The White House's Problem Is Dishonesty, Not Chaos

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It wouldn't be, if that were true. However, they've known about it for months.

Your proof? If you decide to post a huge amount of "CNN" and their ilks sordid materials, don't bother. Also, if you decide to display your proof, please submit your "personal reading" of the hearts of Trump and his entire administration, as your proof.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One of our BIGGEST problems this past year, has been the "covering up of the TRUTH." There is so much 'garbage' coming from the far-left media that they've been able to HIDE the TRUTH by adding copious amounts of speculation, lies, unfounded accusations, and fantasy, to the mix. In other words, the TRUTH is hidden under tons of garbage. Kudos to the media for being so successful in confusing the citizenry of this country. They were BRILLIANT at their 'deceptions' and have succeeded in their endeavors to confuse, most of the people. However, like the man said; "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."



How is this a 'fiasco' if no one in the Trump administration knew about this guys crimes, until recently? Remember, "Hindsight is 20/20."
As usual, the White House's timeline doesn't correspond with one FBI Director Wray gave to the Congressional Committee yesterday that they interviewed Porter's former wives more than a year ago and had provided the WH several reports since then!

The mere fact that more than a year had passed without the President's Staff Secretary being able to obtain his permanent security clearance should have been a "red flag" that something was wrong in "paradise!""!

When "The Donald's" own, handpicked, FBI Director publically contradicts the White House narrative, perhaps its either time to change Directors and/or wheel out yet another Nunes Memo!
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I will only accept documented/authenticated materials as 'true' evidence. Can any of you far-left zealots offer those up?

I will only accept documented/authenticated materials

Either "Grosnick Marowbe" has a great sense of humor OR he gets my vote for the most "hypocritical" statement of the year!


Well-known member
Would you please display these 'supposed' 2000 lies here on TOL, as your proof?

First let's see if you can agree with some obvious ones so we don't waste each others time.

Do any are all of these count as lies to you?

1) He said Mexico will pay for the wall. Now he is asking the US taxpayers to spends billions on his wall.
2) He said he would cover EVERYONE's healthcare. Now he is doing the opposite.
3) He said he didn't know who David Duke was but he clearly knew him from prior interviews.
4) He was for a minimum wage increase and then he was against it
5) He said he as going to produce his tax returns and then never did
6) He said he had the largest inaugural attendance ever which was false
7) He said Michael Flynn didn't do anything wrong.
8) He said tax reform will cost him a fortune and many of his rich peers will hate him.



Thank God we have people who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and have been given "Spiritual Discernment."

I try to live a life where I don't have to ask God for forgiveness...
Why do I have to repent? Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you're not making mistakes?
- Donald Trump, 07/22/2015


1John 1:8-10
8) If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
10) If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

Can the Holy Spirit be "indwelt" or provide "Spiritual Discernment" in someone who steadfastly refuses to seek God's forgiveness from sin?
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The Barbarian

First let's see if you can agree with some obvious ones so we don't waste each others time.

Do any are all of these count as lies to you?

1) He said Mexico will pay for the wall. Now he is asking the US taxpayers to spends billions on his wall.
2) He said he would cover EVERYONE's healthcare. Now he is doing the opposite.
3) He said he didn't know who David Duke was but he clearly knew him from prior interviews.
4) He was for a minimum wage increase and then he was against it
5) He said he as going to produce his tax returns and then never did
6) He said he had the largest inaugural attendance ever which was false
7) He said Michael Flynn didn't do anything wrong.
8) He said tax reform will cost him a fortune and many of his rich peers will hate him.


Picky, picky, picky.


Well-known member
That is his biggest lie especially for TOL.

If any one of us stated this, everyone would pile on and call them a child of Satan, blind and going to hell. But for Trump he gets a pass.

I try to live a life where I don't have to ask God for forgiveness...
Why do I have to repent? Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you're not making mistakes?
- Donald Trump, 07/22/2015

He doesn't feel any need to ask for forgiveness and he feels no need to bother God.
Norman Vincent Peale.
He is salvation by works. Why bother God with such triviality.