the apocalypse


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Hall of Fame
day 55

day 55

you were talking about history

I think it's the key

the key to what?

understanding prophecy

so you force the historical event to fit?

not just one, they all have to fit

you must like puzzles

I really do

so what is next?

babylon the great

another piece of the puzzle

let's see if it fits


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Hall of Fame
day 56

day 56

so why don't they know about the seven hills of constantinople?

it's a mystery

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes it is revelation 17:5

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

everyone knew about the seven hills of rome

even peter

you mean he didn't go to babylon?

there is no evidence that he did

the bible is not evidence?

you have to connect the dots

it's so hard

just ask for help

so what's next?




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Hall of Fame
day 57

day 57

so we don't know much about antipas

victorinus didn't know much about antipas

how do you explain that?

his version of the apocalypse didn't mention antipas

how can you know that?

he did mention balaam, balak, nicolaitanes, and the white stone

but he didn't mention antipas or pergamos?

that's right

it does make you wonder

I was hoping you would

so what is next?


not much interest in that

I noticed that


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Hall of Fame
day 58

day 58

so there is not much to say about armageddon

no there isn't

so why did you start a thread about it?

I was hoping somebody would have something to say about it

they may not be watching

they should be watching


blessed is he that watcheth

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes it is revelation 16:15

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?

the four horsemen

that has to be your favorite

yes it is


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Hall of Fame
day 59

day 59

so what is next?

on the road again

family again?

family again

you must have a lot of family

the only thing worse than no family is too much family

will you have access to a computer?

I wouldn't have time even if I did

how long will you be gone?

about ten days

have a good trip

thank you, thank you very much


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
welcome back

thank you, thank you very much

how does it feel?

weird, very weird

did you miss us?

not really

so are you going to start where you left off?

don't know where I left off

well the important thing is that you get started

the important thing may be that I took a break

this is true


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why are there so many interpretations?

this is a test

for what?

to see how we treat those with different views

so it doesn't matter what you believe?

what you do matters

what you do is determine by what you believe

if you're normal

doesn't free will have something to do with this?

it is being tested

is that it?

it is also being changed

if you're lucky

if you ask for help

why should you ask for help?

because you need it

so what is next?

the two witnesses


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so the two witnesses are the church and state?


based on what?

the bible

how did you find that?

just search the bible for the two olive trees

how do you get church and state from that?

history and common sense

why do you use history?

because it is there

so what is next?





The Catholics produced TWO explanations for the ONE book.
A wide net will catch many unlearned fish.

Which explanation are you using?
Why didn't Jesus tell them what the meaning was?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Catholics produced TWO explanations for the ONE book.
A wide net will catch many unlearned fish.

Which explanation are you using?
Why didn't Jesus tell them what the meaning was?

there is no official catholic explanation for the apocalypse


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why is this important?

for most it isn't

for you it is?

you need to understand certain things

and you need to share that?

there is also the need to test it

so you are looking for feedback?

maybe just a dialogue

good luck with that

thank you

so what is next?

the little book

did you eat it?

yes I did


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so you ate the little book?

yes I did

what does that mean?

it becomes part of you

are you obsessed with it?

you could say that?

can you?

yes I can

how did this happen?

it is being used to discredit the church

so you are using it to promote the church?

it's my job

so you believe in work?

you will be known by it

so what is next?

the seven heads


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why don't you count kings?

there are too many

too many to count?

way more than seven

so why do you count dynasties?

there are exactly seven

what do you know about dynasties?

I just report what the historians write

how did you find this?

I just counted them

why haven't the others noticed this?

it is a mystery

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is revelation 17:7

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is next?

new jerusalem