Mid-Acts Perspective.

Mid-Acts Bible Study being a perspective that began to re-emerge as a result of studying the Scripture through the Scripture, (rather than through the traditions of men), that first began to be recovered on a much more public scale all the way back to Martin Luther...

Only to be drowned out once more by the tendency of men toward a mix of empiricism and rationalism, in contrast to the purer form of studying the Scripture - through Scripture itself.

Even within Mad, some will be observed as having dropped the one for the other, in their attempt to understand one thing or another in Scripture.

From what I have observed - what those who have ended dropping the one for the other all have in common - there recurrent pattern - is their having attempted to solve for seemingly perplexing passages a bit to soon in their learning curve.

They were not sufficiently grounded in certain areas before they ventured off into those seemingly more perplexing ones on their own.

Sort of like why Martin Luther had been so thrown by the book of James.

He simply ventured into attempting to solve for its seeming contradiction to Romans 4 a bit too soon in what had essentially been new to him.

In the end, both his peers and those who came after him, ended up at the doorstep of rationalism for their "solution" to James 2 and Romans 4.

Which is then made a "tradition" together with a built in anathema against anyone who differs.

One would think such one sidedness would itself be a signal to such that they have wondered off a much sounder path.

But such is not often the case.

The result?

Dividing that is anything but "rightly."

Division between saints.

As Paul noted "THIS is NOT the Lord's supper..."

Such a divisive "my way or the highway" is not the spirit of the Lord's Supper - not the intended attitude in said "ordinance" He had intended as to the saint's in their dealings with one another "when ye come together."

Good question, bro.