"What is your point? Especially since the Head Cheeto wishes to accelerate drug approval. "
On TOL, which could be called QUARREL, comments must always be about opinions and facts are always treated as opinions, which are better for quarrels.
It is a fact that more voices which also oppose the Marxist Left are for health care which uses food, supplements and herbs which are based to some extent on research than are voices for the same thing from the Marxist Left. But there is "no point" in that fact, if it cannot be made into another opinion which is argued against.
We have to wonder why there are no people on the Left who are promoting a form of health care which makes use of something other than prescription drugs and surgery?
Is there a correlation between a lack of creativity in health care and Leftist ideology? There may be and if so this is very interesting.
And than you have to ask, is the making of better health care a political issue by the Alternative Media or some in it, one reason why the Alternative Media has been gaining credibility with the public and the old Leftist mainstream Media is losing credibility.
On TOL, which could be called QUARREL, comments must always be about opinions and facts are always treated as opinions, which are better for quarrels.
It is a fact that more voices which also oppose the Marxist Left are for health care which uses food, supplements and herbs which are based to some extent on research than are voices for the same thing from the Marxist Left. But there is "no point" in that fact, if it cannot be made into another opinion which is argued against.
We have to wonder why there are no people on the Left who are promoting a form of health care which makes use of something other than prescription drugs and surgery?
Is there a correlation between a lack of creativity in health care and Leftist ideology? There may be and if so this is very interesting.
And than you have to ask, is the making of better health care a political issue by the Alternative Media or some in it, one reason why the Alternative Media has been gaining credibility with the public and the old Leftist mainstream Media is losing credibility.