New member
Getting falling down drunk at a frat party is not an innocent act for women. Nor is it innocent for men to be drunk and on the prowl for females to take advantage of.
All of this hard drinking and partying is the crux of the matter: If college kids were living more soberly and studying and dating more, most of this crisis would vanish. It's a bad culture.


[From your article] "Instead of requiring evidence of non-consensual sex, the CPS will now look only for the absence of evidence that there was consent.

Under these new rules, without a legal consent form being signed in front of witnesses (unlikely in most circumstance, I think we can all agree) a drunk man will be held 100% responsible for anything he does during any sexual encounter with a woman. From the first kiss to the zipping up of his trousers, he is culpable for all of his actions – and hers too."
You are opposed to regulating fornication?

"Fornication—sex relations among the unmarried: Evil of: Comes from evil heart (Matt. 15:19), Sins against the body (1 Cor. 6:18), Excludes from God’s kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9), Disrupts Christian fellowship (1 Cor. 5:9–11)..." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 241). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


New member
You are opposed to regulating fornication?

"Fornication—sex relations among the unmarried: Evil of: Comes from evil heart (Matt. 15:19), Sins against the body (1 Cor. 6:18), Excludes from God’s kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9), Disrupts Christian fellowship (1 Cor. 5:9–11)..." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 241). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
No. But I want to hold both sexes responsible for their drinking and their sexual behaviors.


Getting falling down drunk at a frat party is not an innocent act for women. Nor is it innocent for men to be drunk and on the prowl for females to take advantage of.
All of this hard drinking and partying is the crux of the matter: If college kids were living more soberly and studying and dating more, most of this crisis would vanish. It's a bad culture.

It is a bad culture (2 Ti 3:1-5). I noticed that you gave your own thread a ":down:" thumbs down. :plain:

God was opposed to fornication way back when (Lev. 20:10). He's opposed to it now (Mal 3:6).


No. But I want to hold both sexes responsible for their drinking and their sexual behaviors.

God's way or Britain's way? You entitled this thread: The New Rape Rules Which will Infantilise Women and Criminalise Innocent Men. Do you believe fornicators are innocent? Lev 20:10
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New member
It is a bad culture (2 Ti 3:1-5). I noticed that you gave your own thread a ":down:" thumbs down. :plain:

God was opposed to fornication way back when (Lev. 20:10). He's opposed to it now (Mal 3:6).
I gave the concept in the title a thumbs down. ............. Right. That goes for women getting drunk and fornicating, too.


I've been to your pubs.
There's a whole lot of drinking and fornicating going on.
We have it here, too. There's a saying: "If the trailer's-a-rockin' don't bother-a-knockin'.

Your queen is pro homo.
Do you think she'll get on board to encourage Britain to be great again? :smokie: Lev 20:10


The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart


I gave the concept in the title a thumbs down. ............. Right. That goes for women getting drunk and fornicating, too.

Is that like Adam?--I went to bed single and I woke up married to this woman you gave me. Ge 3:12, Phil 2:15



New member
God's way or Britain's way? You entitled this thread: The New Rape Rules Which will Infantilise Women and Criminalise Innocent Men. Do you believe fornicators are innocent? Lev 20:10
Innocent of the crime of rape in secular courts of law, yes, if the woman consented. This is the political thread, not the religious thread. :D I agree with the Breitbart piece, obviously. I'm in New York, not UK.


[God's way or Britain's way? You entitled this thread: The New Rape Rules Which will Infantilize Women and Criminalize Innocent Men. Do you believe fornicators are innocent? Lev 20:10] "Innocent of the crime of rape in secular courts of law, yes, if the woman consented..."
If the woman consented to fornication, the man is innocent of fornication? Lev 20:10.

"This is the political thread, not the religious thread..."
You check your bible at the door when you discuss politics? Lk 19:13


Should Christians Judge?
"...I agree with the Breitbart piece, obviously..."
Obviously God doesn't know what he's talking about.

"I'm in New York, not UK."

They :limey: are a few years ahead of us :5020: in depravity but we are not too far behind (Eze 38:13).


Is America In Bible Prophecy?


New member
serpentdove said:
If the woman consented to fornication, the man is innocent of fornication? Lev 20:10.
Innocent of rape; the post is not about fornication.

You check your bible at the door when you discuss politics? Lk 19:13
Yes, I do. I am discussing secular jurisprudence here.


[If the woman consented to fornication, the man is innocent of fornication? Lev 20:10.] "Innocent of rape; the post is not about fornication."
The punishment for adultery is death (Lev. 20:10). The punishment for kidnapping is death (Ex. 21:16).

[You check your bible at the door when you discuss politics? Lk 19:13] "Yes, I do."
Then you aren't fit to run a lemonade stand.

"I am discussing secular jurisprudence here."

Recommended reading:

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey and Phillip E. Johnson


New member
Getting falling down drunk at a frat party is not an innocent act for women. Nor is it innocent for men to be drunk and on the prowl for females to take advantage of.
All of this hard drinking and partying is the crux of the matter: If college kids were living more soberly and studying and dating more, most of this crisis would vanish. It's a bad culture.

I agree. I'm not saying women are innocent in matter. It's a given there are men in clubs or bars looking for an easy target. So, going there if you aren't interested is playing with fire but it's a two-way street. A man shouldn't be looking to prey on a woman either, nor should he trust women in that situation.

What I mean to say, is, if a law like this actually puts a dent in the hypersexual culture, I'm not sure it's a bad thing. In this situation, neither party is innocent. Some men might go to jail for what they thought they had consent for, but they are obviously looking for easy prey to begin with. It's not smart to think yes from a woman in a bar/club/rave etc etc is legit. Maybe this kind of law would make people think twice.


New member
I agree. I'm not saying women are innocent in matter. It's a given there are men in clubs or bars looking for an easy target. So, going there if you aren't interested is playing with fire but it's a two-way street. A man shouldn't be looking to prey on a woman either, nor should he trust women in that situation.

What I mean to say, is, if a law like this actually puts a dent in the hypersexual culture, I'm not sure it's a bad thing. In this situation, neither party is innocent. Some men might go to jail for what they thought they had consent for, but they are obviously looking for easy prey to begin with. It's not smart to think yes from a woman in a bar/club/rave etc etc is legit. Maybe this kind of law would make people think twice.
True - just so long as there are not lengthy prison sentences and a man's entire life wrecked. But I agree, the male behavior as well as the female, should be checked.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Unless of course a drunk husband beats his wife :rolleyes:
The husband is the head of the wife.
He should care for and protect her, not abuse her.

It is THE WOMAN'S responsibility to take care of, protect, and do what is best for herself.
The head of the woman is the man. They are not equal.

That is what fairness and equality, automony, all that stuff women always spout out to men is.

It is not a crime to take advantage of women, as women take advantage of men all the time, every day. They use them for money, they use their assets to tempt them to their bidding, they expect what you just demanded simply because they are female..
I expect men to be the head.

Real men would have protected those women in the club.

God said that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church.
That means that husbands should love their wives even when their actions are not worthy (cause the church sure wasn't worthy).

Men have always had a greater responsibility in the eyes of God.

You may want to blame the fornication on the women for getting drunk.
But the fact is that all those women could have been plastered; but if real men had been there, no fornication would have taken place no matter how drunk the women were.


Hall of Fame
Just throwing this out there in this smokescreen of a thread that wishes to attack rape victims ...

IF two people are at a bar and both are drunk and have an argument that ends with one using his/her fists or a weapon to assault or kill the other (not self defense), who is responsible for the attack?

Going by GFR7's logic, the sole aggressor is innocent because their victim was drunk as well.

Rape is a violent, vicious crime that seems to be *socially acceptable* to a certain mentality.


New member
The OP is about women's consent. It's not about rape.

In any sense, what T says simply does not occur in our secular culture. And our campuses are part of secular, not Christian, culture.