It was pretty reasonable back around the time of the US Civil War to believe that life might have arisen naturally and changed and diversified by purely natural means to generate everything we see today.
It might even have been marginally feasible back around WWII days before much if anything was known about DNA, how extensive it was and how it worked in detail.
After all I grew up and was in college in those days and accepted it without question.
Science moves on and learns new things.
Today it amazes me that people can read about what is going on in even the simplest cell, and not question whether a process of making errors (mutations) could have created all the marvels now known about cells.
I challenge those who still believe that all life descended from a single hypothetical primitive protocell to read entirely through the "Cell Trends Too" thread at the top of this religion forum and then come back and tell us whether they still believe firmly in that evolution scenario.
That thread covers only the past 7 years of discoveries about cells. Who knows what the next 7 years will bring?
At what point will scientists begin to question the extrapolation of small changes without limit (macroevolution)?
At what point will the schools cease the indoctrination of our children in this obsolete science?
It might even have been marginally feasible back around WWII days before much if anything was known about DNA, how extensive it was and how it worked in detail.
After all I grew up and was in college in those days and accepted it without question.
Science moves on and learns new things.
Today it amazes me that people can read about what is going on in even the simplest cell, and not question whether a process of making errors (mutations) could have created all the marvels now known about cells.
I challenge those who still believe that all life descended from a single hypothetical primitive protocell to read entirely through the "Cell Trends Too" thread at the top of this religion forum and then come back and tell us whether they still believe firmly in that evolution scenario.
That thread covers only the past 7 years of discoveries about cells. Who knows what the next 7 years will bring?
At what point will scientists begin to question the extrapolation of small changes without limit (macroevolution)?
At what point will the schools cease the indoctrination of our children in this obsolete science?