The citadel of free will is a mirage.


New member
Which means he allows Satan a little free roam because he is the prince of the power of the air.

Only the Eternal Almighty has free-will. All, meaning everything and everyone is subject to His will.

The heretics on this site are subject to His will and He will be glorified through their destruction. He is at this moment glorified in all the evil that befalls them. His vengeance is pure and it is targeted. Amen.


Only the Eternal Almighty has free-will. All, meaning everything and everyone is subject to His will.

The heretics on this site are subject to His will and He will be glorified through their destruction. He is at this moment glorified in all the evil that befalls them. His vengeance is pure and it is targeted. Amen.


This is God to you....



Absolutely and categorically not.

PS stop putting words into my mouth. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

Rotfl... What changed Adam? "Choice"... What changed Satan...? "Choice" What changes the innocence of a child?... "Choice and Influence from this world"

Are you seriously buying what you're selling?

You need to understand this!!!

You are literally a cosmic puppet on a malicious God's strings... in your opinion! :doh:



PPS ...and I need no help from those that twist everything and lie as naturally as breathing.

Choice is an illusion? God desires EVIL to glorify Him and elects iniquity?

Satan doesn't have free will, so God is actual blinding minds to the gospel?

I can't believe this.

Truster... You've taken the Hyper Calvie Plunge!!!



New member
Rotfl... What changed Adam? "Choice"... What changed Satan...? "Choice" What changes the innocence of a child?... "Choice and Influence from this world"

Are you seriously buying what you're selling?

You need to understand this!!!

You are literally a cosmic puppet on a malicious God's strings... in your opinion! :doh:

For 43 years I was a slave to sin and Satan. If I am a puppet then I am the most blessed and cared for puppet ever to have his strings pulled. Amen, amen and Halalu Yah.


I have this confidence and comfort.

I know, for an absolute fact, that wherever I am . Whatever my intents, thoughts, word and deeds that I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Almighty. Amen.

I'm not saying you aren't saved... but I am saying that your theological witness smashes the face of GOD and distorts His Glory into something bad.

Also... by those words... you are claiming to be like Jesus. You think I'm kidding? It couldn't be more obvious.

You really think you are doing God's will in all things that you do. This is upsetting and a little off-putting in a severe way.

Keep your comfort and confidence... but seriously go back to the Bible with only 1 John 2:27 in your mind as commentary!


New member
Choice is an illusion? God desires EVIL to glorify Him and elects iniquity?

Satan doesn't have free will, so God is actual blinding minds to the gospel?

I can't believe this.

Truster... You've taken the Hyper Calvie Plunge!!!

Your label sticking is showing, because you have nothing else to bring. Fail.


New member
I know, for an absolute fact, that wherever I am . Whatever my intents, thoughts, word and deeds that I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Almighty. Amen.

I'm not saying you aren't saved... but I am saying that your theological witness smashes the face of GOD and distorts His Glory into something bad.

Also... by those words... you are claiming to be like Jesus. You think I'm kidding? It couldn't be more obvious.

You really think you are doing God's will in all things that you do. This is upsetting and a little off-putting in a severe way.[/QUOTE]

I am saying that you are not saved. I am saying that you do not love the truth nor The Truth.
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Your label sticking is showing, because you have nothing else to bring. Fail.


I'm a free will Theist. I also see God differently than you and it offends me when Satan is credited to God as God's doing.

I appreciate your patience in dialogue... but I'm calling it like I am clearly discerning it. Satan is malevolent! God is not!


New member
This is to you from my soul... All love to you... Truster... Brother that denies me and doesn't believe in my love for Jesus.

I believe in Jesus and I believe in His Love for you.

I would never call you brother while you are still in sin and under the dominion of Satan.


New member
Mankind denies Messiah His birthright, by claiming sovereignty or freedom of the will.

Yes, they agree that all authority has been given Him, except in the throne of the will of man. At that throne, the Eternal Almighty is expected to bow down.

" Yea, hath Elohim said....?"

"Ye shalt not surely die".

This comment has been well and truly proven in this thread.