Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Whether one is 12 or 90 it's best to ask, "Is there truly a Hell awaiting
those who reject God's Grace?" Should we all fear Hell? Only the
individual can answer that question." I thought about it in 1962 (12
years old) My family wasn't even religious and only went to church
twice a year. Yet, the question came to my mind.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The last thing that Bowie did before leaving this
world is, to leave a Satanic/occultist body of work.

In it he, blasphemed God and Christianity, he made
claim to being god, and he committed sacrilege
pertaining to the Crucifixion of Christ, by portraying
it in a pornographic manner. For a man who was on
the brink of death itself, one would think he'd think
twice about blaspheming his creator? However, he
had an excuse. He was not a Christian nor a child
of God, he didn't have the sealing and indwelling
of the Holy Spirit, and he wasn't in the Body of

Therefore, according to the Bible, he's in a place of
torment at this time and awaiting the judgement of
God. Subsequently, he'll be cast into the Lake of Fire
where he'll spend eternity. By the way, that's the same
fate for Satan and his fallen angels.

A place of torment waiting to be cast into another one? Yeh, that makes a whole lotta sense...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Eh, I've no truck with organized religion of any sort now but if 'repenting of sin and praying for forgiveness' counts then I did that over twenty years ago while 'seeking' things out myself and attending a Pentecostal church. If OSAS counts then hey, I guess I am then eh? If not then hey, yet another doctrinal issue that folk like you can argue and condemn others over etc...

Did it stick?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Whether one is 12 or 90 it's best to ask, "Is there truly a Hell awaiting
those who reject God's Grace?" Should we all fear Hell? Only the
individual can answer that question." I thought about it in 1962 (12
years old) My family wasn't even religious and only went to church
twice a year. Yet, the question came to my mind.

So you were drawn through fear of your own behind being roasted? Is that truly what a supposedly loving god wants?

Turn or burn, such a compassionate and loving doctrine eh?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You best think you're right and I'm not.

Sick and sadistic cruelty has never appealed to me GM. That's why I questioned it when the 'godly folk' of the church were quite content to condemn a 15 year old lad I knew to everlasting fiery torment for committing suicide...

Nice eh?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sick and sadistic cruelty has never appealed to me GM. That's why I questioned it when the 'godly folk' of the church were quite content to condemn a 15 year old lad I knew to everlasting fiery torment for committing suicide...

Nice eh?

If the 15 year old was unsaved and rejected God's Grace, then, he
will stand before God someday and be judged.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your faith in Christ. Does the Holy Spirit dwell within you? Are
you a child of God?

I'm not an atheist, but as to what you're asking then you seem to be the judge and jury anyway. I've already told you I have no truck with 'organized religion', and certainly not your sort.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not an atheist, but as to what you're asking then you seem to be the judge and jury anyway. I've already told you I have no truck with 'organized religion', and certainly not your sort.

One need only hear the Gospel, place all their faith in Christ, (recognize
that they're a lost sinner) be sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit and
baptized (not by water) into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. They
then have received the righteousness of Christ and are considered a
Child of God.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If the 15 year old was unsaved and rejected God's Grace, then, he
will stand before God someday and be judged.

Yeah, reminds me of just what the arrogant, stuck up and compassion challenged puritans said in the church. Thanks for reminding me why I left it.

On that note, you just carry on GM, I've nowt else to say to you.
