The Terrible God of Calvinism


Yes the God of Calvinism is a terrible God. Is there any other kind?

Better to fear Calvin's God then burn for accepting a weak kneed thing.


New member
The New Testament teaches that people are saved by hearing and believing the Gospel, Acts Chapter 2.

Paul said that this Gospel... "Is the power of God unto salvation" to everyone that believes it, Romans 1:16.

You apparently don't believe it.

You said people could be saved by looking at stars. Once again, you are inconsistent.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
As monergist, if you are speaking to our personal responsibility in our salvation, you are right. As AMR has been pointing out to you, that is chasm that really will not be bridged.

God saves.

God saves, but only through faith in his Son Jesus Christ, John 3:16.


Well-known member
God saves, but only through faith in his Son Jesus Christ, John 3:16.

False and Invalid Comment ! Besides that, You dont believe in Christ of scripture, the christ you believe in failed to save all for whom he lived and died, that is not the Christ of Scripture !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
False and Invalid Comment ! Besides that, You dont believe in Christ of scripture, the christ you believe in failed to save all for whom he lived and died, that is not the Christ of Scripture !

Jesus claims to be the savior of the world, John 12:47.

Are you calling him a liar?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The World My Jesus is the Saviour of is a Saved World, what about yours ? did your jesus save everyone he died for ? Yes or No ?

No, the world your Jesus is the savior of is a false Jesus.

There is no Jesus in the Bible that only dies for some.

The Jesus in the Bible atones for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.


New member
All of the sins of the world have been propitiated by Jesus Christ, 1 John 2:2.

Why don't you go and get saved and then I will answer your questions.

I don't think you understand what propitiation means. If you did, you wouldn't make contradictory statements.


Well-known member
All of the sins of the world have been propitiated by Jesus Christ, 1 John 2:2.

Why don't you go and get saved and then I will answer your questions.

Not those who are under Gods Wrath and condemnation John 3 :18,36! They are under Gods Wrath and condemnation because of their sins, they were not propitiated for!