The Trinity

The Trinity

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New member
You have the libre albedrío to reject what God says about Himself.
Indeed; we all have freedom, given by the will and Word of GOD.

You saying I reject what GOD says because I reject your surmise of what is said is in no way the truth of the matter.

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God's Truth

New member

Yes. I believe what the Bible says about God:

Deut. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our Eloheem[PLURAL] is one[SINGULAR] Jehovah.

"From the FIRST (from the BEGINNING) I (the ONE SENT) have not spoken in secret, from the time it took place (when it ALL happened), I (the ONE SENT) was there. And now the Lord GOD (the Father) has sent Me (the Son), AND His Spirit (the Holy Spirit)" Isaiah 48:12-16

Also Isaiah 42:1 and Isaiah 61:1

My God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is so awesome it will take me a lifetime of studying what He left written in His word about Himself. The more I study about what the Bible says about my God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) the more awesome He becomes to me.

You, gt, reject what God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) left written about Himself and that is your loss.

Your god is so small your comprehension thingy has no problem understanding your tiny god.

You want everyone to believe those Jews were idiots for not recognizing plural Gods when it is what the names mean? No, there are plural names for one God.

Jesus was not revealed in the Old Testament.
God was the Father in the Old Testament.
We don't find out that Jesus is that one God and Father spoken of in the Old Testament until we learn that he is according to the New Testament.


New member
You want everyone to believe those Jews were idiots for not recognizing plural Gods when it is what the names mean? No, there are plural names for one God.

Jesus was not revealed in the Old Testament.
God was the Father in the Old Testament.
We don't find out that Jesus is that one God and Father spoken of in the Old Testament until we learn that he is according to the New Testament.

What do you do with Genesis 18!

What do you do with John 8:56!

God's Truth

New member
Uh uh.

Can we not start 2018 at least reading what we write? It takes away from the flow of the conversation if we have to correct grammar also.

You have bigger problems than grammar.

You can keep giving me grammar lessons, and I will keep teaching you God's Truth.

God's Truth

New member
From the responses received from the posited response....Yes.

When it comes to God you can find God's Truth (not to be confused with gt's) in His Holy Writ.

You want to explain why God didn't correct those idiot Jews for saying He was One God even though those names say He was more? LOL

God's Truth

New member
Uh uh.

Can we not start 2018 at least reading what we write? It takes away from the flow of the conversation if we have to correct grammar also.

1. There. Use there to refer to a physical or abstract place. Usually, if you can replace there with here in the same sentence, and it still makes sense, then you are using it correctly.

Here are plural names for God:

There are plural names for God:

I don't know why you find it so hard to understand when I used the word 'there'.

Maybe you should get a new heart and a new mind.

There is the place, i.e. not here.

It is also used when saying 'there is' and 'there are'.


Get your armor ready!
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It is funny to watch her chase her tail around.

God's Truth

New member
Since lifeisgood wants to help me with my grammar, I would like to know how all those Jews, the Jews who loved God and were saved, how did they not know that those names for God meant "they" were many Gods? Or, how about 'there' are many Gods? lol

These madists want to help me with my grammar, but they are the ones who change the English language.

They say repent is not of sins, but rather to change your mind about God.

They say they are Gods and not God.

They say they are two kingdoms and not one.

They say they are two gospels that save and not one.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Temp Banned
Matthew 24
(36) But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Two distinct persons, each knowing something different.

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 24
(36) But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Two distinct persons, each knowing something different.

Because God the Father came as a MAN. A man would not know as much as the Father in heaven.