The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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TOL Subscriber
How about that ID there phony little man? lots of Rambo puffing but all's well here at the Zeke ranch, that spiritual power you claim to have is pretty limp, must be hard sleeping knowing your a hypocrite and a fake christian, pretty sad little man PPS.

I'm getting disappointed. I had high hopes for ya as the court jester, Brah.

What's happened? I thought you were da man?

Dagnabbit. We needs sum o' dat Zeke juice. Can'tcha throw us a bone?

A quip. Some sarcasm. Do SUMTINK. Don't just sit thar and be a bummer court jester. Ever'body knows yer s'posed to dance and schmooze around all prissy-like.

Eeeeeeeeeerp. S'cuze me, there. Hadda burp.

Welllllllllllllllllll? Drag out that ego and give us some sump'm sump'm, Brudda Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeke.

Slide inta home plate sangin'. Give it up for us.

(Chanting...) Zeke...Zeke...Zeke...Zeke...Zeke...Zeke...

Eek to the Zeke. Back to you......... and......... HIT IT!! Don't QUIT IT!!:dizzy:


TOL Subscriber
Birth certificate? that's old school paper based illusions, don't have one, and if you use iD then your still playing the game.

No. Read.... My.... Lips.

Birth Certificate BOND. You don't even know what it IS.

You're owned. No. I mean actually owned.

Gotta "exhaust administrative procedure". And at every stage.

No ID necessary for any of it or anything else. But you wouldn't know.

I'd be your best resource, but you've kinda burned that bridge, Barbie.

Er... Gawd George Neffertiti.


Well-known member
When I get the PM with name of the prison so I can ask if they need ID, your cred meter is really low, time for bed hotshot.


Well-known member
No. Read.... My.... Lips.

Birth Certificate BOND. You don't even know what it IS.

You're owned. No. I mean actually owned.

Gotta "exhaust administrative procedure". And at every stage.

No ID necessary for any of it or anything else. But you wouldn't know.

I'd be your best resource, but you've kinda burned that bridge, Barbie.

Er... Gawd George Neffertiti.

No need to know, that's literal garbage bubba that isn't needed, do you have ID puff ball?


TOL Subscriber
When I get the PM with name of the prison so I can ask if they need ID, your cred meter is really low, time for bed hotshot.

Nighy night.

No need to know, that's literal garbage bubba that isn't needed,

If you only knew.

do you have ID puff ball?

Don't need it. Nope. (But there's more. I just won't tell you. You get to find out the hard way.)

G'Night. Sleep loose. Let all the bed bugs bite. Yarharharharhar.

Not really. Only let a few of the bed bugs bite, not all of them.


Lets discuss this section

5. The Positive Nature of Jesus’ Religion

(1769.3) 159 At Philadelphia, where James was working, Jesus taught the disciples about the positive nature of the gospel of the kingdom. When, in the course of his remarks, he intimated that some parts of the Scripture were more truth-containing than others and admonished his hearers to feed their souls upon the best of the spiritual food, James interrupted the Master, asking: “Would you be good enough, Master, to suggest to us how we may choose the better passages from the Scriptures for our personal edification?” And Jesus replied: “Yes, James, when you read the Scriptures look for those eternally true and divinely beautiful teachings, such as:

(1769.4) 159:5.2 “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord.

(1769.5) 159:5.3 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

(1769.6) 159:5.4 “You should love your neighbor as yourself.

(1769.7) 159:5.5 “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying, fear not; I will help you.

(1769.8) 159:5.6 “Neither shall the nations learn war any more.”

(1769.9) 159:5.7 And this is illustrative of the way Jesus, day by day, appropriated the cream of the Hebrew scriptures for the instruction of his followers and for inclusion in the teachings of the new gospel of the kingdom. Other religions had suggested the thought of the nearness of God to man, but Jesus made the care of God for man like the solicitude of a loving father for the welfare of his dependent children and then made this teaching the cornerstone of his religion. And thus did the doctrine of the fatherhood of God make imperative the practice of the brotherhood of man. The worship of God and the service of man became the sum and substance of his religion. Jesus took the best of the Jewish religion and translated it to a worthy setting in the new teachings of the gospel of the kingdom.

(1769.10) 159:5.8 Jesus put the spirit of positive action into the passive doctrines of the Jewish religion. In the place of negative compliance with ceremonial requirements, Jesus enjoined the positive doing of that which his new religion required of those who accepted it. Jesus’ religion consisted not merely in believing, but in actually doing, those things which the gospel required. He did not teach that the essence of his religion consisted in social service, but rather that social service was one of the certain effects of the possession of the spirit of true religion.

(1770.1) 159:5.9 Jesus did not hesitate to appropriate the better half of a Scripture while he repudiated the lesser portion. His great exhortation, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” he took from the Scripture which reads: “You shall not take vengeance against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus appropriated the positive portion of this Scripture while rejecting the negative part. He even opposed negative or purely passive nonresistance. Said he: “When an enemy smites you on one cheek, do not stand there dumb and passive but in positive attitude turn the other; that is, do the best thing possible actively to lead your brother in error away from the evil paths into the better ways of righteous living.” Jesus required his followers to react positively and aggressively to every life situation. The turning of the other cheek, or whatever act that may typify, demands initiative, necessitates vigorous, active, and courageous expression of the believer’s personality.

(1770.2) 159:5.10 Jesus did not advocate the practice of negative submission to the indignities of those who might purposely seek to impose upon the practitioners of nonresistance to evil, but rather that his followers should be wise and alert in the quick and positive reaction of good to evil to the end that they might effectively overcome evil with good. Forget not, the truly good is invariably more powerful than the most malignant evil. The Master taught a positive standard of righteousness: “Whosoever wishes to be my disciple, let him disregard himself and take up the full measure of his responsibilities daily to follow me.” And he so lived himself in that “he went about doing good.” And this aspect of the gospel was well illustrated by many parables which he later spoke to his followers. He never exhorted his followers patiently to bear their obligations but rather with energy and enthusiasm to live up to the full measure of their human responsibilities and divine privileges in the kingdom of God.:5.1


Instead of looking for demonic activity in others, you ought to
spend time reading/studying what Paul has to say about the
"Dispensation of Grace!" We first, hear the word of our salvation,
then, we must place our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
then, we are indwelt/sealed by the Holy Spirit and positioned
into the "Body of Christ!"


(1621.2) 144:4.3 In all praying, remember that sonship is a gift. No child has aught to do with earning the status of son or daughter. The earth child comes into being by the will of its parents. Even so, the child of God comes into grace and the new life of the spirit by the will of the Father in heaven. Therefore must the kingdom of heaven — divine sonship — be received as by a little child. You earn righteousness — progressive character development — but you receive sonship by grace and through faith.

The Phoenician Appearance

(2054.2) 193:2.1 The Master’s eighteenth morontia appearance was at Tyre, on Tuesday, May 16, at a little before nine o’clock in the evening. Again he appeared at the close of a meeting of believers, as they were about to disperse, saying:

(2054.3) 193:2.2 “Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that the Son of Man has risen from the dead because you thereby know that you and your brethren shall also survive mortal death. But such survival is dependent on your having been previously born of the spirit of truth-seeking and God-finding. The bread of life and the water thereof are given only to those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness — for God. The fact that the dead rise is not the gospel of the kingdom. These great truths and these universe facts are all related to this gospel in that they are a part of the result of believing the good news and are embraced in the subsequent experience of those who, by faith, become, in deed and in truth, the everlasting sons of the eternal God. My Father sent me into the world to proclaim this salvation of sonship to all men. And so send I you abroad to preach this salvation of sonship. Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them; they are useless branches on the living vine, and they soon will be taken away. My Father requires of the children of faith that they bear much spirit fruit. If, therefore, you are not fruitful, he will dig about your roots and cut away your unfruitful branches. Increasingly, must you yield the fruits of the spirit as you progress heavenward in the kingdom of God. You may enter the kingdom as a child, but the Father requires that you grow up, by grace, to the full stature of spiritual adulthood. And when you go abroad to tell all nations the good news of this gospel, I will go before you, and my Spirit of Truth shall abide in your hearts. My peace I leave with you.”

(2054.4) 193:2.3 And then the Master disappeared from their sight. The next day there went out from Tyre those who carried this story to Sidon and even to Antioch and Damascus. Jesus had been with these believers when he was in the flesh, and they were quick to recognize him when he began to teach them. While his friends could not readily recognize his morontia form when made visible, they were never slow to identify his personality when he spoke to them.


Well-known member
Biggest problem I see with the UB is that no one who adheres to it has any life in them.

John 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.


Well-known member
The way the enemy tries to attack the Blood of the Lamb is to create a cult (UB) with half-truths such as Caino just quoted, but without the power of Christ. His Power is in His Blood. Without it one is as dead as the spirits behind the UB: completely and utterly without life.


TOL Subscriber
The way the enemy tries to attack the Blood of the Lamb is to create a cult (UB) with half-truths such as Caino just quoted, but without the power of Christ. His Power is in His Blood. Without it one is as dead as the spirits behind the UB: completely and utterly without life.

If people understood linguistics, they'd know exactly why NO "Holy Book" would ever originate in a modern high-context language like English.

That's why the U-Rauncy-A Filth is such a shallow read and easily fools some. It's the same with the proliferation of English translations of scripture.

God inspired scripture to be penned in both Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek for very specific reasons.


Well-known member
But the general populace doesn't even understand English, much less the facts of language context. The design is to pull as many into hell as possible. God designed His Word to be understood by the least of us, and very few noble are called.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

God doesn't need ability... He only needs those who love Him, He gives ability, His Strength is made perfect in weakness. :thumb:


If people understood linguistics, they'd know exactly why NO "Holy Book" would ever originate in a modern high-context language like English.

That's why the U-Rauncy-A Filth is such a shallow read and easily fools some. It's the same with the proliferation of English translations of scripture.

God inspired scripture to be penned in both Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek for very specific reasons.

We can appreciate your frustration, apparently a life spent using an education to blow yourself up into a prideful balloon! The Hebrew language came long after Exodus and Moses. For thousands of years prior to Abraham the religions, customs and rituals evolved in completely different languages.

This may explain PneumaPsucheSoma :

"The priests have always sought to impress and awe the common people by conducting the religious ritual in an ancient tongue and by sundry magical passes so to mystify the worshipers as to enhance their own piety and authority. The great danger in all this is that the ritual tends to become a substitute for religion."

Now, contemporary thinking man is no longer held by the wizard behind the curtain of purely man made, contradictory holy writings. The gig is up and apart from respect for the function of primitive religion, todays religious fanatics are a joke to the world, your salt lost it's savor.

"Ancient magic was the cocoon of modern science, indispensable in its time but now no longer useful. And so the phantasms of ignorant superstition agitated the primitive minds of men until the concepts of science could be born. Today, Urantia is in the twilight zone of this intellectual evolution. One half the world is grasping eagerly for the light of truth and the facts of scientific discovery, while the other half languishes in the arms of ancient superstition and but thinly disguised magic."​


Literal lunatic
I would love a demonstration of that besides hersay.

Hey if you dont like scripture how 'bout realizing that Aimiel did not make a false accusation.

This is documented, :shocked:


June 14
Urantia Foundation issues comprehensive guidelines for permissible use of The Urantia Book, including permission to read up to 500 words aloud in public.

Reader claims to have vision of Michael forgiving Lucifer -- gives rise to channeling phenomena within portion of the readership.


January Vern Grimsley notifies Martin Myers and the Kendalls that he began receiving "messages" on December 16, 1982.

August 19-21
Center for Urantia Book Synergy -- CUBS -- sponsors "The Art of Living" conference in Santa Barbara, California, with over 300 participants from 22 states and Canada.

October 6
Vern Grimsley announces he has received a "message" from superhuman sources warning that World War III is imminent, converts Family of God Foundation's 1.5 million dollar commodity account (managed by Richard Keeler) into gold coins and bullion, stashing it at his California seminary.

False prophecies that never came to pass. :wazzup:

So if not from God who yuh reckon they WAS from?


Hey if you dont like scripture how 'bout realizing that Aimiel did not make a false accusation.

This is documented, :shocked:


June 14
Urantia Foundation issues comprehensive guidelines for permissible use of The Urantia Book, including permission to read up to 500 words aloud in public.

Reader claims to have vision of Michael forgiving Lucifer -- gives rise to channeling phenomena within portion of the readership.


January Vern Grimsley notifies Martin Myers and the Kendalls that he began receiving "messages" on December 16, 1982.

August 19-21
Center for Urantia Book Synergy -- CUBS -- sponsors "The Art of Living" conference in Santa Barbara, California, with over 300 participants from 22 states and Canada.

October 6
Vern Grimsley announces he has received a "message" from superhuman sources warning that World War III is imminent, converts Family of God Foundation's 1.5 million dollar commodity account (managed by Richard Keeler) into gold coins and bullion, stashing it at his California seminary.

False prophecies that never came to pass. :wazzup:

So if not from God who yuh reckon they WAS from?

From their own imaginations.

Your fear of, and faith in the Satan God is still strong.

If fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, what's fear of the Satan God?


Literal lunatic
We can appreciate your frustration, apparently a life spent using an education to blow yourself up into a prideful balloon! The Hebrew language came long after Exodus and Moses. For thousands of years prior to Abraham the religions, customs and rituals evolved in completely different languages.

This may explain PneumaPsucheSoma :

"The priests have always sought to impress and awe the common people by conducting the religious ritual in an ancient tongue and by sundry magical passes so to mystify the worshipers as to enhance their own piety and authority. The great danger in all this is that the ritual tends to become a substitute for religion."

Now, contemporary thinking man is no longer held by the wizard behind the curtain of purely man made, contradictory holy writings. The gig is up and apart from respect for the function of primitive religion, todays religious fanatics are a joke to the world, your salt lost it's savor.

"Ancient magic was the cocoon of modern science, indispensable in its time but now no longer useful. And so the phantasms of ignorant superstition agitated the primitive minds of men until the concepts of science could be born. Today, Urantia is in the twilight zone of this intellectual evolution. One half the world is grasping eagerly for the light of truth and the facts of scientific discovery, while the other half languishes in the arms of ancient superstition and but thinly disguised magic."​

The Urantia Foundation changed the book at least twice, and destroyed the original plates used to print the book.

What copy are you quoting from Einstein?


Literal lunatic
From their own imaginations.

Your fear of, and faith in the Satan God is still strong.

If fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, what's fear of the Satan God?

I have no fear of yer urantia god, that's why I boldly go where you fear to tread.

The Holy of Holies.
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