The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i suspect the bananahead will ignore this:

Katie Rich, a “Saturday Night Live” writer who mocked Barron Trump, the youngest child of President Donald Trump, in a tweet during Friday’s inaugural festivities, has been suspended from the late-night comedy show.

Rich was suspended immediately after the tweet, and will be suspended indefinitely, according to a source familiar with the matter but not authorized to comment publicly.

In the original message, Rich predicted that 10-year-old Barron would become “the country’s first homeschool shooter.” The message was soon deleted by Rich, who also temporarily deactivated her personal Twitter account, but not before it drew widespread condemnation online.



New member
Hall of Fame
Humor Break:


Dallas Stars vs Washington Capitals: at the American Airlines Center in Texas on the evening of the inauguration, the team posted on a Jumbotron that 1.5 million people happened to be in attendance at that very game.



New member
Hall of Fame
i suspect the bananahead will ignore this:

Katie Rich, a “Saturday Night Live” writer who mocked Barron Trump, the youngest child of President Donald Trump, in a tweet during Friday’s inaugural festivities, has been suspended from the late-night comedy show.

Rich was suspended immediately after the tweet, and will be suspended indefinitely, according to a source familiar with the matter but not authorized to comment publicly.

In the original message, Rich predicted that 10-year-old Barron would become “the country’s first homeschool shooter.” The message was soon deleted by Rich, who also temporarily deactivated her personal Twitter account, but not before it drew widespread condemnation online.

How horrible. :nono: I was glad to see that Chelsea Clinton came to his defense. She's been there. I feel bad for any child of the president because they didn't choose to be in that spotlight.


New member
Hall of Fame

Under President Trump, U.S. agencies find their words scrutinized

U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has put staff at a slew of government agencies on notice - be careful what you say.

Employees at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Interior Department and the Agriculture Department all have seen directives come down from the newly minted leadership seeking to limit how they communicate to the public.

The moves have reinforced concerns that Trump, a climate change doubter, could seek to sideline scientific research showing that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming, as well as the career staffers at the agencies that conduct much of this research.


New member
Hall of Fame
What is good for the market, well, we will see.....

Trumponomics may be wrong medicine for U.S. economy today

Tax cuts, deregulation and more federal spending advocated by the incoming Trump administration are a classic remedy for economic stagnation and long unemployment lines.

But that medicine may be too strong for an economy that has grown for eight years, with wages now rising and the jobless rate near what many economists consider "full" employment.

A Reuters analysis of regional jobs data and historic trends suggests that stimulus could boost demand for workers in areas where labor is already tight. That in turn, could stoke inflation, force the Federal Reserve to raise rates faster than expected, and make recession a greater threat.

What the country needs now, labor economists and Fed officials say, is small-bore surgery - policies focused on depressed regions in its rural areas and industrial heartland, which fell out of sync with the global economy and emerged as Donald Trump's power base, helping him win the presidency.

"When you think of what Trump is inheriting, it is an economy in which much of the recent crisis has been solved," said Jed Kolko, chief economist for the job site

"The challenges that remain are the ones that are harder to fix," he said, citing as examples the decline of the nation's coal belt or the rise in drug abuse in "middle America's" depressed communities.

As okdoser posted, there has been some good movement so far but there are also concerns over getting too protectionist and where that could lead. And that article voices some concerns. He may need a scalpel instead of a chainsaw.

As you say, we'll see. :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How horrible. :nono: I was glad to see that Chelsea Clinton came to his defense. She's been there. I feel bad for any child of the president because they didn't choose to be in that spotlight.

it's always been understood kids are off limits

i don't remember anybody going after bammy's daughters - certainly not the suckups on snl

and yes, i've referred to chelsea as the family dog

but i've always felt bad afterward


New member

As okdoser posted, there has been some good movement so far but there are also concerns over getting too protectionist and where that could lead. And that article voices some concerns. He may need a scalpel instead of a chainsaw.

As you say, we'll see. :idunno:

Trump isn't necessarily protectionist. He just wants a level playing field. His fair or don't play at all.

He also demands companies use Americans or you don't do business in America with overseas made goods.


like marbles on glass
How horrible. :nono: I was glad to see that Chelsea Clinton came to his defense. She's been there. I feel bad for any child of the president because they didn't choose to be in that spotlight.

I agree with you, kmo. Kids don't ask for that. As a matter of fact, neither did Melania. I didn't think she looked very happy in the photos I saw of her, and I wonder what she's thinking. It can't be easy for her either right now.


like marbles on glass
Spicer is still on the job!

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday defended President Donald Trump’s claims that "3 to 5 million people" had voted illegally in the 2016 election, providing no supporting evidence beyond an 8-year-old, discredited study.
. . .

In arguing for the integrity of the November election, Spicer falsely claimed that Trump had won the election with more electoral votes “of any republican since Reagan” at 306. George H.W. Bush won the presidency with 426 electoral votes in 1988.


New member
I think spicer confused what pence had sad. Pence said that trump had won more counties since any Republican since Reagan. He wasn't being dishonest...just too much information to keep track.of.


like marbles on glass
Sean Spicer should have listened to Ari Fleischer.

After Spicer's flagrant misstatement of Inauguration Day crowd figures over the weekend, Fleischer — a former White House press secretary trying to help the current one — offered some free advice Monday on Fox News.

“As soon as a press secretary gets into statistics and facts, the press is going to fact-check the press secretary,” Fleischer said. “So don't use a fact, don't use a stat, unless you're 100 percent certain you've got it nailed down.”


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, you're a Lib therefore, I'll give you some ideas on how to get through this very emotional time:

1) Drink lots of cups of Cocoa.
2) Purchase a Puppy.
3) Purchase varied coloring books and crayons.
4) Get yourself some Play-Doh.
5) Find a nice tranquil crying room.
6) Design some nice protest signs.
7) Join your nearest riot.
8) Keep telling yourself the world has ended.
9) Do some "Primal Screams" combined with shouts of, "Trump isn't my President."
10)If none of those work, get some Tranquilizers from your Doctor or go to the nearest Emergency Room and have yourself observed for 72 hours.
I'll take that as a concession that the poll wasn't faked and there is a reason for Trump to release his taxes. :cheers:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sean Spicer should have listened to Ari Fleischer.

After Spicer's flagrant misstatement of Inauguration Day crowd figures over the weekend, Fleischer — a former White House press secretary trying to help the current one — offered some free advice Monday on Fox News.

“As soon as a press secretary gets into statistics and facts, the press is going to fact-check the press secretary,” Fleischer said. “So don't use a fact, don't use a stat, unless you're 100 percent certain you've got it nailed down.”

he shoulda just said "it was HUGE!!!!"

and walked out the door


like marbles on glass
She's another matter. Unless you think she would have married him if he drove a cab, she bought in, she profits by, and she's a supporter of. Fair game, though criticism should be factual.

I don't think she's "fair game," in the same way I would see a politician. You'll have to make an argument as to why she would be. She has a role to fulfill, but she's not the politician who ran for office.

And I'm not making any assumptions about her motivations for marrying Trump, and I'm a bit bemused that you didn't grant Trump equal time in the assumption game.

Melania's had some missteps, like the plagiarism in her convention speech - but I don't know how much she was involved in that, since I don't recall if she claimed to have written the speech herself. That's key. I don't know a lot about her, but I sensed an unhappiness in her in some of the inauguration photos I saw, and maybe that will settle out and she'll make her own place, or maybe it won't and she'll struggle to make the transition. I've read repeatedly that Michelle pretty much couldn't wait to get back to private life, but she had a duty to fulfill and she did it with grace and a warmth that was genuine, even though she was subject to a nasty, vicious running commentary by the alt right wing.


The same people who wrote Michelle's speech wrote Melania's- they don't write their own speeches.

But leave it to liberals to do the same old damnable thing they do with anything and paint it is as Michelle the poet, Melania the plagiarist :rolleyes:

~Media livestock~
aka AnnaBanana, lapping up the feed trough and throwing her fits of imagination.

The Sheep Party needs to go!


like marbles on glass
"But," some will say, "what if the only choice you have is between two evils? Shouldn't you choose the lesser?" That one is seductive. It got me a couple of times before the bitterness of some of the fruit of those choices snapped me out of that stupor and a moment of clarity arrived on the point. We are never limited to a choice among evils unless we choose to participate in the contest.

Some will say that by framing the only two possible choices as evils, one absolves oneself from any responsibility to choose the best candidate.

One time I stayed out of a presidential vote based on that approach and my moment of clarity since then has brought me to a different conclusion. From then on, with only two available candidates, I vote my conscience based on who I think is in the best interests of the country. I won't abstain again or make a third party vote, because if I did, I wouldn't have much ground to stand on when criticizing the results of the election.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I didn't watch it.I'm sure the GOP establishment all looked like the cats who swallowed the canary....They know Trump is a fraud, but they don't care, they know he's just a puppet.


:mock: Democrats.