The last thing that Bowie did before leaving this
world is, to leave a Satanic/occultist body of work.
In it he, blasphemed God and Christianity, he made
claim to being god, and he committed sacrilege
pertaining to the Crucifixion of Christ, by portraying
it in a pornographic manner. For a man who was on
the brink of death itself, one would think he'd think
twice about blaspheming his creator? However, he
had an excuse. He was not a Christian nor a child
of God, he didn't have the sealing and indwelling
of the Holy Spirit, and he wasn't in the Body of
Therefore, according to the Bible, he's in a place of
torment at this time and awaiting the judgement of
God. Subsequently, he'll be cast into the Lake of Fire
where he'll spend eternity. By the way, that's the same
fate for Satan and his fallen angels.