The "Types" Found in the OT


Literal lunatic
If the words of the Lord Jesus in the following passage are not to be understood literally then they must have a different meaning:

"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth"

Give us your interpretation of the meaning of the words of the Lord in that passage.

We could use a good laugh!

It means nobody gets out of it.



Well-known member
If the words of the Lord Jesus in the following passage are not to be understood literally then they must have a different meaning:

"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth"

Give us your interpretation of the meaning of the words of the Lord in that passage.

We could use a good laugh!

You will not understand it because you do not understand the supernal nature of Torah and the Prophets. Cain and his line are "permanent dwellers upon the land", (eretz, not adamah, for Cain was cast out of the adamah, which is the soil of the heart as you have been shown many times over), and the reason Cain and his fallen line are "permanent dwellers upon the earth" is because although their names are written in the scripture, (in what may be understood as "the book of the dead", that is, Genesis 4), they are never said to have "lived". The chapter which follows with the genealogy of Adam, Genesis 5, is "the book of life from the foundation of the world", (Rev 17:8), for everyone written therein is written to have "lived", though they died. But since the names of Enoch and Lamech are also found in the genealogy of Adam this very strongly implies that they were born from above and are the same two mentioned in Gen 4. Thus the line of Cain, (minus Enoch and Lamech), is typology which carries all the way through to the Apocalypse because of what Messiah says in Matthew 12:43,44,45 and Luke 11:24,25,26, for the first unclean spirit of the world is Cain, and he goes and associates in league with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, (just as Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3 also does the same and fits the same typology), and they return to the house of the man, and enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of the man is worse off than the first. So the first, being Cain, is also the eighth and of the seven; for he goes and gets seven other evil spirits in addition to himself, in league with himself: thus the eighth is of the seven. Therefore, in the End, Tubal-Cain brings forth Cain with great pomp and fanfare, (for that is the very meaning of his name). And who shall live when El does this? :chuckle:

Cain, Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, Jabal, Jubal, Tubal-Cain, Cain (eighth and of the seven).
These comprise "the fullness of the gentiles", (heathen), the evil spirit(s) of the world.
They dwell in the eretz-outer-bounds-profane area of the body-temple, (the flesh).

But the brethren do not walk in darkness that that day should overtake them as a thief. :)


Well-known member
Phat chance. :chuckle:

A twofold Jerry with his twin goat Jerry will be sleeping the night watch away; one will be received near, the other will be sent away into destruction, (whether in body, I know not, or whether out of body, not I know: it is a day known only to YHWH, (Zec 14:7)), for YHWH has said, You are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of you in the twinkle of an eye and consume you! Therefore now strip off your headgear from you; for I know what I will do with you! And bnei Yisrael plucked off their headgear from mount Horeb, (the mountain of Elohim). :shut: :crackup:


Literal lunatic
A twofold Jerry with his twin goat Jerry will be sleeping the night watch away; one will be received near, the other will be sent away into destruction, (whether in body, I know not, or whether out of body, not I know: it is a day known only to YHWH, (Zec 14:7)), for YHWH has said, You are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of you in the twinkle of an eye and consume you! Therefore now strip off your headgear from you; for I know what I will do with you! And bnei Yisrael plucked off their headgear from mount Horeb, (the mountain of Elohim). :shut: :crackup:

Knew there was a reason I've always hated helmet laws.


Well-known member
Ah, yes of course, and the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for "the man of sin to be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God." And of course, according to your literal-physical material world minded theory, the Thessalonians were supposed to be watching for this to happen in the literal physical temple-building made with hands of men, in the literal physical city of Jerusalem of below, from more than 800 miles away across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea; without TV, satellites, cell phones, computers, the internet, a telescope, a pair of binoculars, or even electricity! Meanwhile they were right there in the heart of Yavan! (Greece, or as the KJV says in Daniel 8:21, "Grecia", lol).


And of course, according to you Paul lied because it never happened for any of them because it was not an individual event, so they had to wait for your "final generation" to come along. Too bad they could not live two thousand years to see what you might get to see! :chuckle:

Daniel 8:5
5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the western-shades over the face of all the land, and was not touching the ground: and the goat had a striking-notable horn between his eyes.

Not touching the ground : Prince of the power of the air : Prince of Yavan (Dan 10:20).

Daniel 8:23
23 And in the latter time of their dominion, when the transgressors are come to the full, there shall stand a king, `Az-paniym, understanding dark sentences.

Beware of the anthropon-manfaced countenances, (Mt 10:17), `Az-paniym . . .
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the Sadducees, and of Herod.



New member
In the Exodus from Egypt is hidden God’s eternal plan for salvation and is
> amazing proof of God's divine plan and foreknowledge...
> Egypt in the Bible represents the world and a place of bondage under
> an 'ungodly kingdom'... This is where we all
> start our spiritual journey, as we are all born slaves to sin just as
> the Israelites where slaves to Egypt. The head of Egypt was
> Pharaoh, who is symbolically Satan who ruled Egypt as god, and didn't
> want to 'let God's people go!'
> Satan is called the god of this world in 2 Corinthians 4:4
> Our journey of Salvation starts here...
> God wants to take us from 'Egypt' to a Promised Land... But there
> are steps we must go through just as Israel did. So the first thing
> God commanded Israel to do to start the journey was to put the blood
> of lambs on the door posts (entrance) to their homes, just as we must
> first accept the sacrificial blood of Christ which forgives us of sin
> and cleanses our hearts... After this God through Moses led them out
> of Egypt, the 'kingdom of darkness'.
> Next they travelled from Egypt until they came to the 'waters'... Pharaoh
> gave chase but God miraculously took them through the waters; this is
> symbolic of baptism as we are commanded to believe and be baptised in
> water, Acts 2:38 God then took them through the wilderness, testing
> His people and
> refining Egypt (the world) out of them by letting the older generation
> die off just as we are commanded to learn to die to self. God also fed them by
> 'manna from heaven' and water, struck from the rock just as we are nourished
> spiritually by the Word and Spirit (Living Word/Bread- Jesus, Living
> Water- Spirit).
> When they got to the edge of the Promised Land they again crossed
> water (baptism of Fire? Lk 4:14, 12:49) and were given boldness to
> take it as their
> own land just as Jesus "returned in the power of the Spirit" after His
> wilderness temptation!
> Our Promised Land is ultimately Heaven/New Jerusalem but can
> also be taken as entering our 'ministry' or true calling... Both Moses
> and the Lord Himself followed a similar pattern by coming out of
> Egypt, being led into the wilderness and then returning to bring
> deliverance to God’s people!

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A "type" is merely a sketch or illustration of the "antitype." The word "type" comes from the Greek word tupos:

"Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure (tupos) of him that was to come"
(Romans 5:14).​

Here Paul says that Adam was a "type" of the Lord Jesus. A "type" is a sketch or illustration that paints a picture of the "antitype":

"Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern (tupos) shewed to thee in the mount"

The Lord showed Moses a "sketch" or "illustration" that depicted the "antitype," the heavenly tabernacle. In this verse the earthly tabernacle is described as "the example and shadow" of the heavenly tabernacle. The Greek word translated "example" means a "representation", and that is what an illustration or sketch is. The Geek word translated "shadow" means "an image cast by an object and representing the form of that object...a sketch."

Ada R. Habershon writes that "It is very important to understand what is meant by a type. In I Cor. x. we are told concerning the various wilderness experiences of the children of Israel, that 'all these things happened unto them for types' ; and Paul explains that the record of these events is given to us in the Bible for a special purpose, viz., to teach us certain lessons. This passage seems to cover all that befell God's redeemed people in their journey from the place of bondage to the land of promise ; and we may also conclude from it that other portions of their history are given to us for a similar purpose" [emphasis added] (Habershon, Study of the Types [Kregel Publications, 1993], p. 11).

David R. Reid writes,"Imagine that God has painted the entire 40 year journey from Egypt to the Promised Land as a huge mural, which we may examine to learn valuable truth and lessons for our lives today. We find the written material for this mural in the biblical books of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua" (Reid, Crossing the Jordan, Growing Christians Ministry).

Does anyone wish to point out some of the "types" found in the OT?



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Well-known member
In the Exodus from Egypt is hidden God’s eternal plan for salvation and is
> amazing proof of God's divine plan and foreknowledge...
> Egypt in the Bible represents the world and a place of bondage under
> an 'ungodly kingdom'... This is where we all
> start our spiritual journey, as we are all born slaves to sin just as
> the Israelites where slaves to Egypt. The head of Egypt was
> Pharaoh, who is symbolically Satan who ruled Egypt as god, and didn't
> want to 'let God's people go!'
> Satan is called the god of this world in 2 Corinthians 4:4
> Our journey of Salvation starts here...
> God wants to take us from 'Egypt' to a Promised Land... But there
> are steps we must go through just as Israel did. So the first thing
> God commanded Israel to do to start the journey was to put the blood
> of lambs on the door posts (entrance) to their homes, just as we must
> first accept the sacrificial blood of Christ which forgives us of sin
> and cleanses our hearts... After this God through Moses led them out
> of Egypt, the 'kingdom of darkness'.
> Next they travelled from Egypt until they came to the 'waters'... Pharaoh
> gave chase but God miraculously took them through the waters; this is
> symbolic of baptism as we are commanded to believe and be baptised in
> water, Acts 2:38 God then took them through the wilderness, testing
> His people and
> refining Egypt (the world) out of them by letting the older generation
> die off just as we are commanded to learn to die to self. God also fed them by
> 'manna from heaven' and water, struck from the rock just as we are nourished
> spiritually by the Word and Spirit (Living Word/Bread- Jesus, Living
> Water- Spirit).
> When they got to the edge of the Promised Land they again crossed
> water (baptism of Fire? Lk 4:14, 12:49) and were given boldness to
> take it as their
> own land just as Jesus "returned in the power of the Spirit" after His
> wilderness temptation!
> Our Promised Land is ultimately Heaven/New Jerusalem but can
> also be taken as entering our 'ministry' or true calling... Both Moses
> and the Lord Himself followed a similar pattern by coming out of
> Egypt, being led into the wilderness and then returning to bring
> deliverance to God’s people!

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I almost missed this, and am glad I saw it, great post. :)


Well-known member

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There is a further level of types in the final generation of Israel, between Christ and the destruction. We know this from Hebrews speaking to its generation as though they were 'in the desert' and 'wandering' and 'needing to enter His rest.'


Well-known member
There is a further level of types in the final generation of Israel, between Christ and the destruction. We know this from Hebrews speaking to its generation as though they were 'in the desert' and 'wandering' and 'needing to enter His rest.'

That isn't some future event though, it's happening every day when someone awakes to the divine power they had before descending into a tomb of flesh/earth/tabernacle in the wilderness, the prodigal son divine seed going to law school Galatians 4:1-5 then being kissed within and awakened from divine amnesia to return home as IS RA EL.


Well-known member
That isn't some future event though, it's happening every day when someone awakes to the divine power they had before descending into a tomb of flesh/earth/tabernacle in the wilderness, the prodigal son divine seed going to law school Galatians 4:1-5 then being kissed within and awakened from divine amnesia to return home as IS RA EL.

I'm referring to the appeals to that generation of Israel from 33 to 70, to refuse to follow the zealots into messianic war with Rome.