The different ways of describing or referring to different parts of the Bible


What are the different ways of describing or referring to different parts of the Bible? What is the reason, if any (if you know one), for describing or referring to these parts in these ways?


The first book in the Bible is Genesis.

Genesis 1:1 KJV - 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


Well-known member
The Torah, major prophets, minor prophets, gospels, acts, letters, prophecy.

I don't think I have all of them but some of them are right. The books of the Bible are organized as such though not necessarily in chronological order.

Why do you ask?


The first five books of the Bible are called the Torah. The word Torah means Law or instruction. Sometimes you will hear the Torah called the Law. Some people who refer to the first five books of the Bible do not know that it is called the Torah by some. Some people call the first five books the Pentateuch.

The English names for the first five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


The Torah, major prophets, minor prophets, gospels, acts, letters, prophecy.

I don't think I have all of them but some of them are right. The books of the Bible are organized as such though not necessarily in chronological order.

Why do you ask?
I hoping people will learn (about the Bible) from this thread. I am glad I am not the only one to post. I encourage you to post more and I encourage others to post as well.


The Hebrew Bible is composed of the books ordered from Genesis through Chronicles. It is called the TaNaKh. The word TaNaKh actually stands for Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim as I understand it. I hope I got that right. In other words, correspondingly, the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
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The sacred or holy scriptures of the Bible are the TaNaKh, the Hebrew Bible, which when translated into Greek was called the Septuagint. Many Christians refer to these writings as the Old Testament or Old Covenant. These writings or scriptures are a part of the Christian Bible, though in the Christian Bible these are ordered differently (39 books in all, comprised of virtually/basically the same content as the Hebrew Bible). There are some differences between the chapter and verse numbering in the Hebrew Bible as compared with the Christian Old Testament.


Some Christians believe the Old Covenant (Old Testament) writings/scriptures are the old covenant itself, though the scriptures themselves refer to many covenants including the old covenant. That is, the new covenant is spoken of in the book of Jeremiah chapter 31. Jeremiah is one of the prophets of the Hebrew Bible called by many the Christian Old Testament writings or scriptures. The covenant God made with the people of Israel when they departed from Egypt in exodus which we refer to as old is made reference of there. See verses 31-34.


More can be said about the prophets and writings found in the Hebrew Bible, including the Psalms (songs).


The New Covenant though spoken of in the Old Covenant or the Old Testament writings, came about during the time of the events of the New Covenant or New Testament writings, with Jesus as the central figure. Jesus' name in Hebrew is spoken of by many as Yeshua or Yehoshua. Joshua the son of Nun in the Old Testament, and Joshua the High Priest (though not the first High Priest whose name was Aaron (a brother to Moses) and not even the next generation of the sons of Aaron), have a similar if not the same name. It is said that the name means salvation.


The Christian Bible is composed of the Old Testament (writings/scriptures) called the holy or sacred scriptures and the New Testament (writings/scriptures). The first section has 39 books, as already mentioned. The New Testament has 27 books, for a total of 66 books in the Bible. The Bible is the word of God. That is why we call it that.


The Christian Bible's New Testament writings begin with the gospels (or, gospel accounts according to): Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The events of the birth (from pregnancy even), life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are recorded there. From them we know that Jesus is more than just a good teacher and the Messiah, God's Chosen (Anointed) One. He is the (only begotten) Son of God, a Prophet, and Savior, Master, and Lord. This is only the beginning. To the believer, He is even much much more.


Thus we have an introduction to the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. Though Bibles were translated into Latin before they were translated into English, our translations are dependent upon the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek manuscripts/texts.


Well-known member
And all Allegorical Galatians 4:24, Historically silent in to many areas to be considered actual history.

The third Century brought in the historic assertions that dominated the dogma, and led to persecution of Gnostic teachers and burning of Esoteric books that where part of the faith until Rome band it as heretical, Rome was the heretic in this perversion that has infected the minds of western culture ever since.

The programming will go into deny mode yet the facts support the Esoteric interpretation as being the first way, replaced by fear and literal futuristic prophecy for profit.


And all Allegorical Galatians 4:24, Historically silent in to many areas to be considered actual history.

The third Century brought in the historic assertions that dominated the dogma, and led to persecution of Gnostic teachers and burning of Esoteric books that where part of the faith until Rome band it as heretical, Rome was the heretic in this perversion that has infected the minds of western culture ever since.

The programming will go into deny mode yet the facts support the Esoteric interpretation as being the first way, replaced by fear and literal futuristic prophecy for profit.
There are many ways of viewing the Bible. But the truth contained therein is for one purpose. It is never to be interpreted beyond what it was intended to convey. What God gave these people to write is the inspired, inerrant, word of God. It is historically and scientifically accurate, and beyond being useful for every area of our lives it contains the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, the Messiah... the Son of God (God's Son).