The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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The stubbornness of today's Christian is a glimpse of what Jesus had to contend with in dealing with the thick headed Jews. They would send lawyers and professional quibblers out to try to entrap him into their own theological abstracts. He would brilliantly wreck the whole house of cards as he was God after all.

Yeah, considering YOU'RE the only one preaching the "True Gospel"
today! You, and of course, the urantia book!

Grosnick Marowbe

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I've been sharing an intelligent, informed and relatively accurate portrayal of the contents in the Urantia papers here in the thread so far,....relating such to other religious ideals, principles and correlating mythologies. I having familiarized myself with the subject (unlike yourself) am probably a little more qualified (at this point) to be an expounder of such. This has little to do with 'fancy language', but learning the terms and language-symbols so one might better understand the message. That's the 'key'. You know only those with the right 'key', can unlock and receive the message. I say that in reference to the context of the papers, after all, that is what this thread is about. Have to dignity and respect to recognize that.

Even beyond the UB, the subject of what is 'absolute truth' or what is 'reality' is a question that goes deeper than any theological construct, since 'reality' is essentially what actually is (what exists fundamentally at the heart or foundation of existence, the 'root' of all....the 'ground of being'). There are schools that explore and elaborate on these deeper levels of reality, but one must learn the 'keys' to those systems and discover for himself what the teaching points to so the student can 'realize' such for himself.


Do you agree with my assessment of Caino? That is, that he's
the only one preaching the true Gospel in this age! With the help
of the urantia book of course!


Eclectic Theosophist
open to consider possibilities.....

open to consider possibilities.....

Do you agree with my assessment of Caino? That is, that he's
the only one preaching the true Gospel in this age! With the help
of the urantia book of course!

Caino appears to be more exclusively devoted to the Fifth Epochal Revelation, fundamentally....rather then a more eclectic approach that I take, for it is clear he believes its presentation of Jesus gospel as the most current and perfect revelation for this dispensation, which promotes the religion of Jesus (in contrast to a religion about Jesus which pop-Christainity has turned into.....see the distinction?)...whose main theme is 'The Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man'. The kingdom is a spiritual one, born of faith and the Spirit of God, which illuminates the truth that we are sons of God and that God is "Our Father" , really is 'fundamental'. No preconceived notions about 'sci-fi' or UFO's at all involved here. - the clarity of Jesus teachings in this record is in accord with much in the gospels, further illuminated or modified where necessary, to bring men a more true presentation (according to the revelators).

Why cant you be open to see what is true, logical, reasonable and illuminating in the papers (or any other religious writings outside of the Bible?) There is no reason to hold a belief that God has only spoken within the pages of one collection of books (canonized by a particular religious cult)...when the Spirit of God is omnipresent and omni-active thru-out the whole of existence, and present within all souls having a 'moral conscience' as the 'thought-adjuster'.


For illumination on the 'kingdom of God' concept:

{ The kingdom of heaven }



The Religion of Jesus

(2091.10) 196:2.1 Some day a reformation in the Christian church may strike deep enough to get back to the unadulterated religious teachings of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. You may preach a religion about Jesus, but, perforce, you must live the religion of Jesus. In the enthusiasm of Pentecost, Peter unintentionally inaugurated a new religion, the religion of the risen and glorified Christ. The Apostle Paul later on transformed this new gospel into Christianity, a religion embodying his own theologic views and portraying his own personal experience with the Jesus of the Damascus road. The gospel of the kingdom is founded on the personal religious experience of the Jesus of Galilee; Christianity is founded almost exclusively on the personal religious experience of the Apostle Paul. Almost the whole of the New Testament is devoted, not to the portrayal of the significant and inspiring religious life of Jesus, but to a discussion of Paul’s religious experience and to a portrayal of his personal religious convictions. The only notable exceptions to this statement, aside from certain parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are the Book of Hebrews and the Epistle of James. Even Peter, in his writing, only once reverted to the personal religious life of his Master. The New Testament is a superb Christian document, but it is only meagerly Jesusonian.

(2091.11) 196:2.2 Jesus’ life in the flesh portrays a transcendent religious growth from the early ideas of primitive awe and human reverence up through years of personal spiritual communion until he finally arrived at that advanced and exalted status of the consciousness of his oneness with the Father. And thus, in one short life, did Jesus traverse that experience of religious spiritual progression which man begins on earth and ordinarily achieves only at the conclusion of his long sojourn in the spirit training schools of the successive levels of the pre-Paradise career. Jesus progressed from a purely human consciousness of the faith certainties of personal religious experience to the sublime spiritual heights of the positive realization of his divine nature and to the consciousness of his close association with the Universal Father in the management of a universe. He progressed from the humble status of mortal dependence which prompted him spontaneously to say to the one who called him Good Teacher, “Why do you call me good? None is good but God,” to that sublime consciousness of achieved divinity which led him to exclaim, “Which one of you convicts me of sin?” And this progressing ascent from the human to the divine was an exclusively mortal achievement. And when he had thus attained divinity, he was still the same human Jesus, the Son of Man as well as the Son of God.

(2092.1) 196:2.3 Mark, Matthew, and Luke retain something of the picture of the human Jesus as he engaged in the superb struggle to ascertain the divine will and to do that will. John presents a picture of the triumphant Jesus as he walked on earth in the full consciousness of divinity. The great mistake that has been made by those who have studied the Master’s life is that some have conceived of him as entirely human, while others have thought of him as only divine. Throughout his entire experience he was truly both human and divine, even as he yet is.

(2092.2) 196:2.4 But the greatest mistake was made in that, while the human Jesus was recognized as having a religion, the divine Jesus (Christ) almost overnight became a religion. Paul’s Christianity made sure of the adoration of the divine Christ, but it almost wholly lost sight of the struggling and valiant human Jesus of Galilee, who, by the valor of his personal religious faith and the heroism of his indwelling Adjuster, ascended from the lowly levels of humanity to become one with divinity, thus becoming the new and living way whereby all mortals may so ascend from humanity to divinity. Mortals in all stages of spirituality and on all worlds may find in the personal life of Jesus that which will strengthen and inspire them as they progress from the lowest spirit levels up to the highest divine values, from the beginning to the end of all personal religious experience.

(2092.3) 196:2.5 At the time of the writing of the New Testament, the authors not only most profoundly believed in the divinity of the risen Christ, but they also devotedly and sincerely believed in his immediate return to earth to consummate the heavenly kingdom. This strong faith in the Lord’s immediate return had much to do with the tendency to omit from the record those references which portrayed the purely human experiences and attributes of the Master. The whole Christian movement tended away from the human picture of Jesus of Nazareth toward the exaltation of the risen Christ, the glorified and soon-returning Lord Jesus Christ.

(2092.4) 196:2.6 Jesus founded the religion of personal experience in doing the will of God and serving the human brotherhood; Paul founded a religion in which the glorified Jesus became the object of worship and the brotherhood consisted of fellow believers in the divine Christ. In the bestowal of Jesus these two concepts were potential in his divine-human life, and it is indeed a pity that his followers failed to create a unified religion which might have given proper recognition to both the human and the divine natures of the Master as they were inseparably bound up in his earth life and so gloriously set forth in the original gospel of the kingdom.

(2093.1) 196:2.7 You would be neither shocked nor disturbed by some of Jesus’ strong pronouncements if you would only remember that he was the world’s most wholehearted and devoted religionist. He was a wholly consecrated mortal, unreservedly dedicated to doing his Father’s will. Many of his apparently hard sayings were more of a personal confession of faith and a pledge of devotion than commands to his followers. And it was this very singleness of purpose and unselfish devotion that enabled him to effect such extraordinary progress in the conquest of the human mind in one short life. Many of his declarations should be considered as a confession of what he demanded of himself rather than what he required of all his followers. In his devotion to the cause of the kingdom, Jesus burned all bridges behind him; he sacrificed all hindrances to the doing of his Father’s will.

(2093.2) 196:2.8 Jesus blessed the poor because they were usually sincere and pious; he condemned the rich because they were usually wanton and irreligious. He would equally condemn the irreligious pauper and commend the consecrated and worshipful man of wealth.

(2093.3) 196:2.9 Jesus led men to feel at home in the world; he delivered them from the slavery of taboo and taught them that the world was not fundamentally evil. He did not long to escape from his earthly life; he mastered a technique of acceptably doing the Father’s will while in the flesh. He attained an idealistic religious life in the very midst of a realistic world. Jesus did not share Paul’s pessimistic view of humankind. The Master looked upon men as the sons of God and foresaw a magnificent and eternal future for those who chose survival. He was not a moral skeptic; he viewed man positively, not negatively. He saw most men as weak rather than wicked, more distraught than depraved. But no matter what their status, they were all God’s children and his brethren.

(2093.4) 196:2.10 He taught men to place a high value upon themselves in time and in eternity. Because of this high estimate which Jesus placed upon men, he was willing to spend himself in the unremitting service of humankind. And it was this infinite worth of the finite that made the golden rule a vital factor in his religion. What mortal can fail to be uplifted by the extraordinary faith Jesus has in him?

(2093.5) 196:2.11 Jesus offered no rules for social advancement; his was a religious mission, and religion is an exclusively individual experience. The ultimate goal of society’s most advanced achievement can never hope to transcend Jesus’ brotherhood of men based on the recognition of the fatherhood of God. The ideal of all social attainment can be realized only in the coming of this divine kingdom.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Religion of Jesus

(2091.10) 196:2.1 Some day a reformation in the Christian church may strike deep enough to get back to the unadulterated religious teachings of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. You may preach a religion about Jesus, but, perforce, you must live the religion of Jesus. In the enthusiasm of Pentecost, Peter unintentionally inaugurated a new religion, the religion of the risen and glorified Christ. The Apostle Paul later on transformed this new gospel into Christianity, a religion embodying his own theologic views and portraying his own personal experience with the Jesus of the Damascus road. The gospel of the kingdom is founded on the personal religious experience of the Jesus of Galilee; Christianity is founded almost exclusively on the personal religious experience of the Apostle Paul. Almost the whole of the New Testament is devoted, not to the portrayal of the significant and inspiring religious life of Jesus, but to a discussion of Paul’s religious experience and to a portrayal of his personal religious convictions. The only notable exceptions to this statement, aside from certain parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are the Book of Hebrews and the Epistle of James. Even Peter, in his writing, only once reverted to the personal religious life of his Master. The New Testament is a superb Christian document, but it is only meagerly Jesusonian.



Spam? That reminds me of the OT exaggerations written by the political machine that sought the destruction of Christ.

"(1072.6) 97:9.8 The difference between sacred and profane history is well illustrated by the two differing stories concerning making David king as they are found in the Old Testament. A part of the secular story of how his immediate followers (his army) made him king was inadvertently left in the record by the priests who subsequently prepared the lengthy and prosaic account of the sacred history wherein is depicted how the prophet Samuel, by divine direction, selected David from among his brethren and proceeded formally and by elaborate and solemn ceremonies to anoint him king over the Hebrews and then to proclaim him Saul’s successor.

(1072.7) 97:9.9 So many times did the priests, after preparing their fictitious narratives of God’s miraculous dealings with Israel, fail fully to delete the plain and matter-of-fact statements which already rested in the records.

(1072.8) 97:9.10 David sought to build himself up politically by first marrying Saul’s daughter, then the widow of Nabal the rich Edomite, and then the daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur. He took six wives from the women of Jebus, not to mention Bathsheba, the wife of the Hittite.

(1073.1) 97:9.11 And it was by such methods and out of such people that David built up the fiction of a divine kingdom of Judah as the successor of the heritage and traditions of the vanishing northern kingdom of Ephraimite Israel. David’s cosmopolitan tribe of Judah was more gentile than Jewish; nevertheless the oppressed elders of Ephraim came down and “anointed him king of Israel.” After a military threat, David then made a compact with the Jebusites and established his capital of the united kingdom at Jebus (Jerusalem), which was a strong-walled city midway between Judah and Israel. The Philistines were aroused and soon attacked David. After a fierce battle they were defeated, and once more Yahweh was established as “The Lord God of Hosts.”

(1073.2) 97:9.12 But Yahweh must, perforce, share some of this glory with the Canaanite gods, for the bulk of David’s army was non-Hebrew. And so there appears in your record (overlooked by the Judahite editors) this telltale statement: “Yahweh has broken my enemies before me. Therefore he called the name of the place Baal-Perazim.” And they did this because eighty per cent of David’s soldiers were Baalites.

(1073.3) 97:9.13 David explained Saul’s defeat at Gilboa by pointing out that Saul had attacked a Canaanite city, Gibeon, whose people had a peace treaty with the Ephraimites. Because of this, Yahweh forsook him. Even in Saul’s time David had defended the Canaanite city of Keilah against the Philistines, and then he located his capital in a Canaanite city. In keeping with the policy of compromise with the Canaanites, David turned seven of Saul’s descendants over to the Gibeonites to be hanged.

(1073.4) 97:9.14 After the defeat of the Philistines, David gained possession of the “ark of Yahweh,” brought it to Jerusalem, and made the worship of Yahweh official for his kingdom. He next laid heavy tribute on the neighboring tribes — the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, and Syrians.

(1073.5) 97:9.15 David’s corrupt political machine began to get personal possession of land in the north in violation of the Hebrew mores and presently gained control of the caravan tariffs formerly collected by the Philistines. And then came a series of atrocities climaxed by the murder of Uriah. All judicial appeals were adjudicated at Jerusalem; no longer could “the elders” mete out justice. No wonder rebellion broke out. Today, Absalom might be called a demagogue; his mother was a Canaanite. There were a half dozen contenders for the throne besides the son of Bathsheba — Solomon.

(1073.6) 97:9.16 After David’s death Solomon purged the political machine of all northern influences but continued all of the tyranny and taxation of his father’s regime. Solomon bankrupted the nation by his lavish court and by his elaborate building program: There was the house of Lebanon, the palace of Pharaoh’s daughter, the temple of Yahweh, the king’s palace, and the restoration of the walls of many cities. Solomon created a vast Hebrew navy, operated by Syrian sailors and trading with all the world. His harem numbered almost one thousand.

(1073.7) 97:9.17 By this time Yahweh’s temple at Shiloh was discredited, and all the worship of the nation was centered at Jebus in the gorgeous royal chapel. The northern kingdom returned more to the worship of Elohim. They enjoyed the favor of the Pharaohs, who later enslaved Judah, putting the southern kingdom under tribute."


"(2083.4) 195:9.8 The world needs more firsthand religion. Even Christianity — the best of the religions of the twentieth century — is not only a religion about Jesus, but it is so largely one which men experience secondhand. They take their religion wholly as handed down by their accepted religious teachers. What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings! Descriptive words of things beautiful cannot thrill like the sight thereof, neither can creedal words inspire men’s souls like the experience of knowing the presence of God. But expectant faith will ever keep the hope-door of man’s soul open for the entrance of the eternal spiritual realities of the divine values of the worlds beyond."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Spam? That reminds me of the OT exaggerations written by the political machine that sought the destruction of Christ.

"(1072.6) 97:9.8 The difference between sacred and profane history is well illustrated by the two differing stories concerning making David king as they are found in the Old Testament. A part of the secular story of how his immediate followers (his army) made him king was inadvertently left in the record by the priests who subsequently prepared the lengthy and prosaic account of the sacred history wherein is depicted how the prophet Samuel, by divine direction, selected David from among his brethren and proceeded formally and by elaborate and solemn ceremonies to anoint him king over the Hebrews and then to proclaim him Saul’s successor.

More urantia spam!


More urantia spam!

Who do Zionist worship?

"Zion-ism is a nationalist movement as opposed to a religion or religious movement. It derives from the ethnic nature of the term "Jew" as opposed to the religious nature of the term "Jew". There are many Jewish supporters of Zionism, some of whom pray in synagogues and others who are entirely secular. There are also Christian Zionists who usually worship in churches. There are also Muslim Zionists who usually worship in mosques, but Islamic Zionism is usually taboo in most Muslim countries. Druze Zionists pray with other Druze, etc.

Zionism is not a religion.
Zionist are people who support Israel.
Most Zionists are Christians and Jews."

Urantia revelation:

"(1071.6) 97:9.1 "There never were twelve tribes of the Israelites — only three or four tribes settled in Palestine. The Hebrew nation came into being as the result of the union of the so-called Israelites and the Canaanites. “And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites. And they took their daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to the sons of the Canaanites.” The Hebrews never drove the Canaanites out of Palestine, notwithstanding that the priests’ record of these things unhesitatingly declared that they did."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Who do Zionist worship?

"Zion-ism is a nationalist movement as opposed to a religion or religious movement. It derives from the ethnic nature of the term "Jew" as opposed to the religious nature of the term "Jew". There are many Jewish supporters of Zionism, some of whom pray in synagogues and others who are entirely secular. There are also Christian Zionists who usually worship in churches. There are also Muslim Zionists who usually worship in mosques, but Islamic Zionism is usually taboo in most Muslim countries. Druze Zionists pray with other Druze, etc.

Zionism is not a religion.
Zionist are people who support Israel.
Most Zionists are Christians and Jews."

Urantia revelation:

"(1071.6) 97:9.1 "There never were twelve tribes of the Israelites — only three or four tribes settled in Palestine. The Hebrew nation came into being as the result of the union of the so-called Israelites and the Canaanites. “And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites. And they took their daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to the sons of the Canaanites.” The Hebrews never drove the Canaanites out of Palestine, notwithstanding that the priests’ record of these things unhesitatingly declared that they did."

Blah! blah! blah!


Eclectic Theosophist
Comprehend first, then you can criticize.......

Comprehend first, then you can criticize.......

Jumping the gun again I see.

See my former posts to you.

If you will read the article you 'spammed' again here, you'll get a better insight in how the papers portray Jesus, with emphasis on the religion of Jesus. Didn't Jesus say "follow me?", or live his life here as an example for us? Wasn't his human life showing us the 'Way' to be true to God and do his will, living in his service? (yes or no?)

In this portion, it also speaks of both the human and divine aspects of Jesus, how that pop-Christianity borrowing more from Paul's gospel has over-emphasized the divine Jesus to the exclusion of the human Jesus. If Jesus was both human and divine, both elements and especially his humanity would reveal his intimate association as one of us (an actual human being), and show us that we too can triumph over sin, devote our lives to God's will, and live to serve the kingdom. Would you still call this noble ideal, religious goal and spiritual aim...."spam"?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jumping the gun again I see.

See my former posts to you.

If you will read the article you 'spammed' again here, you'll get a better insight in how the papers portray Jesus, with emphasis on the religion of Jesus. Didn't Jesus say "follow me?", or live his life here as an example for us? Wasn't his human life showing us the 'Way' to be true to God and do his will, living in his service? (yes or no?)

In this portion, it also speaks of both the human and divine aspects of Jesus, how that pop-Christianity borrowing more from Paul's gospel has over-emphasized the divine Jesus to the exclusion of the human Jesus. If Jesus was both human and divine, both elements and especially his humanity would reveal his intimate association as one of us (an actual human being), and show us that we too can triumph over sin, devote our lives to God's will, and live to serve the kingdom. Would you still call this noble ideal, religious goal and spiritual aim...."spam"?


The urantia papers are spam! See, that's the problem!


" It is futile to talk about a revival of primitive Christianity; you must go forward from where you find yourselves. Modern culture must become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of Jesus’ life and illuminated with a new understanding of his gospel of eternal salvation. And when Jesus becomes thus lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Jesus’ disciples should be more than conquerors, even overflowing sources of inspiration and enhanced living to all men. Religion is only an exalted humanism until it is made divine by the discovery of the reality of the presence of God in personal experience."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's NOT blasphemy to, ignore, mock, disregard, etc. the urantia book! The
book is a work of fiction! Created out of the imagination of one or more
authors! It merely 'borrows' from the Bible! Then, it embellishes, theorizes,
and creates a fantasy of conclusions, and speculation!


Eclectic Theosophist

" It is futile to talk about a revival of primitive Christianity; you must go forward from where you find yourselves. Modern culture must become spiritually baptized with a new revelation of Jesus’ life and illuminated with a new understanding of his gospel of eternal salvation. And when Jesus becomes thus lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Jesus’ disciples should be more than conquerors, even overflowing sources of inspiration and enhanced living to all men. Religion is only an exalted humanism until it is made divine by the discovery of the reality of the presence of God in personal experience."

Again, we have a sound, logical, reasonable observation and proposition concerning a spiritual renewal of authentic 'Christianity', which the entirety of the papers, especially Part 4 on the life and teachings of Jesus clearly presents and encourages, with every human and divine resource at hand to bring into being. A clear demonstration of souls living the religious of Jesus is the most direct way of being a kingdom-server, who is living out the divine will, and being 'perfect' as the Father is perfect, their loving (remember the context of Matt. 5:38 - about being 'perfect' by demonstrating the love of God).

Can any serious lover of God deny this logic and path of serving,...which is clearly the will of God? Didn't Jesus say men would recognize that you were his disciples, by the love you showed amongst each other? Again....see the distinction between the religion of Jesus, and merely an intellectualized/theorized religion about Jesus, which is what a lot of modern evangelical pop-Christianity has become, more or less. Would you rather live the religion of Jesus, or just put your 'faith' in a 'story' or 'theological concept' about Jesus? What would Jesus have you do? - one must consider the total message and gospel of Jesus, in a new and fresh way.

In this context,...the papers are clear. On this basis, the message and emphasis can be evaluated and judged for its meaning and value.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Again, we have a sound, logical, reasonable observation and proposition concerning a spiritual renewal of authentic 'Christianity', which the entirety of the papers, especially Part 4 on the life and teachings of Jesus clearly presents and encourages, with every human and divine resource at hand to bring into being. A clear demonstration of souls living the religious of Jesus is the most direct way of being a kingdom-server, who is living out the divine will, and being 'perfect' as the Father is perfect, their loving (remember the context of Matt. 5:38 - about being 'perfect' by demonstrating the love of God).

Can any serious lover of God deny this logic and path of serving,...which is clearly the will of God? Didn't Jesus say men would recognize that you were his disciples, by the love you showed amongst each other? Again....see the distinction between the religion of Jesus, and merely an intellectualized/theorized religion about Jesus, which is what a lot of modern evangelical pop-Christianity has become, more or less. Would you rather live the religion of Jesus, or just put your 'faith' in a 'story' or 'theological concept' about Jesus? What would Jesus have you do? - one must consider the total message and gospel of Jesus, in a new and fresh way.

In this context,...the papers are clear. On this basis, the message and emphasis can be evaluated and judged for its meaning and value.


The "urantia papers" are meaningless, and of no value! They are merely a work of fiction, and should be looked at as such!


Again, we have a sound, logical, reasonable observation and proposition concerning a spiritual renewal of authentic 'Christianity', which the entirety of the papers, especially Part 4 on the life and teachings of Jesus clearly presents and encourages, with every human and divine resource at hand to bring into being. A clear demonstration of souls living the religious of Jesus is the most direct way of being a kingdom-server, who is living out the divine will, and being 'perfect' as the Father is perfect, their loving (remember the context of Matt. 5:38 - about being 'perfect' by demonstrating the love of God).

Can any serious lover of God deny this logic and path of serving,...which is clearly the will of God? Didn't Jesus say men would recognize that you were his disciples, by the love you showed amongst each other? Again....see the distinction between the religion of Jesus, and merely an intellectualized/theorized religion about Jesus, which is what a lot of modern evangelical pop-Christianity has become, more or less. Would you rather live the religion of Jesus, or just put your 'faith' in a 'story' or 'theological concept' about Jesus? What would Jesus have you do? - one must consider the total message and gospel of Jesus, in a new and fresh way.

In this context,...the papers are clear. On this basis, the message and emphasis can be evaluated and judged for its meaning and value.


Great post Freelight, we can see how pitifully blind the religious are. It reminds me of this line in the papers. "When theology masters religion, religion dies; it becomes a doctrine instead of a life."


(1467.1) 132:7.5 “You see, Gonod, Buddha knew God in spirit but failed clearly to discover him in mind; the Jews discovered God in mind but largely failed to know him in spirit. Today, the Buddhists flounder about in a philosophy without God, while my people are piteously enslaved to the fear of a God without a saving philosophy of life and liberty. You have a philosophy without a God; the Jews have a God but are largely without a philosophy of living as related thereto. Buddha, failing to envision God as a spirit and as a Father, failed to provide in his teaching the moral energy and the spiritual driving power which a religion must possess if it is to change a race and exalt a nation.”

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(1467.1) 132:7.5 “You see, Gonod, Buddha knew God in spirit but failed clearly to discover him in mind; the Jews discovered God in mind but largely failed to know him in spirit. Today, the Buddhists flounder about in a philosophy without God, while my people are piteously enslaved to the fear of a God without a saving philosophy of life and liberty. You have a philosophy without a God; the Jews have a God but are largely without a philosophy of living as related thereto. Buddha, failing to envision God as a spirit and as a Father, failed to provide in his teaching the moral energy and the spiritual driving power which a religion must possess if it is to change a race and exalt a nation.”

So says the "fictional" urantia book!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Great post Freelight, we can see how pitifully blind the religious are. It reminds me of this line in the papers. "When theology masters religion, religion dies; it becomes a doctrine instead of a life."

Does it not also say; "Never eat on an empty stomach, without
first having a large portion of food?"
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