ECT The Gospel Proper

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john w

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Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?

Wow-you stumped us all, with that shut down question!

Sell all you have.Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?
Go to Jerusalem 3 times/year, to keep the feasts.

Why don't you just believe what the Bible says?

That is what we are to do.
Believe what Jesus says.

He says to offer the gift of Moses, show yourself to a Levitical priest.

That is what you are to do.
Believe what Jesus says.

Do it.

Watch the intoxicated "logic" that Curly spams back. Watch.

You go against what Jesus says and you try to use different techniques to camouflage the truth and how wrong you are.
Jesus says clearly that we are to repent of our sins.

You go against what Jesus says and you try to use different techniques to camouflage the truth and how wrong you are.
Jesus says clearly that we are to sell all we have, leave all, go to Jerusalem 3 times a year, go to the temple, tithe a good percentage of our net worth, offer the gift that Moses commanded,show ourselves to a Levitical priest, pick up deadly snakes, drink anti-freeze, raise the dead, heal the sick, grow limbs, make the blind see,.........................................................................................................................................................................................

So there.


And watch this "slam dunk:"

Why don't you just believe what the Bible says, Curly?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
God doesn't need to repent of sins---humans have to do that.

And you call me a stooge?

=intoxicated, as Curly says "repent" means to "repent of sins"

Curly:God and Judas stopped committing sins. That is what "repent" means.And Judas was not human, you see, uh, urr....Give me another shot of "Johnny Walker Red!"

Sober up.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
=intoxicated, as Curly says "repent" means to "repent of sins"

Curly:God and Judas stopped committing sins. That is what "repent" means.And Judas was not human, you see, uh, urr....Give me another shot of "Johnny Walker Red!"

Sober up.

Is it really possible that GIT doesn't understand the point you're making?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sorry! This is what I get for being in too big of a hurry and not making myself clear.

What I'm wanting to know is how it reads? Is it a dry, academic theology text book type read or something else?

Is it well written, even if it is academic, or does it feel like something that is self-published and poorly edited?

Is it rational or at least mostly so, or do you have to wade through a lot of cooky nonsense to pick out the stuff worth reading? (Have you ever read anything by Watchman Nee? His stuff is like 99.9% cookiness to .1% total brilliance.)

Would you recommend I buy a copy of the book?

It is a great book, Clete! Buy it! You will read it, and wish it would not end!

His site:


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Every time a human is told to repent, it is about sins.

That's not what you said. You said:

When the Bible says "repent," does it always mean "repent of our sins?"

When it comes to us humans and God it does.

To which I then asked:

The Bible uses the word repent 34 times in 32 verses. You're telling me that every time, it means to "repent of sin"?

And now you're changing your answer, it seems.

Is that correct?


That is just too goofy to respond to.

Jesus told demons to "Go" and they went in some pigs.

Do you think that is a command for you too?

Jesus tells someone to get him a colt.

Do you think that means all should get a colt for Jesus?

I can't believe how ignorant of an argument some people give to get out of obeying Jesus.

Excellent refutation.


New member
Is it really possible that GIT doesn't understand the point you're making?


It's pretty obvious she has a Basic Reading Comprehension problem.

My post to her was Basic, 4Th Grade Elementary Reading Comprehension 101.

About how that what words mean in any sentence depends on how and where they are being used, etc.

Her reaction, the poor soul?

She not only read her own ideas into what I pointed out, but read some evil intent into my words to her.

Meshak is exactly like that, as well.

Personally, I don't view either one of them as evil or up to no good, rather, they're both clearly one fry short of a happy meal, and there is no way around that kind of thing when dealing with such people.

Not all there, is not all there. It is what it is.

Of course, pointing this out to them upsets them, which only keeps them where they are - at very poor at Basic Reading Comprehension Skills.


Try how one might, there simply is no way to reason with such individuals.

Doesn't make them evil, rather, it reveals such are simply feebleminded.

In fact, in the OT, there was provision made for such individuals - they were not to be spit on as outcasts, one reason the Lord would lay into the Pharisees so hard.

Likewise, within Pauline Christianity, thus, why I ended my post to her with 1 Thessalonians 5:14, but wrong her feeble mind could not avoid taking my post.


1 Thessalonians 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

Because Romans 5:6-8, in each our stead.


New member
I've got a copy already on the way! :thumb:


It is one great, great book!

I heard it all before in the Jordan audios its' material was based on, but it is great to have it in book form - which is way faster than wading through all the audios.

I have read it several times, have enjoyed it each time, and have never found one thing off in it.

Not a one.

And you well know how nit-picky I can be, lol.

You're in for a real treat!

Romans 5: 6-11!
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